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مرض نادر.. كيف عاش رجل وهو شجرة؟

قصة أغرب من الخيال لرجل تحوّل جسده إلى شجرة!
في هذا الفيديو، نتناول حالة طبية نادرة تُعرف باسم “مرض الرجل الشجرة”، وهي حالة تصيب الجلد وتحوّله إلى ما يشبه لحاء الأشجار. كيف يعيش المصابون بهذا المرض؟ وما هي التحديات التي يواجهونها يوميًا؟ تابعوا معنا لتتعرفوا على قصة أحد الأشخاص الذين عانوا من هذا المرض النادر وكيف أثرت هذه الحالة على حياته.

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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00:00In a world full of medical miracles, there are stories that will remain fascinating and mysterious.
00:06Today's story is not just about a rare disease, but about a person who decided to fight everything to live.
00:13The story of the tree man.
00:16His father, Pajendar, was a young man from Bangladesh.
00:19He was living a normal life, but suddenly he noticed small pimples on his hand and foot.
00:25It was simple at first, but as time went by, the pimples grew and became like roots or branches of a tree.
00:33The pimples were not only physical, but also psychological.
00:36He felt that he was losing his normal life.
00:38Doctors diagnosed his condition as a very rare disease called skin discoloration,
00:45also known as the tree man syndrome.
00:48This disease was caused by a rare genetic mutation that weakens the immune system,
00:53which makes the patient unable to resist certain types of viruses,
00:57which causes the growth of skin discoloration similar to the roots of a tree, especially on the hands and feet.
01:04The tree man was not only suffering from his appearance, but also unable to use his hands and feet.
01:10Even simple daily activities, such as eating and playing with his little daughter, were almost impossible.
01:16The treatment journey began in 2016.
01:19Doctors were faced with a major challenge to remove these pimples without harming the rest of the tissue,
01:25and subjected him to more than 20 surgical operations.
01:28During these operations, the doctors removed about 5 kilograms of skin discoloration.
01:34After the operations, he felt that he was born again.
01:38For the first time in years, he was able to hold his daughter in his arms and said,
01:43Finally, I can live like any normal human being.
01:47But unfortunately, his success was temporary.
01:50The pimples began to return again, and became faster and more than before.
01:55This made him resort to rubbing his hand to stop the pain.
01:59Despite all the pain and the many operations, he kept fighting to live.
02:04His story opened the door to research on the disease,
02:08and perhaps one day we will find a final cure for him and many other rare and strange problems.
