• last year
‘Real demand-capacity gap’ in dementia places ‘overwhelming reason’ for delayed discharges at SWAH and Altnagelvin


00:00See in relation to then discharge and it goes back to my earlier point around the car packages
00:04Is that still being significantly hampered by the lack of of domiciliary care and and does that then impact dispose on?
00:12Ability to further utilize feeder capacity because of a lack of bed capacity
00:21Basically I have to acknowledge that in a certain in the southern sector the Western Trust isn't so much domiciliary care. It's more
00:30dementia dementia places
00:32There's a real reduction and a real demand capacity gap in the number of places available for people who need dementia care
00:40And that is our that is our overwhelming impact
00:43reason for people being delayed in South West acute hospital in Atmogalvin and there's a
00:47Fundamental gap across Northern Ireland in that there are underlying reasons for that one being that the tariff for nursing homes is the same
00:56Dementia as it is for general nursing. So clearly we're not going to entice new entrants into the marketplace when that is the case
01:03We are paying more than tariff across the board anyway, so we we need to look at that
01:06That's something we are we recognize as a regional piece of work to see how we can expand that marketplace because it's really really important
