• last year
Menteri Investasi dan Hilirisasi/Kepala BKPM Rosan Roeslani mengatakan Apple berkomitmen untuk berinvestasi di Indonesia senilai USD1 miliar atau setara sekitar Rp15,9 triliun. Perusahaan teknologi raksasa itu, kata Rosan, berencana merealisasikan investasinya pada 2026. Namun pemerintah ingin realisasi dipercepat ke 2025.

Rosan mengatakan Apple telah menyampaikan secara tertulis rencana investasi mereka. Pemerintah pun terus berkomunikasi intens dengan perusahaan tersebut.

Investasi Apple tersebut, sambung Rosan, bisa membuka pintu iPhone 16 dijual di Indonesia.

Sementara itu, Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita mengakui Apple masih bersikeras belum mau membangun pabrik di Indonesia. Karenanya, pemerintah masih melarang iPhone 16 masuk ke Indonesia.

Menurut Agus, Apple belum menyampaikan proposal resmi terbaru terkait dengan syarat Pemerintah, agar perusahaan asal Amerika Serikat itu bisa menjual ponsel terbarunya di Tanah Air.

Agus menekankan Apple akan merugi jika menolak membangun pabrik di Indonesia. Pemerintah juga akan tetap tegas terkait larangan penjualan iPhone 16 di Indonesia.


00:00Game Plus Arcade is only available on RCT Plus Super App. Play it now!
00:13Yes, viewers, the Minister of Investment and Hilarization,
00:16who is also the head of BKPM Rosnan Ruslani,
00:18said that Apple's commitment to invest in the water will be realized in 2026
00:24with a commitment of US$1 billion or 15 trillion rupiah.
00:33Even so, Rosnan said that his party will push Apple to speed up the realization of investment in the future,
00:39or 2025, where the government continues to communicate with Apple.
00:45Rosnan said that one of the things that is a commitment,
00:48Apple will produce components for its products,
00:52one of which is the iPhone 16 that involves hundreds of vendors.
01:23We continue to meet with potential investors,
01:28we want to convey the potential investors to participate in BKM,
01:31both in terms of the clean industry, the infrastructure industry,
01:41as well as the supporting tools.
01:44We have been together, there has been investment in the mall, hotel,
01:52culinary, restaurant, and also investment in the solar panel,
02:00in the green industry from Singapore,
02:06including education.
02:09From Australia, there has been a groundbreaking,
02:12and the health plan has been completed.
02:18But from abroad, there is also a very high interest that we continue to discuss.
02:26So the interest is still there and growing,
02:29especially with the policy in terms of sanctions,
02:38we will continue to support investment, especially in BKM.
02:43Our topic this time is maximizing Apple's investment opportunities in Indonesia.
02:48We have been connected via Zoom,
02:50together with Nelul Huda, the Director of Digital Economy at Celius.
02:54Hello, Nelul, how are you?
02:57Hello, my friends, alhamdulillah, I'm fine.
03:00Good, good health too, thank you for the opportunity,
03:03and we have also joined via Zoom,
03:05there is Mr. Tesar Sandika Pura,
03:07the General Director of the Indonesian Digital Empowering Community.
03:10Mr. Tesar, how are you?
03:11Sorry, it's late at night.
03:13Okay, thank you for the opportunity.
03:16It's interesting if we discuss with the information that has been conveyed,
03:19such as the giant technology companies,
03:22especially in the communication sector,
03:24Apple is also still eager to invest in Indonesia.
03:29Well, Mr. Nelul, maybe you can explain a little first,
03:32how do you view the current investment climate in Indonesia,
03:37especially for foreign investment or PMA?
03:42Yes, so it's like this,
03:44if we look at it specifically for the Apple case,
03:49why is Apple choosing Vietnam
03:53compared to Indonesia in manufacturing?
03:57We know that before yesterday,
04:01Apple made a commitment to invest around USD 1 billion,
04:06Apple only built Apple Academy and the like.
04:09But in Vietnam, they built manufacturers
04:13that are also only multiple,
04:15compared to the investment in Indonesia.
04:18Because if we look at it,
04:20Vietnam can already supply 70% of the components of one Apple product.
