• 4 days ago
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 31 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 31 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 31 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 31 Completo HD
00:07Don't think of justice
00:18Conocía Brian
00:20in una embarcación de pesca
00:23Compartimos camarote nos hicimos amigos muy rápido
00:27El me contó lo de su hermano siempre siempre me hablaba de su hermano
00:32de lo importante que era para él reencontrarse
00:36Dije este tío es noble es májo me caía bien
00:41Si no fuera por él yo no estaría aquí contando este cuento una noche navegando
00:47Nos asaltó un barco de piratas
00:51Nos secuestraron
00:53Si él
00:55En seguida se ingenió un plan para escaparnos
00:59Esa noche
01:02Me salvó la vida
01:06Y después de eso le prometí que le ayudaría a hacer justicia con su hermano
01:11así que aquí estoy
01:12buscando a los responsables de ese horrible crimen para que paguen por ello
01:19Yo sabía que me iba a contar una historia rarísima
01:23Pero jamás imaginé que me iba a contar semejante película con piratas
01:30solo falta que bajaran los alienígenas pues esa es la verdad
01:35esa es la verdad entonces tú vendría haciendo que una especie de asistente personal podría decirse que sí
01:42Dónde está Brian
01:44Y no me vuelva a decir que está muerto porque ya yo sé que no
01:47Necesito hablar con él todavía no puedo darte esa información por seguridad
01:52Los Obregón
01:54Son gente muy peligrosa y tú sabes
01:57y él se tiene que andar con cuidado
02:00pero te aseguro
02:03Que va a venir a la ciudad y te va a buscar
02:08Tú crees que soy estúpido no
02:13Yo sé bien que tu amiguito Vinicius me ha estado viendo la cara todo este tiempo
02:17Dile a tu amigo Brian que dije yo que no soy un cobarde que di la cara
02:25A la orden teniente
02:39Javi que cojones
02:42Salvarte como siempre soy tu ángel de la guardia explícame por qué no me dejaste hablar con ella ya
02:47Qué coño le ibas a decir
02:50Espera mi amor mi cielo mi tesorito te he estado engañando todo este tiempo pero te amo
02:56Pues puede que lo entienda cuando me explique que lo he hecho todo para resolver el caso sabes que no le puedes contar nada
03:01Hasta que no tengas las pruebas que estás buscando para hundir al culpable
03:05Pero si ella sospecha la verdad
03:06Estoy totalmente seguro y está el momento de mostrar las cartas y me lo jodéis
03:09El buen jugador aguanta hasta el final de la partida aunque no tengo una buena mano
03:13Déjala que sospeche déjala
03:16Ella no tiene pruebas
03:20No será que esto es la pataleta de un niño celoso
03:26Madre de dios
03:28Quieres encerrarnos en la cárcel a todos los que estamos ayudándote
03:33Y sólo porque no soportas que tu amorcito se está follando a su jefe
03:36A mi no me hables como un niño te aviso
03:39¿Qué palo de naipe estás jugando cariño?
03:42¿Las espadas del rengador o el de los corazones rotos de un niño adolescente que no se sabe controlar?
03:54El problema es que ya la perdí tío
03:58Perdí y no creo que la puede recuperar
04:00Por eso mismo
04:02Concéntrate en tu propósito es la venganza y no dejes que ella ni nadie ni nada
04:09se interponga en tu camino
04:19A ver el españolete ese no te dijo nada más de Vinicio
04:25Y yo ni siquiera indagué un poco más
04:27Es que pero lo tenías ahí de papachita como no le tiras un poquito más la lengua
04:30¿Para qué? ¿Para que me dijera más mentiras?
04:33Pero yo sé que a Vinicio le están pagando para acercarse a mí
04:35Para sacarme información para enredarme como lo ha hecho desde el principio
04:40¿Tú crees que él sepa dónde está el hermano de Sonny?
