• last year
Part 6 of 7 of the 1990 drama. Richard is on the warpath, having discovered his wife's involvement in her daughter's abortion of his best friend's child. Having left Helen, he then seeks out Sally, who he finds in bed with Jamal, and confronts her. Inga learns that Richard has left Helen and turns up at her home to taunt her, hopeful that she may yet be able to win him back. Meanwhile Felix and Elizabeth are enjoying their holiday in Venice, totally oblivious to what is happening, and little realizing what is awaiting them as they head back home...

Part 6 and all hell is let loose as Richard discovers that the people he trusted the most lied to him, and it makes for a great episode. The awful Helen discovers that she cannot bully her way out of the situation, while Inga gets her moment to enjoy. And then there is the slimy Felix, who finds a unwelcome surprise waiting for him when he returns from holiday and shows just how nasty he can be when he finds he can't placate his old mate.