04:27There are about 280 to 320 components in one Apple product,
04:34while Indonesia can only supply 2 to 4 components.
04:40But Vietnam is already 70%.
04:42And when Apple invests in China,
04:45they see that China has a domestic industry
04:49that can support Apple products
04:52that don't need to import raw materials and the like.
04:55That's why when Apple emigrated from China to several countries,
05:01they definitely chose Vietnam
05:03because the domestic industry is already suitable for what Apple needs.
05:09While in Indonesia, it's still very far away.
05:12That's why we hope that USD 1 billion
05:17is still far away compared to Vietnam.
05:20But this is also one of the entry points
05:23for domestic industry development
05:26to be able to supply more components
05:29that are needed by one Apple product.
05:32From what I see, it should be viewed like that.
05:35Oh, so it becomes an entry point.
05:38While we give the ease
05:41of how they use the market in Indonesia
05:44so that they want to increase the value of their investment.
05:50Yes, that's right.
05:51If I may add,
05:54if we look at it,
05:56Indonesia is actually one of Apple's major markets.
06:01In every town hall meeting,
06:03Apple Town Hall Meeting or Apple Earnings Call,
06:06they definitely mention Indonesia as one of their major markets.
06:12But because of the iPhone 16 case yesterday,
06:16it couldn't enter Indonesia,
06:18TeamCoop has started to remove the name Indonesia
06:22as the name of the country mentioned in every data.
06:25What does this mean?
06:27This means that Indonesia is very important.
06:30But on the other hand,
06:31it hasn't reached the standards set by Apple
06:35to supply their manufacturing.
06:38That's why I say,
06:40even though we can attract Apple's investment,
06:46we have a big market.
06:49You have to invest a lot too.
06:51But we also have to prepare the domestic industry,
06:54the manufacturing industry,
06:55the technology industry,
06:56including the preparation of SDM and the like.
06:58That's why what I see,
07:00it should be able to go hand in hand.
07:02And it can also be balanced,
07:04the government that has the courage,
07:06but it also has to be balanced with the increase in investment,
07:09especially technology investment in Indonesia.
07:11Okay, this is interesting.
07:13Mr. Testa, how do you see the market development,
07:17then the pattern of gadget use,
07:20or cell phone in Indonesia until now?
07:23So in the end,
07:25Indonesia has become a big market force
07:28for many foreign or global cell phone manufacturers.
07:33Yes, okay.
07:34If from the market side,
07:36Indonesia of course has a very large market
07:39on the smartphone side.
07:41But if we say from the numbers,
07:43Android is still dominant for Indonesian market.
07:47So Android is still 88% more,
07:50that the Indonesian people still tend to use
07:53the middle to low smartphone.
07:58If we look at the iPhone,
07:59it actually belongs to the premium segment.
08:01And this is at around 11%.
08:05But it doesn't mean that the 11% range is small,
08:08because this premium segment can be said to be a fanatic segment.
08:12And it can also be said that there is no opponent yet, Apple.
08:15So if Apple doesn't enter Indonesia,
08:18the Indonesian market will definitely be lost.
08:24Then, is the new technology use factor,
08:26which is usually driven by Apple,
08:30and maybe other technology companies,
08:33is this the main reference
08:35for the majority of cell phone users in Indonesia?
08:40Then for Indonesia,
08:42they tend to look for a camera and battery
08:46that are long enough.
08:48Because Indonesia is mostly middle to low users,
08:52so they look at the camera strength and battery strength.
08:57In this case, in some cases,
08:59the iPhone has a more specific camera.
09:02But maybe the battery is not as great as the competition in Android.
09:06This may also be a sign that in some cases,
09:09the iPhone is not an option.
09:11But for the fanatic segment,
09:13it's a bit different.
09:15Okay, let's go back to Nelo.
09:17You see how, Nelo,
09:19with the conditions that have been mentioned,
09:21medium to low,
09:22those are the types of smartphones
09:25or gadgets that are widely used by the Indonesian community.
09:29Then what is the urgency?
09:30Finally, that Apple-class companies
09:34or other big companies
09:36have to plant their investment in Indonesia.
