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Hola y bienvenidos a WatchMojo Español, y para esta lista estaremos viendo los 20 peores remakes de telenovelas. En esta ocasión, hablaremos de aquellas telenovelas que, en opinión de los fans, debieron haber quedado en una sola versión y guardarlas en la memoria. Así que prepárate para recordar algunos títulos que tal vez habrías preferido olvidar.


00:00It's your fault! You're the only one responsible!
00:05For you, my brother and your mom are dead!
00:10Hello and welcome to WatchMollo Español, I'm Jackie and for this list we'll be watching our top 20 of worst remakes of soap operas.
00:19This time we'll talk about those soap operas that, according to the fans, should have been in only one version and save them in memory.
00:29So get ready to remember some titles that maybe you would have preferred to forget.
00:37Number 20, Fuego en la Sangre.
00:39I don't know what we came here for.
00:42No, I do know what we came here for.
00:44To deceive us of a good time with the kings.
00:47Well, let's see who's the girl.
00:49We don't have anything to do with the kings anymore.
00:52This Mexican remake of the successful Colombian soap opera, Pasión de Gavilanes, tried to replicate the success of the original, but it was very far from achieving it.
01:03Despite having as a base a popular and beloved story, the casting of older actors for roles that required youth made the plot not so believable.
01:14Although the story has its roots in the wild waters of 1994, it was Pasión de Gavilanes that really stole the hearts of the fans.
01:23What rat are you talking about, Oscar Reyes?
01:25What else will it be?
01:27What do you think?
01:29That I can abuse my wife without anyone defending her or claiming her?
01:32I wish that dead fly that I abused her.
01:36The soap opera caused sensation in all the countries in which it was shown, even having a second part almost 20 years later.
01:45The remake, despite having a recognized cast, did not manage to be up to the tremendous phenomenon.
01:52The balls of El Marrano.
01:55And no one moves me here.
01:57Listen to your daughter, the weather is a little cold and it can hurt you, Mr. Martin.
02:02Music, boys, very strong, I like music.
02:08Number 19, Niña de mi Corazón.
02:11This Mexican soap opera, like Mi Pequeña Traviesa, are remakes of the 1972 Argentine soap opera Me Llaman Gorrión.
02:21They maintain the same plot, the story of a young worker who gives everything for her family, pretending to be a man.
02:28And a romance hindered by class differences.
02:32While Mi Pequeña Traviesa, starring Michelle Bieth and Héctor Soberón, was a resounding success at the time.
02:40And what's up? Are you Antonio Miranda?
02:43No, he's my dad.
02:45And he is?
02:48And then who am I going to measure?
02:54The remake of the 2010 Niña de mi Corazón, starring Eric Elias and Paulina Goto in its stellar presentation, did not have the same luck.
03:04Despite having the same producer, the audience did not connect with the leading couple.
03:10And the small changes in the story made it lack the rhythm and charm that characterized its predecessor.
03:17And I take Andrés. I guess you don't care, do you?
03:20Well, I think...
03:21You, you shut up and let's go.
03:23From this moment on, I'm your boss. Do you understand?
03:27As you wish, boss.
03:28Number 18. Forever my love.
03:31Damn you, Isabel.
03:33This 2013 telenovela maintains the elements of love, ambition and revenge of its original version, Mi Segunda Madre, the successful 1989 telenovela.
03:45At the time, the original, starring María Sortey and Enrique Novi, broke audience records with 50 rating points.
03:54And your partner?
03:56She's in the other pool.
03:58You don't know what a pleasure it gives me to see her again.
04:01You won't believe it, but since I met her at the Mexico City airport, I haven't been able to forget her.
04:10However, the remake did not achieve the same impact.
04:14The main couple, played by Susana González and Guy Ecker, did not convince the audience.
04:21González lacked strength to fill the role that Sortey played with great skill, while Ecker was more noticeable for the role he played.
04:41Number 17. Dreams and candies.
04:44A remake that definitely did not achieve the success of its predecessor.
04:49The original version is Argentine, but it was the dreamer, the Mexican remake of 1991, that won the audience.
04:57And I need to see it.
05:01Are you coming to ask for a job?
05:05That if you come to ask for a job.
05:07Ah, of course, of course, that's what I'm coming for.
05:12The remake of 2005, with its childish approach and a cast of children, did not cause the same impact.
05:18The plot had a big twist, in the previous version it was about a romance in the warehouses.
05:24However, Dreams and Candies had children as protagonists and the plot focused more on the mischief and complicity of the children,
05:32but it did not manage to connect or be memorable to the audience of that time.
05:37This was incredible.
05:40They looked like very colorful silk fabrics.
05:43How cool it was, I liked this more than hanging myself from the roof.
05:47Number 16. In the name of love.
