• 2 months ago
🎨 El pintor de Jaimanitas: Sobrevivir rotulando anuncios
José Díaz Santa Cruz, conocido como el pintor de Jaimanitas, ha tenido que postergar sus proyectos artísticos y hoy sobrevive rotulando carteles y anuncios para las MiPymes.
#OficiosDeCuba 🎨🇨🇺 #CubaEnCrisis #ArteCubano #ADNCuba #SobrevivirEnCuba


00:00Here is one of the people's autonomous characters, José el Pintor,
00:14rolling the coffee shop of Jaimanita.
00:17Do you work with an assistant now, José?
00:23Yes, I am an assistant.
00:42José is rolling the coffee shop of Jaimanita in front of the cinema.
00:49A historical place, a central place of this coastal town in the northwest of Havana.
01:01This is the place where I am rolling the coffee shop.
01:05This used to be a Guarapera.
01:08A Guarapera later became a small food stand.
01:17Today it is a food stand.
01:21Everything ends up in a food stand, José.
01:25If we had more than 500 pesos, we would have zero, but here there is nothing.
01:31Here we have 200, 300 pesos, but there is variety.
01:35What the state does not find, there is variety and you can find it in the food stand.
01:47The Guarapera is a cultural center of Havana.
01:52It is a cultural center of the city of Havana.
02:00Due to the limitations that painters have here,
02:05mainly imaginary places, like this imaginary neighborhood,
02:10it is not imaginary, but it is a neighborhood that is a little weird.
02:13They say that they sacrificed a lot of things to make this.
02:22You have had to sacrifice your work of art by marking, painting, almost.
02:28I have had to leave these bodies,
02:31as you can appreciate there with the Romanian machine,
02:33to make the coffee shop, the coffee shop.
02:35These are the little things that are left for later.
02:40Marking is more profitable than the practical work of a Cuban writer.
02:51Marking is more profitable because you pay more.
02:54If the one who announced it does not sell,
02:57and this is a luxury, this type of painting is being sold as a luxury,
03:01then the art is separated and people do not know about art.
03:05Many people do not know about art.
03:07Many people do not want to sell their product.
03:09Then you have to go there to make this type of poster.
03:13You are going to make it on the street,
03:15and in any case, more people will take it out for another goal.
03:19The marker of the town,
03:21and a painter who has not been able to develop his work
03:25due to the limitations that plastic artists have in this country,
03:29brushes, canvases, oils,
03:37oil paints,
03:39for the canvases,
03:41for the canvases,
03:43for the canvases,
03:45for the canvases,
03:47and he survives by marking
03:49while his artistic work is left behind.
03:55José Díaz Santa Cruz, painter of Jaimanitas.
03:59For more information, go to www.isglobal.org