04:42Ay claro que lo sabe, lo sabe desde el comienzo pero no me dijo
04:47Y ahí voy yo, mucha buba
04:50Bubada con él, como un idiota
04:52Le creí todo María, todo. Hasta que sentía cosas por mí
04:56Mi amiga lo siento
05:00¿Sabes qué?
05:01Cada vez se me hace menos descabellada la idea de pensar que Vinicio y Brian no conocen la misma persona
05:07¿Debería que yo también repensara?
05:10Ay pero no María, eso es imposible
05:12Eso sería de un caso entre un millón
05:14Ay sí, pero es que alguno de los dos puede ser adoptado
05:17No, el certificado de nacimiento hospitalario ya tiene el mismo nombre de los papás, el mismo
05:24Bueno, en ese caso tenemos que seguir buscando
05:31¿Sabes qué cara yo voy a llegar a don Antonio y le voy a decir que él ha estado jugando conmigo todo este tiempo?
05:37Me cagué de la carrera, todo por lo que he luchado, por lo que he trabajado
05:42Se fue a la mierda y todo porque, es una fantasía
05:46Ay amiga, ¿sabes qué es lo peor?
05:49Que el tipo está buenísimo, ojalá no hubiera sido una fantasía y que hubiera escondido a Coronado
05:54Digo, la hora en que le contestó ese mensaje, ¿por qué lo hice?
05:58Es un imbécil
06:01No me queda de otra más que ir a hablar con Antonio y contarle todo a la boca
06:05No, no, no, nos vamos a calmar, vamos a pensarlo mejor, nos bajamos de ese poni
06:09Porque donde llegue esa idea con esa información, pues...
06:12Que me echen, que me echen, y que pase lo que tenga que pasar
06:16Ahora sí me doy cuenta que no soy tan buena policía como pensaba
06:19Ay, Vicky, ya
06:24Me voy a llorar
06:29Escogiste el peor de los días para desaparecer
06:33La dirección de aduana, la policía y toda la prensa metidos en el puerto
06:38Haciendo todo tipo de preguntas
06:41Y tú, que eres la persona encargada de darle las respuestas, no apareció en todo el día
06:45¿Dónde estabas?
06:47Estaba ocupado, Raymundo, y no es que estuviera en la playa o tomándolo por ahí, no
06:50Estaba haciendo cosas importantes
06:52Ya tengo gente investigando a los hackers, qué es lo que quieren, justo acabo de estar con ellos
06:57Espérate un momento, ¿cómo es que acabas de estar con ellos todavía?
07:00¡Y no me lo avisas!
07:02No pude, tuve una cita y me quitaron el móvil, no pude, lo siento mucho
07:08Vinicio, tenemos a toda la solidaridad encima nuestro
07:10Y no quiero que hagas ningún comentario al respecto porque no quiero preocupar a nadie aquí en la casa
07:14¿Está claro?
07:20¿Cómo estás?
07:21No pudiste haber llegado el mejor momento
07:22Te ayudo, te ayudo
07:26¿Cómo te ves?
07:27Muy bien, fantástica, muy guapa
07:29¿Cómo bajaste ya?
07:30Bueno ya, ya me estoy sintiendo mucho...
07:33Mucho mejor
07:34Pasa, pasa
07:35Pedí que me dejaran almorzar en una mesa ya, algo normal
07:38Bueno, ven, pasemos al comedor, ¿les parece?
07:41Sí, sí, sí, vamos
07:45Por la alegría que me da
07:47Verte como mejoras día a día
07:50Créeme que no puedo describir la felicidad que me da
07:54Verte volver a caminar y ver cómo recuperas tu vida poco a poco
08:00Amigo, salud
08:04Bueno, tanto así como al 100% de recuperación tampoco estoy
08:08Me falta recordar un montón de cosas
08:10En eso te podemos ayudar
08:11El matrimonio, por ejemplo
08:13Borré cassette con ese evento
08:15No tengo una sola imagen en mi cabeza
08:17Pero lo más loco es que no hay imágenes en la vida tampoco
08:19¿Qué pasó con esa documentación?
