• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Gli allevamenti hanno un ruolo sociale importante, non soltanto per gli alimenti che ci donano ma anche per una questione ecologica. Gli animali d’allevamento mangiano infatti tantissimi prodotti sub-vegetali che noi non mangiamo e che se non fossero da questi mangiati rappresenterebbero un enorme scarto e ci sarebbe dunque anche un problema ecologico”. Così Juan Pascual, veterinario, divulgatore scientifico e autore del volume “Perché essere onnivori”, a margine dell’evento ‘Cosa significa mangiare secondo natura?’, svoltosi a Roma.


00:00Yes, man is an ivory before being a man. 2.6 million years ago, Homo Erectus, the first
00:11ancestor of human beings, began to eat meat. So this has become a key issue for our evolution.
00:19Therefore, eating meat, eggs and everything, even vegetables is very important for us.
00:25Breeding has a much more important social role, not only for the food they give us,
00:34but particularly because there is also an ecological issue.
00:39Breeding animals eat a lot of vegetables.
00:44For every kilo of vegetables we eat, they produce four of us.
00:49We eat popcorn, but the corn plant is much bigger.
00:54And all these vegetable by-products that we cannot eat, are eaten by breeding animals.
01:01Without animals, we would have a huge amount, billions of tons of vegetable by-products,
01:09which would really be an ecological problem of the utmost importance.