09:41If we look at the market,
09:44there is the Android brand,
09:47which is still the king of Android.
09:52But if we look at the growth,
09:55for the iPhone,
09:57this is already considered a high-class device,
10:02a high-class smartphone, etc.
10:04And if we look at it,
10:06the growth is quite rapid.
10:07Especially if we see and feel
10:11in this community,
10:13when people use the iPhone,
10:15the social status also increases.
10:18Then if we look,
10:20there is even a rental of the iPhone.
10:23So there is a rental of the iPhone,
10:26there is a fraud about the iPhone,
10:28and so on.
10:29This indicates that
10:31the demand for the iPhone is increasing.
10:34When the demand drops,
10:37there is actually no such case.
10:40But if we look at it,
10:41the more cases,
10:43the demand for Apple devices
10:46or Apple products
10:47is increasing.
10:48This is what I said,
10:51it's quite important.
10:52And Tim Cook
10:54every year calls Indonesia
10:56one of their biggest markets in ASEAN.
10:59So this indicates that
11:01Indonesia is quite important to them.
11:04And for the government itself,
11:06when there is a ban and so on,
11:10and also there is a case
11:13or there is a debate
11:15to ban all Apple products.
11:17Apple products are Indonesian products.
11:19Of course, this is also a loss.
11:21Because the demand is high.
11:22What is there is the dark market.
11:24When the dark market is like this,
11:26this is what is needed economically
11:28and also in terms of state finances.
11:30Okay, that's it, Mr. Wadi.
11:32It's true that the announcement
11:33from the entrance to the dark market earlier.
11:35And where Mr. Roksan has also been mentioned earlier,
11:36it is also expected to encourage
11:38Apple's investment capitalization
11:40to be accelerated from 2026 to 2025.
11:43Which means next year.
11:45What do you think?
11:46We will discuss it in the next segment, Mr. Nelul.
11:48Mr. Adhika, we will take a short break.
11:50And we will be right back after the break.
12:09Yes, thank you for still joining us in Market Review.
12:13In the next segment,
12:14we will provide you with data related to
12:16the value of Apple's investment in the Asian region.
12:21And you can see it all on your television screen.
12:24We will discuss.
12:25The first one looks like Vietnam.
12:27Where Apple's investment there reached Rp256 trillion.
12:33While in India, it reached Rp23.8 trillion.
12:39And in Singapore, it reached Rp4 trillion.
12:43Next, let's look at Apple's investment in Indonesia.
12:47On November 5, 2024,
12:50an additional investment offer of Rp150 billion
12:54was rejected by the Indonesian government.
12:57Then on November 19, 2024,
12:59an additional investment offer of Rp1.5 trillion
13:04was also rejected by the Indonesian government.
13:07Alright, we will continue our discussion
13:09with Mr. Nelul Huda,
13:10the Director of Digital Economy at Celios,
13:12and also Mr. Desar Sendikapura,
13:14the Chairperson of Indonesia Digital Empowering Community.
13:17Alright, Mr. Nelul,
13:18based on the data that has been provided,
13:20Apple's investment in a number of Asian countries,
13:24how do you see Indonesia's position?
13:29Yes, so it's like this.
13:31This is very related to the SDM.
13:34With the readiness of the SDM and the country
13:39to be able to support infrastructure
13:41or investment from Apple.
13:44Well, if we look at it,
13:45actually from human capital injection,
13:47why is India quite low?
13:49It was around Rp4 trillion.
13:51Sorry, how much was it?
13:52Rp20 trillion, right?
13:54India, Rp23 trillion.
13:55Yes, Rp23 trillion.
13:56Vietnam, Rp100 trillion, right?
14:00If we compare the human capital index in Vietnam,
14:04it's very high.
14:06The human capital index can reach 0.69 points.
14:11In India, it's only 0.49 points.
14:14In Indonesia,
14:16the human capital is still low compared to Vietnam,
14:23but on the other hand,
14:24Indonesia's technology can't beat India's.
14:28That's why Indonesia is quite low.
14:30The human capital index in Indonesia is only 0.54 points.
14:33So it's still quite low compared to Vietnam.