08:21No hay un solo video, nada, qué raro
08:23Es cierto
08:24¿Le cuentas tú o le cuento yo?
08:25Dale, cuéntale tú
08:26Qué padre
08:27El caballero aquí presente decidió ese día secuestrarte
08:32Perdó y nos dejaron metidos con los invitados, la comida, todo
08:36Pero cómo, o sea, al fin sí nos casamos o no nos casamos
08:39Después nos casamos tú y yo en el pedero
08:43Ah, wow, ok
08:45Bueno, si así de exótica estuvo la ceremonia
08:49No me quiero ni imaginar cómo estuvo la luna de miel entonces
08:52A la altura, estuvo fantástica
08:54Sí, en esta familia hemos decidido convertir los matrimonios en algo exótico
08:59Ah, wow
09:00Fue como la boda que siempre habíamos soñado
09:03¿En serio?
09:05¿Y si nos volvemos a casar?
09:08Sí, yo voto porque sí
09:10Y que queden evidencias
09:12Total, evidencia, y en mi cerebro también
09:15Y si logramos pasarla más bueno todavía que la anterior ceremonia
09:19Eso no se me va a olvidar jamás, por nada del mundo
09:22¿Qué opinas?
09:24Dylan, te espero ahora en el estudio, ¿te parece?
09:27Sí, sí señor
09:41¿Y no será que los hombres que no beben
09:45Es porque les da miedo que el alcohol les libere esos demonios
09:50Que tienen ocultos y que no quieren soltar?
09:55Eh, bueno señor, la verdad es que a mí simplemente no me gusta
10:00Bueno, nunca me ha gustado y dudo mucho que me empiece a gustar
10:05No pues, don determinación
10:10Desde pelado he sido así
10:13Si algo no me gusta, no hay manera de convencerme
10:16Ahora, si algo me interesa, hago lo que sea por eso
10:23¿Lo que sea?
10:26Sí señor
10:28Bueno, dentro de lo legal, ¿no?
10:32Claro, dentro de lo legal
10:36Ay, Dylan
10:38Dylan, Dylan, gracias
10:41Gracias, hoy fue un día muy jodido y usted se comportó a la altura
10:52Bueno, que sepa que siempre voy a estar ahí para lo que necesite
10:55Lo que es importante para Nicole es importante para mí
10:58No le creo
11:03No le creo
11:05Todos los que se acercan a la familia Obregón
11:09Es porque siempre están buscando algo
11:12Es porque les interesa
11:14Bueno y ahí no se equivoca, señor Rimundo
11:18Tengo un interés muy claro
11:22Me interesa Nicole
11:25¿Usted sabe dónde es mi oficina?
11:28Sí señor
11:31Lo espero esta tarde allí
11:37¿Cómo estás?
11:39Me imagino que bien, por ver a tu esposa recuperarse tan rápido
11:44Sí, muy bien
11:47¿Qué pasa?
11:49No sé, es como Catherine, muy rara
11:53Es la misma, pero haciéndome diferente, ¿no?
11:57Te entiendo
11:59Gracias por preguntarme y querer saber cómo estoy
12:06Para mí tampoco ha sido fácil y ha sido un poco raro todo
12:12Ha pasado mucho en muy poco tiempo
12:17Pero verla recuperarse, no sé, me hace sentir que todo va a estar bien
12:21Ojalá, sí, todo va a estar bien
12:26¿Tú te volverías a casar con mi hermana?
12:29A mí me gustaría saber tu opinión
12:31No sé
12:33Yo tampoco sé
12:35¿Tú crees que debería casarme con tu hermana otra vez?
12:40Bueno, no sé porque no es una decisión que me toque a mí
12:44Porque es una decisión de pareja
12:46Sí, pero para mí tu opinión es muy importante
12:49¿Por qué?
