• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Quando si celebra il valore dello sport, in particolare l'impegno a 360 gradi, come quello di queste ragazze, anche nella carriera scolastica, noi come Regione Lombardia non possiamo che esserci, approvarlo e sostenerlo. È una storia bellissima questa dei premi Bracco per le donne che si impegnano e quindi le brave a scuola, perché al di là del riconoscimento è anche un modo per dare valore a un modello di vita”. Con queste parole Federica Picchi, sottosegretario con delega allo sport di Regione Lombardia, è intervenuto alla cerimonia di premiazione della settima edizione del riconoscimento ‘Donna Sport: l’atleta più brava a scuola’, con cui Gruppo Bracco celebra le giovani atlete che oltre all’impegno per lo sport mantengono alto e costante anche quello scolastico. Dal lancio del progetto all’edizione 2024, patrocinata dal Coni e dal Comitato italiano paralimpico, si sono iscritte oltre 1500 atlete. Le vincitrici sono state premiate alla presenza della dottoressa Diana Bracco, delle istituzioni e di grandi atlete al Teatrino di Palazzo Visconti a Milano.


00:00When you celebrate sport and the value of sport, in particular the commitment to 360 degrees as the commitment of these girls also in the school career, we as the Lombard Legion can only be there to approve it and support it.
00:18It is a beautiful story, this award for women who are committed and therefore good at school, because beyond recognition it is also a way to give value to what is a model of life.
00:32These beautiful young girls who are excellent in school, but also in athletics, are synonymous with commitment, sacrifice, dedication and even defeat.
00:44Being excellent in sport often means, in addition to giving up, sometimes falling, sometimes feeling inadequate, which pushes them to commit more and more.
00:56So this recognition, beyond the medals, is also a way of saying that we appreciate them for everything they do and are, therefore also the commitment in the school field.
01:09It is a beautiful story and I, as Deputy Secretary of Youth and Sport, could not but be present and applaud it.
01:15We are aiming, I am personally aiming, above all, at the investment in the peripheries. We have various projects, including Sport per l'arrigarità, which touches all the peripheries of our region, in particular the most difficult situations, and tries to bring sport there, to bring values.
01:35I must say that sport is one of the best tools to create positive models in our boys, especially in a historical period where it is very difficult to say yes or no.
01:48You can feel the absence of strong models for our young people. Sport embodies everything that is discipline, but also love for each other, loyalty to the opponent, respect for the rules, commitment, but also team play, which is another extraordinarily important issue that we must make our boys rediscover.