14:36So, in theory,
14:38it can be said that
14:40when Apple is looking for a new breeding ground
14:43outside of China
14:45to be able to support their ecosystem,
14:47including manufacturing,
14:49they will still prefer a ready-made country.
14:52Ready in terms of industry,
14:55ready in terms of investment,
14:57and ready in terms of human resources.
14:59This is what Apple is actually looking for,
15:02why Indonesia is not yet too high
15:06to be able to plant its investment
15:08in terms of manufacturing in Indonesia.
15:11This is what I see,
15:13the factors that cause the high credit rating
15:17and the backing of the human capital index,
15:20both in terms of e-commerce and technology,
15:23are quite passive compared to Indonesia.
15:25Okay, Mr. Nailon.
15:26Mr. Tesar, how urgent is it
15:29if we look at the use of TKDN
15:31in smartphone products
15:33or cell phones
15:35that are sold, produced,
15:37or circulated in Indonesia?
15:40Yes, okay.
15:41I agree with Mr. Uda.
15:42So indeed, Indonesia, if we can say,
15:44the TKDN policy is not divided
15:47by the skill up index
15:49of our workforce.
15:52So we can fulfill the trust
15:56of global investors
15:57that if you plant a business in Indonesia,
16:00we will support it from many sides.
16:03One of them is the professional workforce.
16:06So I see TKDN is not too parallel to this.
16:10It should be when we introduce TKDN,
16:12we also increase our human resources
16:15so that we can be better.
16:16The technology structure is also better.
16:19And also, the internet investment policies
16:22should be a bit easier to enter.
16:25Amazon, Google can enter Indonesia.
16:30So how important is it
16:33when we see that Apple
16:35has to establish its production center in Indonesia?
16:38Mr. Tesar.
16:40If I look at it now,
16:43Apple can be said to be nothing to lose.
16:46Because the number is only small.
16:50And maybe they will also consider
16:52if they also postpone in Indonesia,
16:54will their income go down?
16:57If they feel it's not too significant,
16:59maybe they will still hold this
17:01until Indonesia finds a win-win solution
17:04for us and Apple.
17:06Because on the other hand,
17:07they also don't want to lose investment,
17:10but there is no upside
17:12for Apple, of course.
17:15Mr. Nailu, then,
17:17the government will accelerate
17:19the realization of investment from 2026 to 2025.
17:23So this is something that must be done soon.
17:25More to which position?
17:27Is it the technology transport?
17:29Or how is the use related to the presence
17:33of factories and so on,
17:35when it comes to economic activities in Indonesia,
17:38the acceptance of workers, and so on, for example?
17:42If we look at it,
17:43actually, with Apple creating a manufacturer in Indonesia,
17:48even though it's just an accessory
17:50that will be produced in Banjong later,
17:52it can actually absorb labor.
17:55But not just labor,
17:57which we hope can be absorbed.
17:59But there is a technology transfer there.
18:01We have seen for quite a long time
18:05that there is no technology company
18:10that wants to enter Indonesia.
18:12If we look at it,
18:13actually, in Indonesia,
18:15there used to be Silicon Valley.
18:19But in the end, it didn't happen either.
18:22If we look at Malaysia,
18:24the ecosystem there is very complex.
18:27It's the same in Vietnam.
18:29So, what we hope is that there is a technology transfer,
18:34and then there is a push,
18:37there is a push for domestic industries
18:40to also supply Apple products.
18:44That's why what we see
18:46can bring quite a large multiplier effect
18:49on the economy,
18:51on the development of technology,
18:53up to labor.
18:56This is what we hope,
18:58that Apple will enter Indonesia.
19:01That's why I was quite surprised yesterday
19:04when there was a rejection from the government
19:07that this is too small and so on.
19:10What I want to ask is
19:12why the government is very confident
19:15with the quality of SDM as it is now,
19:18with the current economic situation,
19:21but trying to sell too high to Apple.
19:24It doesn't look like a great success.
19:27Even though we have a good market for Apple,
19:30and it's very good,
19:32very high in ASEAN.