12:51Porque eres una persona muy importante para mí
12:58Casarse es una demostración de amor
13:00Y como te has portado con ella, como la has protegido, como la has cuidado
13:05Se nota que la amas
13:07Y bueno, me parecería chévere si yo lo hiciera, no sé
13:11A veces pienso que...
13:16No, no, olvídalo
13:18No, no, ¿qué?
13:20Pienso que, ¿será que me casé con la hermana equivocada?
13:30¿Pasó algo?
13:35Se está haciendo como tarde para ir al cuarto, ¿no?
13:38Sí, voy por mis cosas
13:43¿Todo bien?
13:45Todo bien
13:50¿Qué pasa?
14:20¿Qué pasa?
14:22¿Qué pasa?
14:24¿Qué pasa?
14:26¿Qué pasa?
14:28¿Qué pasa?
14:30¿Qué pasa?
14:32¿Qué pasa?
14:34¿Qué pasa?
14:36¿Qué pasa?
14:38¿Qué pasa?
14:40¿Qué pasa?
14:42¿Qué pasa?
14:44¿Qué pasa?
14:46¿Qué pasa?
14:49Vamos, vamos, vamos, vamos
14:51¿Qué pasa?
14:53¿Qué pasa?
14:55¿Qué pasa?
14:57¿Qué pasa con mi familia?
15:04Yo no quiero que seamos peligrosos
15:07I think I might have married the wrong sister.
15:37I think I might have married the wrong sister.
16:08When were you going to tell me?
16:12You weren't even able to tell me.
16:14What are you talking about, Dana?
16:16You made me look like a ghost.
16:19You don't answer, you don't write, nothing.
16:23You and I hadn't been looking for anything.
16:25But we've done everything.
16:27I've been so busy.
16:30With Katerine?
16:32Well, yes.
16:34My friend needs me right now.
16:36Your friend?
16:38I just hope your friend doesn't get you in trouble
16:40and then you get fired.
16:43You're a legend, Zorra Clavos.
16:46Since we got in a long time ago.
16:49And I think of you.
16:51You know I think of you and I worry about you.
16:54But you disappear with her.
16:57You treat me as if you didn't know me.
16:59Well, what do you think?
17:01That hurts.
17:03And it hurts a lot because I'm here, firm, with you.
17:08Instead, you're risking yourself for everything Katerine says.
17:12As much as I want to explain to you,
17:15you wouldn't understand me.
17:28Look at me, Freddy.
17:31Tell me that what happened between you and me
17:33has absolutely no meaning to you.
17:37Tell me that you and I don't work.
17:47I'm sorry.
17:49I'm really sorry.
17:52But I can't give you what you want,
17:54what you need, what you expect.
17:57I can't.
18:01You're going to regret getting involved with that family.
18:25Hey, pelican.
18:27A smile for the camera.
18:31So they left you here alone,
18:33taking care of the kid, huh?
18:35The chicken from the nest left you.
18:37What are we going to do, Perez?
18:39If I have something, I'll call you and let you know.
18:42Since I don't have anything, I haven't called you
18:44or let you know anything, so please,
18:46help me with the exit.
18:53What do you think, that things here are done as you say?
18:55Let me go already, bastard.
19:00Let me go, bastard!
19:03Let me go!
19:12Give me the phone!
19:16Let me go!
19:18What's wrong with you?
19:23What's wrong with you?
19:26Hey, but you're this son of a bitch.
19:33You're a piece of shit.
19:35You're a piece of shit.
19:37What's wrong with you?
19:39What's wrong with you?
19:41Didn't you tell her?
19:42Didn't you tell her about the pictures I took of her
19:44when she almost choked?
19:45Didn't you tell her?
19:46It wasn't me.
19:47It wasn't me who kissed her.
19:48She didn't want to.
19:49It was just once.
19:50How are you going to give her a kiss just once?
19:52You didn't kiss her.
19:54What do you want?
19:56I'm going to kill you right here.
19:58Calm down.
