• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Questo progetto è l'evoluzione di ciò che è la nostra vocazione, la vocazione del Gruppo e di come è cresciuto in questi ultimi anni. Noi ci occupiamo di infrastrutture e di servizi che servono per muoversi, quindi di reti fisiche e di servizi. Ora fare reti vuol dire mettere in relazione, vuol dire avere relazioni con comunità, vuol dire consentire alle persone di spostarsi, di muoversi e di poter costruire ulteriori relazioni. Questo progetto ‘Fili’ è totalmente coerente con questo tipo di visione”. Lo dichiara Marco Giovanni Piuri, amministratore delegato di Trenord, in occasione dell’evento ‘Fili per il futuro delle città: un nuovo metabolismo urbano con reti ecologiche e sociali’, organizzato a Milano da Fnm.


00:00What do you see as the future of the network?
00:04Let's say that it is, on the one hand, the evolution of what is our vocation,
00:08the vocation of the group and also the vocation of the group as it has grown in recent years.
00:13We take care of infrastructure, we take care of services that serve to move,
00:17so networks in the end, physical networks and service networks.
00:21Now, making networks means establishing relationships,
00:23it means having relationships with communities,
00:25it means allowing people to move, to move
00:28and to be able to build further relationships.
00:31This is the FILE project and it is totally consistent with this type of vision,
00:35which is typical of the group, which is declining in a way,
00:38a way that in some ways is certainly visionary,
00:41because it means thinking about a, let's say,
00:44new metabolism that connects territories,
00:47making it around an infrastructure of transport that will continue to function.
00:52So it is not the classic intervention where a function ceases,
00:55an area is freed and an intervention is made,
00:57but around an infrastructure that functions,
00:59that feeds the life of communities and relationships,
01:02we are going to develop a series of interventions
01:04that have content of innovation,
01:06that have content of attention to the environment
01:09and to sustainability in social terms, above all.
01:12The project, in reality, is a project that is articulated, let's say, in several points,
01:15so let's say that the temporal advancement is different,
01:17a component that plants there is already very advanced,
01:20the whole planting project, over 11,000 plants already planted,
01:24so it is a project that is already walking.
01:26Other points, other nodes,
01:28require administrative procedural steps,
01:31let's think of the intervention on Cadorna.
01:33Saronno and Bovivio are interventions that are already in force
01:36and that in the course of two or three years will certainly be completed.
01:40So let's say it's a puzzle where there is a unitary vision,
01:43where the individual components have been at different levels of advancement and development.
