MEDI1TV Afrique : #Chronique_culture du 25-11-2024 - 25/11/2024
00:00Welcome to Média1TV and we are heading to Senegal and Congo in this chroniculture to meet a man who does a lot for African culture and this producer and manager is Luc Mahi-Toukou.
00:24Luc Mahi-Toukou won during the last edition of the Festival Visa for Music a prize for his entire career and especially for everything he does for African culture.
00:35Luc Mahi-Toukou, it is a pleasure and an honor to be with you. Thank you very much Luc Mahi-Toukou for accepting our invitation.
00:42My very first question, first a word about the prize you received during Visa for Music.
00:49Hello, this prize is a recognition of all the work we do on the continent with Zooculture, with Syntric, the work of training, the support of young entrepreneurs, young artists and also all the work of broadcasting that we do.
01:04This recognition is now coming to fruition and we are very happy to have received it.
01:11Luc Mahi-Toukou, you are a producer and manager on the African continent, you are Congolese but today you are settled in Senegal. What is your view on this African musical cultural scene?
01:29The first look I have is the quality of the production, the quality of the creativity of African music and today it is the African continent for me that is a leader.
01:41But this scene should be accompanied by funding mechanisms, by training mechanisms and that is why we are working on it.
01:48And this scene today, we see it through the Visa for Music festival, the quality that we have and the public must benefit from it because all these shows convey identities, convey our cultural values and therefore it is important to support it and I am very, very proud of it.
02:04Luc Mahi-Toukou, the world experienced a pandemic a few years ago that brought us a new look at the digital, a new look at the platforms.
02:16Mobility on the African continent is not, we will say, is not yet easy enough. Can you see today in these platforms a means, an opportunity for this African culture, first of all, to get to know each other?
02:33Exactly, and the pandemic has taught us a lot. It has taught us a lot by saying that we can use all the digital tools that exist, that we can use them not only for creation but also to connect, to connect the public, the world and today, thanks to the digital, we can reach the whole world.
02:53And so today, it is important that we follow the trend, that we are not behind. You remember, we were behind on access to the Internet, but today we have access to the Internet, so we can totally compete with the rest of the world. I say compete, much more exchange with the rest of the world.
03:12I also wanted to ask you a question, you said it, so in relation to the funding, in relation to the funds that could precisely open other doors, expand precisely this field in which African music shines and the African continent through all its arts. What would it take for there to be more funds to accompany precisely this cultural scene that is still shining from all over the world?
03:41I always say one thing, it is that one of the things on which we are sure that the continent is hyper-developed, it is creation, it is creativity. So it would be necessary for governments to accompany it, first of all for governments to be able to set up mechanisms to support this creativity on the entire value chain. Creation, production, dissemination, it would be necessary for governments to support it before we can even allow bilateral or multilateral cooperation to intervene also on the continent.
04:08But today it is first of all a responsibility of our governments to accompany culture through the ministries of culture that we put in place. And that is really important, we should be able to support this creation, because it is at the top.
04:24I imagine, of course, that it is at the top and we see a little bit all the prices that we meet at all levels, not necessarily in music, but in creation, in cinema, I mean that African creation is well present.
04:39Maybe one last question. So we had the chance to meet here in Rabat, Morocco, as part of this exceptional festival, it must be said, Visa4Music, which is a real platform for meetings between all cultures, especially the African continent, but also the world and the Arab world.
04:59You, over the years you have come to the festival, what has brought you precisely these meetings and these exchanges with the cultural actors of the continent and of course of the world?
05:12It must be said, and I have the chance to be there since the first edition, so I did all the editions with Marcel Tours aux Cultures, and Rabat with Visa4Music is a real platform for meetings and exchanges.
05:23And it has allowed this platform to professionalize a lot of actors and to bring together producers, broadcasters, and today when we do the assessment of the presence of actors at Visa4Music, we have a very high percentage in terms of distribution, marketing of cultural products, specifically those in music.
05:45So for me, Visa4Music is a success. We have exceeded the 10-year mark, and today, as soon as it continues, we turn to the 20-year mark.
05:54Thank you very much Luc Mahi-Toukou for responding to our invitation and congratulations in any case for your prize and for everything you do for African culture on the continent.
06:04Thank you very much.
06:07And thank you, dear viewers, for your loyalty. Stay with us. The information continues on our different channels, Arabic Media TV, African Media TV, Maghreb Media TV, and of course on our digital media,