20:00Get out.
20:01What do you mean?
20:02Get out.
20:03I'll come early tomorrow to buy breakfast.
20:05Come early.
20:06Hot bread and a bag of eggs.
20:07Get out.
20:08I'll even give you eggs.
20:10Look at what I'm going to do with your eggs.
20:12Never again.
20:13You're going to pay for this.
20:18You have to teach that guy to respect women and everyone else.
20:23Don't get mad.
20:26Everything okay?
20:27How are you?
20:29I'm fine.
20:32I don't know.
20:33It hurts.
20:53I love you.
21:24One week later
21:36I was told the captain isn't in the office.
21:38Do you know where he went?
21:39No, he just left and went to the port offices.
21:41And what happened?
21:42I don't know.
21:43He didn't say anything, but the look on his face when he left must have been serious.
21:47Well, thank you.
21:48He was being serious, you know?
21:50I see.
21:53Uy, they caught you playing hard to get.
21:55I wish that was the case.
21:56This is all about you.
22:02About me? What do you mean?
22:05Are you serious? Do you want to know?
22:08Well, Títeres, what do you think?
22:10Pérez had a problem with a new couple.
22:14A couple of morons in your neighborhood.
22:18In my neighborhood? With whom?
22:21Do you want to know who they are?
22:27You know what? Mind your own business.
22:29I'll tell you later.
22:31Aren't you going to tell me?
22:32No, what am I going to tell you?
22:33I'm telling you later.
22:35And this doesn't stay that way.
22:37This gets worse.
22:41Don't you have a pill for pain?
22:43Take care of Ramirez. I have to go.
22:45Fonseca, the grease, please.
22:47And the pepper.
22:54Yes, ma'am.
23:51Sir, it's ready.
23:52Sorry to interrupt.
23:54Everything is ready. They are waiting for you.
23:56Everything as agreed?
23:57Everything as you requested, sir.
24:00Let's go.
24:01Let's go there.
24:05The operations at the port are stopped
24:07due to an indiscriminate attack by hackers
24:10who have managed to take over the central server
24:12of the city's port.
24:13People are protesting right now
24:15and we can see how they are approaching
24:17Vinicio Gallo, the mayor of the city's port
24:20with whom we hope to speak
24:22live and exclusively
24:24to explain the current situation
24:26because it has been several days
24:28since the merchandise was seized
24:30in these warehouses.
24:31As you can see,
24:32the owners of this merchandise
24:34are asking for or demanding
24:37a quick solution
24:38to get their merchandise back.
24:41That's why we wanted to interview you
24:43and tell you what's going on.
24:45Mr. Vinicio, thank you.
24:46We want to know what you can tell
24:48all these people
24:49who are waiting for their merchandise back.
24:51We assure the citizens
24:52that we are committed and focused
24:54on solving this problem
24:55and getting the merchandise back as soon as possible.
24:57We were forced to carry out
24:59everything manually.
25:00That requires a little more time,
25:02but we are doing everything humanly possible.
25:04At the beginning,
25:05there was talk of a hypothesis
25:06of a damage to the system.
25:07Now there is talk of a possible hack.
25:09Can you confirm this information?
25:11Indeed, there were dark hands
25:13behind what happened.
25:14And when will this mess be solved?
25:16When will the operations resume?
25:18We started working with the authorities
25:20to find the culprits.
25:22We are going to find the criminal
25:24or the criminals behind all this
25:26and I give you my word
25:27that we will solve it.
25:29If you'll excuse me,
25:30I have to get back to work.
25:32Thank you very much.
25:33These are the first statements
25:34made by Vinicio Gallo.
25:35He has committed himself
25:36to solving this mess
25:38as soon as possible
25:39to continue with the operations
25:41as normal.
25:42This is what I had to tell you.
25:44At this time,
25:45I inform you in advance
25:46Margarita Ramirez,
25:47your trusted reporter.
25:49This is what she wanted to offer me.
25:51To be a legal representative
25:52of one of the family businesses.
25:55Are you capable or not?
25:58Well, baby, of course I'm capable,
26:00but it's a very big responsibility.
26:02Dylan, of course,
26:03it's a very big responsibility.
26:06Are you capable or not?
26:08I know what it means
26:09to be a legal representative.
26:11Don't forget that I'm going to be a lawyer.
26:13I don't forget
26:14that you're going to be a lawyer, Dylan.
26:16What I think is that this is
26:17a unique opportunity
26:18to get involved with the issues
26:20that are important to Nicole.
26:23That's what it seemed to me
26:24to hear you say.
26:26Yes, of course,
26:27and I deeply appreciate
26:29the opportunity.
26:30However, it also means
26:31that I would be responsible
26:34for any act contrary to the law
26:36that is committed in that company.
26:38These are not decisions
26:39that are taken lightly.
26:41Act contrary, lawyer?
26:43What you mean is that
26:45this company is a criminal company?
26:50Are you distrusting your father-in-law?
26:53In the Faculty of Law,
26:55don't they teach you
26:56that the position of legal representative
26:59is of great confidence?
27:02Do you think I would give this position
27:04to the first idiot
27:05who crosses me?
27:07That's precisely
27:08what I find a little strange.
27:11That you trust me so much
27:13from one day to the next.
27:18why don't you take it
27:19as the perfect opportunity
27:21to show that you have the size
27:23to belong to the Obregón family?
27:33Mr. Raimundo,
27:34I'm sorry,
27:35but things are getting out of control
27:37at the attention point.
27:38People are already aggressive,
27:40the anti-gay protests have already arrived,
27:42the press has already arrived.
27:43Even this kind of thing
27:44I have to solve, damn it.
27:47Come here.
28:03And that face?
28:05What happened to you?
28:10And the big boss?
28:12Is he still there?
28:13No, he was upset,
28:14he went on a trip.
28:16Where to?
28:17He had an urgent trip to the United States,
28:19a business trip.
28:23And how long did it take?
28:25No, but I imagine it takes a long time
28:27because he left me in charge.
28:31Hey, easy.
28:33Even if he's not here,
28:34I'll still get paid for that.
28:36Besides, change that face
28:37and we're going to open.
28:50Hey, Kate,
28:51I'm already here in the capital.
28:52I'm leaving for the airport
28:54to find your child
28:55as I promised you.
29:04And can you tell me
29:05why the hell
29:06you had to talk to the press?
29:07Because we can't keep hiding the truth.
29:09And don't you think
29:10you could have asked me
29:11so you wouldn't look ridiculous
29:12like we're doing?
29:13And don't you think
29:14those people deserve to know the truth?
29:16They deserve to know
29:17that everything will be fine.
29:18But we don't even have an idea
29:20how all this is going to end.
29:23Oh, my God.
29:24At last, the authorities
29:25deserve to be present
29:27in these complicated times.
29:29Mr. Obregón, Mr. Gallo, good morning.
29:31Good morning, Captain.
29:32We would have come earlier,
29:33but since you called...
29:36We had no idea.
29:39We didn't.
29:41Believe me.
29:42The police have at their disposal
29:43a computer crime department.
29:46I just had to pick up the phone
29:47and that's it.
29:48But the good thing is
29:49that she's here, Captain.
29:50Yes, yes, yes.
29:52We've been evaluating
29:53and studying the case very well.
29:55They've asked
29:56if this attack
29:57could have come from
29:58inside the port.
30:00Maybe a worker
30:01with reasons of importance
30:03would do such harm.
30:08Come with me, Captain.
30:22Do you know if Nicole has arrived?
30:23Yes, yes, yes.
30:24She told me to call her
30:25when you arrived.
30:30Miss Nicole?
30:32Yes, she's here.
30:35Yes, after this business,
30:36another one will come,
30:37and another one,
30:38and I'll be like a fool
30:39waiting for you.