05:50The telenovela starring Alison Loss and Sebastián Zurita is an adaptation of the 1991 bitter chains telenovela.
06:00The plot that explores the resentment and hatred of a woman towards her niece was memorable in its original version
06:06thanks to the interpretation of Diana Bracho as the cold and calculating Aunt Evangelina.
06:12It's your fault. You are the only one responsible.
06:17For you, my brother and your mother are dead.
06:22However, in the remake, the character played by Leticia Calderón as Aunt Carlota was too exaggerated,
06:30losing the subtlety of evil in its original version.
06:33The character ended up looking more like a villain caricature than a threatening figure,
06:39something that remained serious and caused the failure of the remake.
06:43And you will not be the exception. Now that Cristóbal knows who you are, there will be nothing that hurts him more than your death.
06:51And so I will end my revenge against him.
06:55Number 15. Peregrina.
06:57The first time Peregrina's story was released was in the 70s,
07:01but her first Venezuelan remake, who surpassed her, Cassandra.
07:06The story follows a young woman who, due to the greed of a woman, ends up living in a circus far from her real father.
07:13Don't worry, don't worry. If you want, I'll take you.
07:17And it took you many hours to get here.
07:19It was expensive.
07:21While Cassandra was a resounding international success and left an indelible mark among the audience,
07:27the Mexican-Peregrine remake of 2005 failed to capture the same magic.
07:33The leading couple did not convince, and according to fans, this version was not up to the iconic Venezuelan telenovela.
07:40What led to the failure was this attempt at adaptation.
07:44You are like God everywhere.
07:47The place is not very big. I passed my car on the street, I saw you, I got off and ...
07:53Well, here you have me.
07:55Number 14. Under the reins of love.
07:57Isabel, Rodrigo is after my uncle's money.
08:04I don't think he loves you as he says.
08:06How can you talk like that, Alejandra?
08:08This telenovela is the remake of the iconic telenovela When Love Arrives,
08:13originally starring Lucero and Omar Fierro.
08:16Both telenovelas tell the story of a young woman who has it all,
08:20but her envious cousin is willing to ruin her life.
08:24You live with us because we love you, Ingrid.
08:28You know that more than my cousin, you are like my sister.
08:31And you can always count on me, okay?
08:33Although the original version was a success and left a memorable mark in the audience,
08:38the remake with Adriana Fonseca and Gabriel Soto was not as lucky.
08:43Fans criticized the performances,
08:45since they consider that they did not manage to be up to the original cast
08:49and that the story felt flat,
08:51causing this remake not to achieve the same impact.
08:56Hey, what's wrong with you?
08:57What's wrong with you, idiot?
08:59What's wrong with you?
09:00And be grateful that I don't grab you by the hair and tie you up.
09:03Number 13. Por un beso.
09:06You're going to forget Daniel.
09:09Forget him? I don't think so.
09:12But I swear I'm going to get ahead.
09:14This telenovela tried to revive the magic of the 1983 telenovela La Fiera,
09:20the second Mexican remake of the Venezuelan telenovela La Gata,
09:25but it ended up being very short.
09:28La Fiera, starring Victoria Rufo and Guillermo Capetillo, was a total success,
09:33conquering its audience with the love story between a humble young woman
09:37and a rich man faced by social differences and the opposition of his family.
09:44My love, you are jealous.
09:45Of course I am.
09:49I'm so afraid of losing you.
09:52You will never lose me.
09:54You have been, you are and you will be the only woman in my life.
09:58In the remake, Natalia Esperón and Víctor Noriega took the lead roles,
10:03but despite the classic formula and nostalgia for the original story,
10:07Por un beso failed to capture the attention of the audience.
10:10The low ratings and the dissatisfaction of the fans made it clear
10:15that this adaptation failed to do justice to its predecessor.
10:20Fortunately, I am not the only one who wants to destroy the love between my son Daniel and Azucena.
10:29Forget about her, you are for me.
10:32Number 12. Abismo de Pasión.
10:34A remake that never managed to escape the shadow of its predecessor, Cañaveral de Pasiones.
10:40So you have to make a decision right now, Julia.
10:44You have to decide once and for all.
10:46Which one do you want?
10:49Juan de Dios or me?
10:54Do what Pablo says, Julia.
10:57The original version, starring Daniela Castro and Juan Soler,
11:01is remembered as a classic of Mexican telenovelas,
11:04full of intensity and chemistry between the protagonists.
11:08However, when Abismo de Pasión came out with Angelic Boyer and David Cepeda at the front,
11:14the expectations were high, but the result ... not so much.
11:19Despite having high levels of audience,
11:22fans could not help but compare this version with the original,
11:26and for many it was simply not up to par.
11:29The performances did not manage to capture the same magic,
11:32and the love entanglements, although intense, did not feel so natural.
