How often do you use cash when shopping, and do you think it's still an important payment option? Do you think businesses should continue to accept cash, or is a move to a cashless society inevitable?
00:00Not very often at all now. Only for local shops.
00:04Well, I don't even enjoy using cash.
00:07So even when I go to places where they tell me cash only, I'll be like,
00:11oh, so I think card is actually better because I use card more often than cash, yeah?
00:18Yes, cash is an important payment option because a lot of people don't use card.
00:24No, I think they should still accept cash, definitely, yeah.
00:27There's charges, isn't there, for the businesses.
00:29If they have the card machines, so, yeah.
00:32I don't think in today's world we should be talking about using cash, right?
00:39Because we should be in a cashless society because even all the countries
00:43that are not as developed as this place are trying to push the agenda.
00:47The shopkeeper had a fake panel on his card machine
00:52and he ripped it off and the original one was underneath it
00:56just to get scam money off of customers.