19:34But we also have to realize
19:36that there are domestic industries
19:38that we have to support,
19:40that must be the responsibility of the government,
19:42so that large technology companies
19:44such as Apple can enter Indonesia.
19:47But what do you see the potential of
19:49if we talk about
19:51various efforts to harmonize regulations,
19:53whether it can be accompanied by
19:55an increase in the quality of the study skills
19:58of the Indonesian society.
20:00So, are you ready if later
20:02there are more high-tech companies
20:05that they plant their infrastructure
20:08and operate in Indonesia?
20:10Yes, if we look at it,
20:12actually some incentives have been issued
20:15by the Indonesian government,
20:18such as tax deduction,
20:22but it is also beneficial.
20:25And I also feel that the SDM issue
20:28is a crucial issue that must be
20:34So, if we look at it,
20:36this is a matter of education.
20:38If we look at the SMART visa issue,
20:40we are still left out.
20:42Then the Innovation Index issue,
20:45we are also still left out
20:47compared to Vietnam and other countries.
20:49This is what I mentioned earlier,
20:52the SDM issue that has not been resolved,
20:55then the regulations must also be improved,
20:58especially the incentives for technology companies,
21:00companies that are able to develop
21:02R&D and the like.
21:04This must also be pushed,
21:06that there is a problem
21:08in the issue of tax deductions
21:10that has occurred.
21:12That's why we push
21:14in line with the improvement of regulations,
21:16there is also a improvement
21:18in human resources,
21:20especially in education and the like.
21:22I think that is the key
21:24to create better human resources.
21:26Okay, it looks like it takes
21:28not a little time.
21:30And Mr. Tesarantas,
21:32can you see
21:34the potential of the market in Indonesia,
21:36the behavior of consumers,
21:38smartphones, gadgets, and others,
21:40related to this information technology,
21:42can be a reference for companies like
21:44Apple in Indonesia in developing
21:46their products,
21:48then strengthen their intention
21:50to invest in Indonesia?
21:52Yes, so in Indonesia,
21:54the market is quite large,
21:56but we can't deny
21:58that they are still in the middle to low.
22:00So maybe if this
22:02wants to be a secondary market
22:04for Apple,
22:06maybe Apple can also
22:08enter the market,
22:10so that later
22:12not only premium customers
22:14but also average customers
22:16in the middle to low market.
22:18Then the issue of TKDN
22:20is quite interesting,
22:22meaning that it can't be
22:24just a policy,
22:26not only in the industry,
22:28but also in the community,
22:30especially in the development of the SDM,
22:32so there is a relationship
22:34between the professional
22:36and the industry.
22:38And I see this is also reflected
22:40in the high education team,
22:42the students who have graduated
22:44can really fill
22:46the high-tech industry,
22:48not just in terms of
22:52Indonesia is quite a pioneer
22:54in software,
22:56but maybe in the result,
22:58I see the gap is a bit high,
23:00even maybe some campuses
23:02don't have a lab to make
23:04a chip like that,
23:06so maybe this is what we need to fill
23:08from this high-tech technology.
23:10There are a lot of challenges
23:12that must be solved first,
23:14related to Indonesia's readiness
23:16from the regulation side,
23:18if we talk about
23:20how the investment climate
23:22must be built,
23:24then SDM readiness,
23:26how the workers,
23:28how their skills,
23:30their skill up,
23:32as soon as it is in line with the standards
23:34of technology companies,
23:36other global giants,
23:38hopefully there will be a meeting point,
23:40Mr. Nello, Mr. Testar,
23:42related to the investment of large companies in Indonesia.
23:44Unfortunately, time is limited,
23:46Mr. Nello, thank you very much
23:48for the information, updates,
23:50and analysis that you have given.
23:52Mr. Testar, thank you also for the updates
23:54and data that you have delivered
23:56to the audience today.
23:58Congratulations on continuing your activities.
24:00Regards and see you again.
24:04Thank you, Mr. Testar.
24:06Keep your information only on IDXNL,
24:08Biotrustworthy and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
24:10Because the matter of the future must move forward,
24:12I am an investor.
24:14I am Prasetya Wibowo,
24:16along with all the workers
24:18who are on duty.
24:20Thank you, see you.
