• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Alleanza Assicurazioni ha lanciato il Piano Nazionale di Educazione Finanziaria e Assicurativa già nel 2020, quando non rappresentava un tema caldo come oggi. Il progetto poggia le sue basi su due pilastri di attività: misura e analisi con Edufin Index, osservatorio sulla consapevolezza e sui comportamenti finanziari assicurativi degli italiani, ed Edufin Program che invece propone eventi educativi che in quattro anni hanno coinvolto oltre 320mila persone”. È quanto dichiarato da Alessandra Grimoldi, Responsabile Communication & Content Marketing di Alleanza Assicurazioni, a margine del settimo appuntamento del “Tour dell’Educazione finanziaria” in programma a Bari.


00:00We launched the National Plan for Financial and Insurance Education in 2020, when the topic of financial education was certainly not as popular as it is today.
00:14We have two pillars of activity. On the one hand, we have the whole sphere of measuring and analyzing, which is represented by our EduFinIndex,
00:23the Observatory on the Awareness and Financial and Insurance Behavior of Italians, of which today we present the focus on data from Puglia.
00:32And then the EduFinIndex guides our work, which is represented by the EduFin Program, made up of educational events.
00:40We have made more than 7,000 of them, involving more than 300,000 people since 2020,
00:46territorial content on our social pages and also a lot of training and information content for our network on the territory.
00:54Let's come to the Puglian data of the EduFinIndex. So, Pugliese, rejected or promoted at the level of financial education.
01:01Let's start from the Italian context. Italians stop at 56, a scale of values ranging from 0 to 100, where 60 represents the sufficiency.
01:10So, I would say, sent back in September. There is still a lot of road to be done.
01:15And as far as the Puglian situation is concerned, we are below the national average.
01:19So, if the national average is 56, Puglia stops at 53, in line with the rest of the south and islands.
01:27In particular, within the EduFinIndex, which is an average of the Italian population,
01:32there are more fragile groups of the population, from the point of view of financial and insurance literacy.
01:38Who are they? We are talking about young people, women and new Italians.
01:43And so, as far as, for example, the gender gap from the point of view of EduFin is concerned,
01:47in Puglia we have a slightly wider gap than the national average.
01:52So, the national average, which sees men and women separated by 5 points, in Puglia 6 points.
01:58Same thing also for the generational gap.
02:01In particular, women, young Puglian women, stop at 47.
02:06And this is certainly, unfortunately, one of the lowest figures in terms of financial literacy in all of Italy.
02:12There is still a long way to go, but we are sure that with the commitment of institutions and private companies like ours,
02:18we can really give a positive imprint to change this situation.
