(Adnkronos) - “Vogliamo sensibilizzare i giovani e portarli a bordo con noi, in un percorso che li renda coscienti dell'importanza del salvadanaio che hanno in Inps e che sarà loro garantito in futuro" così il presidente dell’Inps, Gabriele Fava, al Meeting di Rimini dove l’Istituto ha presentato i contenuti del 'Progetto Giovani' che partirà ad ottobre con l’obiettivo di avvicinare la platea dei giovani nella fascia d’età 18-34 anni al mondo della previdenza.
00:00What do you think about the future of the European Union?
00:04When I started to work, I didn't think about my contributional position.
00:09You think about it later, but when you think about it, it could also be too late.
00:14So today, taking care of these shortcomings or past negligences,
00:21we are going to dialogue with young people, to talk to them and try to bring them on board.
00:28How? Through the previdential education,
00:33which means making them understand the opportunity and usefulness of their previdential position,
00:42so that in the near future they can have their saviour, who will be there and will be paid by the IPCC.