11:37For those who grew up watching Cañaveral de Pasiones,
11:40Abismo de Pasión was short, winning a place in this list.
11:46How have you been?
11:52I am surprised that you have recognized me after so long that happened.
11:59I was almost sure that you had forgotten about me.
12:02Number 11.
12:04The remake of the successful silent love telenovela,
12:08which unfortunately could not replicate the same impact.
12:12The original was a great success,
12:14with a narrative divided into two parts and three different protagonists,
12:18a format never seen before on television.
12:21Erika Buenfil and Arturo Peniche shone in the first part,
12:25while Omar Fierro led the second, creating an unforgettable story for many.
12:30Fernando, you are offending me.
12:32You have offended me more with your lies.
12:34I have always told you the truth.
12:35Enough, get out of here, do not force me to get you out of the position.
12:38Fernando, I beg you.
12:39Well, and that's with your pose, you have nothing to do with me.
12:42When the remake came, Camila Sodi and Osvaldo Benavides took the reins in the first half,
12:47but for the second part, Ignacio Casano debuted as the protagonist.
12:51Unfortunately, the performances did not finish convincing the public
12:56and the novel could not maintain the level of audience it expected.
13:00Compared to the original, this version was simply not up to the task,
13:04leaving many fans feeling that it did not even reach the heels of the original version.
13:09And since I kissed you, I felt that it was not a love between brothers,
13:14but the one between a man and a woman.
13:19You were not wrong.
13:21And I wanted to deny it, but that kiss marked me.
13:24Number 10, Ruby.
13:26Why are you like this?
13:29Why can't you be happy for others?
13:32If I had a choice, I would choose to be happy for you.
13:36Why can't you be happy for others?
13:38If I had a choice, I would choose to be happy for you.
13:41It's the preference you've always had for her.
13:44Ruby from 2004 is a hit in Mexican telenovelas,
13:48since there are very few people who do not know her.
13:52Having a whole bunch of well-established fans,
13:55it was to be expected that there would be controversy when a remake was announced for 2020.
14:00Starring Camila Sodi, this telenovela simply did not like it.
14:05You love to show off, don't you?
14:07I don't know what you're talking about.
14:09Don't lie, if you know what I'm talking about.
14:11Bad performances, unnecessary special effects,
14:14as well as the ending that favored a villain that many considered
14:18as not worthy of a reward,
14:20were the definitive loss of the production.
14:24The moment that she owns herself,
14:26without depending on any man,
14:28took the reins of her life.
14:30Number 9, What a Beautiful Love.
14:32What a Beautiful Love and La Hija del Mariachi
14:35are two telenovelas that share the romantic genre,
14:38but differ in several very important aspects.
14:42The Mexican version takes place in a traditional environment of the country,
14:46to which the protagonist returns from the United States.
14:49Here they will remain until the judge resolves the situation.
14:52Oh yeah? I'll solve it today because I'm getting married tomorrow.
14:55In La Hija del Mariachi, the relationship between two Latin American countries is explored,
14:59since Emiliano flees from Mexico to Colombia.
15:02In addition to the cultural change, the cast of the Mexican remake looks a little older,
15:07which the fans did not like.
15:10What did he do to me?
15:13What did he do to me?
15:23In addition to this, many argued that there was no spark between the leading couple.
15:29What did he do to me?
15:41What did he do to me?
15:44Number 8, Triunfo del Amor.
15:46This telenovela was a not very appreciated remake
15:49of one of the greatest successes of Televisa,
15:52El Privilegio de Amar.
15:54What did he do to me?
15:56What did he do to me?
16:02According to the fans, William Levy was not a good choice.
16:06Despite his physique, many people compared his performance with that of René Strickler,
16:11and concluded that they were simply not of the same level,
16:15as with Maite Perroni.
16:18What did he do to me?
16:26In addition, what the hell with the name of María Desamparada?
16:30And very on time, because María Desamparada is already leaving the boarding school.
16:35Number 7, Victoria.
16:37Before Victoria from Televisa existed,
16:40there was another adaptation of Señora Isabel,
16:42made by Azteca 1,
16:44which had a pretty good reception.
16:47Why are you crying, Isabel?
16:49With every silly question, you waste time, Mr. Matiz.
16:52The 2007 remake was starred by Victoria Rufo and Mauricio Ockman
16:58as the main couple.
17:00And to say that the fans of the telenovelas were surprised is little.
17:05How do you feel?
17:07Ay, ay, ay, right now with his hug, very emotional.
17:10Don't take advantage of this or you'll have to go to your doctor on foot.
17:13They criticized that the chemistry was practically null,
17:16in addition to the fact that physically the age difference between them
17:20seemed disturbing.
