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La sesión para debatir la reforma sindical, solicitada por el radicalismo, no logró reunir el quórum necesario de 129 diputados, quedándose corta con solo 112.

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00:00The session failed because of the trade union reform that radicalism was asking for.
00:06There was no quorum, only 112 deputies met, 129 are needed to start the session.
00:14Anyway, there was a regulatory issue that was going to be difficult to deal with,
00:18but the truth is that there was no quorum, the trade union reform is not going to be debated.
00:24It is the first of the sessions that was scheduled for this week.
00:30The first is this one, because of the trade union reform that radicalism was asking for.
00:35Pablo, what is being discussed here is, because it is very interesting that the session failed,
00:42because here are the privileges of a sector that the government calls the caste, which is the trade union caste.
00:48So, one thing is the narrative of going against the fat of the CGT,
00:53and another thing is what ends up happening against the trade union benefits.
00:59Yes, the spirit of this initiative, which was discussed even in commissions,
01:03was raised by Javier Milei on March 1st, where he said that the re-election of trade unionists was going to be limited,
01:09that he was going to be forced to present sworn statements, among other things.
01:13But that is not going to happen.
01:15No, not at least this year.
01:17In addition, the government at one point retreated and ended up agreeing with the trade unionists,
01:22under the excuse that all conflicts cannot be opened at the same time.
01:27So, only radicalism and a sector of the pro remained, with this flag linked to the trade union reform.
01:33Obviously, Peronism is against it.
01:35This is the first of the sessions.
01:37What we are seeing is Maga Martín de Tas, who is the one who asked for this special session,
01:41criticizing the lack of support from the government.
01:44And what we are going to have at three in the afternoon is another special session request
01:49by the DNU, which allows to make changes in the debt exchange.
01:54The opposition wants to overturn this decree that enables or gives more powers to the government
02:00to make a debt exchange.
02:02Also, in principle, I would tell you, because of the numbers I was doing,
02:07it will be difficult for them to get a quorum.
02:09There are already deputies of non-Kirchnerist Peronism who are saying,
02:14well, we are not going to accompany, but all this is tied to the discussion with the governors
02:19about the budget.
02:20Let's continue, Pablo, because it is important.
02:21We repeat, this has just happened.
02:22It is happening.
02:23It is happening.
02:24Give me a little bit of the audio and you know that the radical deputy must be very angry.
02:28It is clear, and he will be consulting the list of those present,
02:32who are committed to the trade union reform that Argentina needs.
02:37Dr. Alfonsín, Mr. President, is looking at us from the sky.
02:42We pay tribute to his enormous conviction of realizing that the time to make these reforms
02:49in Argentina was the time in which he began his management.
02:54This is the time of the most important reform in this state.
02:58I know today that we are not going to continue trying to get a quorum in our sessions
03:05with which it is a half-fight against a sector of which the government determines that it is the caste.
03:10On the one hand, we say that we are fighting, but on the other hand,
03:14we do not enable the session so that truly the reform that you can ...
03:18Look at it with you.
03:20We can review what would have included, rather, to express myself correctly,
03:27this trade union reform that is now on the way.
03:30It is clear how the Chamber of Deputies is empty, right?
03:34Basically, I would tell you, the main points are the limitation of the re-election for trade unionists,
03:41the presentation of sworn statements and also an opening
03:47so that not everyone has to be enrolled within the CGT.
03:51It would be a democratization of trade unions,
03:53something that Peronism rejected from the beginning of democracy.
03:56We remember that Raúl Alfonsín, one of the first laws he presented as soon as he assumed office as president,
04:02was the trade union reform, very similar to this one that is being proposed now.
04:06And it is rejected in the Senate by the vote of a provincial senator,
04:14who until that moment was not an ally of the government, then he left.
04:18Let me ask you a question.
04:20Everything has to do with everything.
04:22As Pancho Ibañez said, everything.
04:24And in politics, much more.
04:26You have to read between the lines.
04:28Doesn't this have something to do with the fact that it fell into the treatment
04:32of the reform of trade union law or trade unionism?
04:37That Pablo Moyano has resigned because the government agreed something with the CGT
04:43and in that agreement it was that this session or this treatment falls?
04:49Yes, of course.
04:51This is something that has been negotiated since, I would tell you, the month of April, May.
04:55That is, it was already known that this was not going to prosper.
04:58Of course, that's why I return to this chronology.
05:01The government, through my law, in the presentation of March 1,
05:05says we are going to launch the democratization of trade unions, transparency and the anti-caste law.
05:11That, that initiative of the government, begins to dilute over time.
05:15First with a meeting that was very talked about between Guillermo Francos
05:20and the dialogist sector of the CGT, of which Santiago Caputo also participated.
05:24From that, the relationship between the CGT and the government improved.
05:29Of course, Pablo Moyano, as you suggest, was always against these paths of dialogue
05:35and always raised that the struggles had to be hardened through strikes, demonstrations in the streets, etc.
05:41In one of the last meetings that there was of the CGT,
05:44Pablo Moyano suggests that he wants to strike before the end of the year.
05:48That fails because there is another sector that is dialogist
05:51and finally the CGT ends up breaking with Pablo Moyano who goes on his side.
05:56Anyway, there is the unknown about Hugo Moyano and his role.
06:00If he is going to remain in the CGT or if he is going to accompany his son Pablo.
06:06For now, what we are seeing, the failure of this session, has to do with that agreement that you make.
06:11Stop a minute here, 13.40.
06:13If necessary, of course, we leave a window of what is happening there in the Chamber of Deputies.
06:18In parallel, they are not being able to transfer Jorge Lanata.
