• last year
Isis Romero, ciudadana cubana residente en Guantánamo, denuncia las precarias condiciones en las que vive junto a su madre, una señora postrada. Su vivienda está en muy mal estado, sin una meseta para cocinar, y sin los recursos necesarios para terminarla.
Isis comenzó a construir la casa con sus propios medios, pero debido al encarecimiento de los materiales de construcción, no pudo terminarla. Ha acudido varias veces al Gobierno para solicitar ayuda, pero solo ha recibido la misma respuesta: "No hay materiales, debe esperar". Denuncia ciudadana.


00:00They came here and took pictures of my house and all that, but so far I haven't had any solution, nothing.
00:07Everything has become complicated, everything is very expensive now, the materials don't appear.
00:10And when they appear, it's very expensive, because we don't get there.
00:15My name is Isis Romero Rojas and I live in the town of Santa Fe, El Salvador.
00:20And I have a concern, I have my mother postpartum.
00:24I've had her sick here for 10 years, and I've had her postpartum for 2 years.
00:28And with the medical assistance, I can't say that I have a complaint, because I don't have many complaints.
00:33Here, the doctor worries, she calls me on the phone, they already noted it down there,
00:39and according to the capacity of what arrives there at the winery,
00:43they sold me some soaps last month, Pampers, and that's not there.
00:48At the moment, they told me that as they arrive, then they will let me know so that I can buy.
00:54At the moment, I don't have many complaints.
00:56The biggest complaint I have is the mess in the house.
01:00I haven't had a chance to finish it.
01:03I went to the government, they sent me to see the one who takes care of the housing problem.
01:08They came here, they visited me, they filled out the papers.
01:12And then they told my husband that the most serious problem was that there was no transport to look for the roof.
01:18And my husband said that he could put the transport to look for the roof.
01:23But it's been two years, three years, and nothing else has been said to me.
01:28I can't move from here because I don't have anyone to take care of it.
01:32I have only one daughter and she works, she has three school children.
01:35And I don't have anyone to take care of it so that I can organize and move.
01:39The president was up here about two months ago, he came to see the water problem,
01:44and they passed by here, he took a picture of the house and all that,
01:47but until now, I haven't had any solution, nothing at all.
01:51They haven't told me anything else, and I haven't been able to do anything else.
01:57I actually went to see if they were going to finish the house.
02:01Because that's what we need the most, to finish it, to make the floor, the bathroom.
02:06And that's because we did it with our own effort.
02:09But we haven't had any possibilities because the economic situation is very, you know how it is,
02:15and we haven't been able to move forward.
02:17And so I went to see if they could do it for me, like they do it around here.
02:23What she needs is a finish, that's all she needs, a finish.
02:29To repair it, to make the table, the bathroom that was made there,
02:34and in the end, nothing else could be done.
02:36We couldn't do anything else, and everything has become complicated,
02:38now everything is very expensive, the materials don't show up.
02:41And when they show up, it's very expensive because we don't get there.
02:45And everything stayed there.
02:47They haven't given me any more money, I haven't seen any more girls,
02:50they haven't come here anymore, nothing.
02:52The materials are so beautiful, sometimes they cost up to 7,000 pesos.
02:57And where am I going to get 7,000 pesos?
02:59My husband is a producer, there are crops that are good,
03:03but there are crops that go to the floor and you don't get what you need.
03:07And food is essential.
03:10Let's see what answer they can give me about this.
03:13I don't know, the people from the government down there,
03:16what answer they can give me about this.
