• last year
(Adnkronos) - La Federazione delle Società Medico-Scientifiche Italiane (FISM) ha inaugurato a Bari, in collaborazione con il Ministero della Salute, il Villaggio della Salute, una tre giorni dedicata alla prevenzione e all'educazione sanitaria.


00:00The Federation of Italian Medical and Scientific Societies has inaugurated in Bari, in collaboration
00:08with the Ministry of Health, the Village of Health, a three-day dedicated to prevention
00:13and health education.
00:14Until December 1, Piazza Libertà, in the center of the capital Pugliese, becomes a
00:19large prevention, information and awareness hub, welcoming citizens in an area of about
00:241,500 square meters.
00:26The large tension structure is articulated by workshops, a multidisciplinary ambulatory,
00:32informative stands for a series of pathologies, from cardio-renal and metabolic syndrome
00:36to rectal disease.
00:38An example of synergy between the realities involved, the Village of Health represents
00:42a unique opportunity to spread the culture of prevention by actively practicing it
00:46through free services and moments of confrontation.
00:49The Village is a virtuous model of collaboration between private and third sector publics
00:54who have participated and are united by a common goal, the protection and improvement
00:59of the health of the citizens.
01:01Applause also came from the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, who in a video call
01:06spoke of a beautiful initiative, possible thanks to the availability of health professionals
01:11and representatives of the various institutions of the sector, to offer free screenings,
01:16specialist visits and training courses and to raise awareness of the importance of prevention.
01:21Also present is the Deputy Secretary of Health, Marcello Gemmato, who received the invitation
01:26of FISM and its President, Loreto Gesualdo, to carry out this event at the conclusion of the G7 Salute.
01:32We launch a very strong message on prevention.
01:36The logo of the Village of Health is a germ.
01:40We want to make the culture of prevention germinate here in Bari at 360 degrees.
01:51For more information, visit www.fism.org
