• last year
Part 5 of 7 of the 1990 drama. It's Christmas, but Sally isn't coming home. Instead she stays with Carey and his girlfriend Marsha, but she sees a different side to her father there, especially when Marsha suddenly goes into labour. Richard makes a New Year resolution to end his visits to his ex wife Inga, which panics Felix, who is already regretting getting involved with the increasingly depressed Inga. He is desperate to go on holiday to Venice, but Elizabeth refuses to go until after the opening of Helen's art exhibition. And it proves a deeply uncomfortable time for Felix when first Sally arrives with new boyfriend Jamal, then Inga turns up unannounced. As the pressure builds he makes a decision that he will live to regret, but it is Richard's actions that prove the catalyst for what is to come, as Inga has a secret of her own.

Part 5 is easily the best episode by far. Part of the enjoyment of this is seeing Felix squirm, and the scene at Helen's Art exhibition is hugely enjoyable as first Sally and then the increasingly fragile Inga turn up while he's there with his unsuspecting wife Elizabeth. It's an electrifying episode, and when Felix and then Richard make an ill advised decision, Inga comes fully into her own...