30:42Look, Enrique,
30:43I'm going to tell you one thing.
30:45I hope that when you come back,
30:47you'll have a date for me
30:48because I can't wait.
31:02Sorry, I've been here, Enrique.
31:06Thank you for the invitation.
31:10I thought you weren't coming.
31:12Why not?
31:15Aníbal, I...
31:18I called you here
31:19because I wanted to ask you.
31:21I feel completely
31:22sorry for you.
31:23I don't know what happened to me.
31:24I don't know.
31:25The thing is,
31:26when I drink too much
31:27and get drunk,
31:28a Melisa comes out
31:29that I can't...
31:30that I can't control,
31:31that's worse than me,
31:33Well, I love that Melisa
31:35that's worse than you.
31:38She seems very funny to me.
31:39I'm sorry.
31:41No, no, no.
31:42It's just that I don't want you
31:43to think things that aren't.
31:45Because I'm a serious girl
31:46from her house,
31:49that doesn't go from here to there,
31:50with one or the other,
31:51and I'm not like that.
31:52Besides, I'm committed
31:53and I didn't want...
31:55I mean, yes, yes,
31:57but no.
31:58Look, basically,
31:59what I wanted to tell you
32:00was that I don't want you
32:01to think things
32:02that aren't about me.
32:04But let's see,
32:05but what am I going to think?
32:09That you're a fantastic woman.
32:12That's what I think.
32:21you're an adult.
32:24You can do with your life
32:25whatever you want,
32:26whatever you want, Melisa.
32:29What does it matter
32:30what others say about you?
32:32Look, you seem like a woman to me.
32:36My God, what can I tell you?
32:37Very interesting,
32:38a lot,
32:39but like a few.
32:42Too interesting
32:43to be waiting for a guy
32:45who doesn't even value her.
32:50You have beautiful hands.
32:53Let me see.
32:54Let me see.
32:55Cheer up.
32:56Let me see, just a moment.
32:57It's okay.
32:58Hey, I'm not going to bite you.
33:00Come here.
33:03See, it's okay.
33:06Let's see.
33:10you're very valuable,
33:11a lot.
33:12A lot.
33:15It seems you don't know.
33:17And your husband,
33:19even less.
33:22Look, let's see.
33:24Maybe it's time
33:27to show you that you're important.
33:32Or maybe
33:33it's time
33:35to let it go.
33:43Look, I'm not like that,
33:44and I've already told you.
33:46Calm down.
33:48I see what you want.
33:50So what?
33:51The only thing that interests you.
33:52You want to pressure him
33:54to marry you.
33:55Isn't that it?
33:56Is that what you want?
33:58That's very easy.
34:00There's a strategy that never fails.
34:05Don't you want to know?
34:10Well, no, no, don't worry.
34:11If you don't want to know,
34:12it's okay.
34:14You already told me.
34:15Tell me.
34:16What is the super strategy?
34:20Make him feel
34:21that he's losing you.
34:23It's that easy.
34:27Security is man's most precious asset.
34:30If you make him doubt,
34:32if you make him feel insecure,
34:34then you can control him.
34:38How are you?
34:39I have a lot of paperwork,
34:41but look.
34:43I have the URIC concept,
34:44but I haven't been able to do it yet.
34:47Dylan, thank you so much.
34:48You're always so nice.
34:51I know this isn't the best time,
34:53but I need your help right now.
34:54It's urgent.
34:55Dana, but I'm not going to do it now
34:57because I have a lot of paperwork.
34:59I'm a little busy.
35:00Sit down.
35:08Is something wrong?
35:10I'm a little worried about you.
35:12About me?
35:13Well, no.
35:14About your wife.
35:17Yes, I know.
35:20Come here.
35:23I'll get the paperwork
35:24so you can get to work.
35:27What's that?
35:38No, what?
35:39Of course I have to thank you.
35:40You've helped me a lot.
35:41In the catering business,
35:42here in the port.
35:45we wouldn't have made it without you.
35:47Jealousy is the weapon.
35:49It's like the snake's venom.
35:51It bites you.
35:52And when the venom is inside,
35:54it slowly infects its prey
35:56and takes control of it.
35:59I went out with Vinicius for a while.
36:01But we can't.
36:02He's my dog.
36:03Don't trust him.
36:04I know why I'm telling you this.
36:06Well, I'm leaving.
36:07If you need me, look for me.
36:12We'll talk later.
36:17Let's see if I got it right.
36:18So it's about me having to provoke jealousy
36:21So it's about me having to provoke jealousy
36:23to my fiancé
36:24to see if he loves me.
36:26No, I'm screwed.
36:27I mean...
36:28But think about it.
36:30But it's really fun.
36:32What fun?
36:33I think it's cruel.
36:36What if it works?
36:37It won't work.
36:38I'm such a bad liar.
36:40I'll screw up that plan in a second.
36:42But it's about that.
36:44Those little details.
36:45Controlling that.
36:46That's the game.
36:48Look, I'm telling you.
36:50Jealousy is...
36:52It works.
36:53It's productive.
36:58No, I don't know.
36:59No, no, no.
37:00I think it's like playing very low.
37:02I mean, I can't be Melissa Levy.
37:04I mean...
37:11When you know what to do
37:14call me.
37:16Here's my card.
37:21And now what?
37:22The jealous cause?
37:23Three thousand or what?
37:26Of the best.
37:40This is a matter that resolves the world.
37:44Excuse me, I have...
37:46An important matter.
37:51Thank you very much.
38:02Why didn't you tell me we had news?
38:04Well, we just came.
38:06This could be out of control and that's it.
38:08I thought you were in some case with us.
38:11So you're taking revenge?
38:14What are you talking about?
38:15No, Vicky.
38:17I'm very professional.
38:19I think you know that.
38:20And I would never mix personal with work.
38:23Nothing happens.
38:24I know.
38:25I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that.
38:27Anyway, you have to know that things between us are weird.
38:31Things are as you want them.
38:34As you put it, Vicky.
38:36I'm going to get as far as you allow me.
38:40But give me a sign.
38:41Give me...
38:43Give me something to do.
38:48The logistics team is waiting for you.
38:52I'll take care of it.
38:53Take advantage and keep an eye on the lieutenant.
38:56Yes, sir.
38:57We have a team of technicians who are entering the logistics
39:00to see what they can find.
39:02Is everything under control?
39:03No, I haven't been able to go to work these days
39:06because I'm solving 800,000 problems here.
39:08But please, I trust you.
39:11I need everything to be going well there.
39:14Let me know.
39:15Call me.
39:16I need that sports car to be very slow.
39:25I don't know if I can tell you the day I have.
39:27I don't think I'll make it.
39:28I need extra hours.
39:30What's up?
39:32What are you talking about with Vinicio?
39:34At the winery?
39:35Can I know?
39:37Of course you can know.
39:38He's talking about my sister.
39:40About Catherine's recovery.
39:42Vinicio is my brother-in-law.
39:45I have to go.
39:46I'm sorry.
39:47I really have to go.
39:59This is all I've found about the IT team, Lieutenant.
40:02It's not much, actually.
40:04It seems there's a group of very skilled hackers doing this.
40:09How are we so sure?
40:10Because of the complexity of the attack.
40:11We think it's a large group and they're attacking from different places.
40:16It can't be.
40:24Hacking is a pretext for the truth about the Oregons to finally be known.
40:29I'm willing to negotiate.
40:34Is everything okay, Lieutenant?
40:37One moment.
40:39Yes, one moment.
40:48I'm leaving.
40:49Do you want me to come with you?
40:50No, stay.
40:51Are you sure?
40:52Yes, I'm sure. Stay.
44:33I want you to know, Vicky, that I love you very much.
44:42I'm absolutely in love with you.