17:22And sometimes, in fact, they looked like mother and son.
17:41Number 6, I love Juan Querendon.
17:44The television network once again was the one that decided to resume
17:47a Colombian telenovela and Mexicanize it.
17:51My name is Pedro, but they call me El Escamoso.
17:55And I'm not a gold coin to please everyone.
17:58This time they opted for the fun and original Pedro el Escamoso,
18:03the story of a galán, nothing stereotypical,
18:06who spends his time getting into trouble for his conquests.
18:09How are you doing?
18:14Good? How not to worry?
18:17If you know that last night I dreamed of you, right?
18:19The problem was not the remake itself,
18:21but the fact that when it comes to an original premise,
18:24the fans were simply in love with the original,
18:28making it difficult for other possibilities to open up.
18:32Do you accept Amarely Cachon de la Cueva as your wife?
18:37Number 5, Miss Quince.
18:39Quinceañera was a hit with few precedents,
18:43despite being a simple story.
18:45Sometimes I feel that I love him,
18:49that I would like to marry him.
18:53Is he the best guy in Colombia?
18:57Yes, I love him, aunt.
19:00It was inspired by a movie from the 60s
19:03and was starred by Adela Noriega, Ernesto Laguardia
19:07and even the now famous singer Thalía.
19:10I don't care.
19:12Tell them I'm painting,
19:13that I'm going to visit a boy.
19:15Do whatever you want, Licha.
19:20See if they listen to me.
19:22Although the first version was full of drama,
19:25the remake had a much more childish tone
19:28with an extremely light plot.
19:38Of course, although the target audience was different,
19:41it did not escape the criticism of the original fans.
19:45Number 4, The Shadow of the Past.
19:47What are you doing here?
19:49Is this private property?
19:51Yes, I already realized that they are destroying everything.
19:54But when it was my family's turn,
19:56everyone could come here without asking permission.
19:58The spring was a resounding success.
20:01It was the beginning of a new era
20:03in the history of Colombian cinema.
20:05The Spring was a resounding success.
20:07It is one of the most popular telenovelas
20:09in the history of Mexican television.
20:11So it was logical that any remake
20:14had complications to match it.
20:16The telenovela The Shadow of the Past
20:19was transmitted without shame or glory in Mexico.
20:22But in contrast to the great success of its predecessor
20:25and the problems in which the actor Pablo Lail
20:28was later involved,
20:30the production did not age well.
20:36The Shadow of the Past
20:44Number 3, Wild Heart.
20:46The first time this story was brought to television
20:49was in the 60s.
20:51And although at that time it was successful,
20:53its first remake surpassed it.
20:55Starring the already deceased actors
20:58Edith González and Eduardo Palomo,
21:00the telenovela simply enchanted the public.
21:06The Shadow of the Past
21:17The romantic atmosphere of the 20th century,
21:20two actors with a lot of chemistry
21:22and the careful wardrobe of the production
21:24guaranteed to stay in the hearts of the fans.
21:28Which did not happen with its third remake.
21:31How are you?
21:34Monica, I can not convince myself.
21:36Something terrible must have happened
21:38for you to make this decision.
21:40You simply did not feel the same magic again.
21:44How dare you?
21:46To avoid being killed out there?
21:48You're right.
21:50I should not have stretched my arm to help her.
21:52Number 2, The Clone.
21:54The Brazilian history of the 2000s is iconic.
21:58A well-cared script, beautiful romantic scenes,
22:01unmatched music and a respectful treatment
22:04with complex themes such as alcoholism,
22:06drug addiction and Moroccan culture.
22:13Telemundo wanted to achieve that same success
22:16with the American version.
22:18And it did.
22:19That same popularity was also its condemnation
22:22with the fans of the original,
22:23who clung to it as if it were an untouchable jewel.
22:32What's going on?
22:41We understand them, of course.
22:43Although there are also those who argue
22:45that each one has its charm.
22:51Hey, we have not reached the end yet, but almost.
22:54Just make sure to subscribe to our channel
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22:58of our latest videos.
23:00Very well, let's go to the end.
23:04Number 1, The Ugliest Beauty.
23:06By being broadcast internationally
23:09and becoming part of Latin American pop culture,
23:12it is obvious that it would have several remakes.
23:16Approximately 28.
23:27One of the most criticized,
23:28despite having retained most of the elements of the original,
23:32was The Ugliest Beauty, its Mexican version.
23:44Although starring two excellent actors,
23:47Angélica Vale and Jaime Camil,
23:49this simply was not to the liking of the original fans,
23:53who judged her for declining more for the comicality
23:56and ridicule than for the story itself.
24:10And you, do you agree with our choices?
24:12Tell us in the comments and do not forget to see
24:14these other original videos of Spanish Watchmojo.
24:26Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk
