• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Questa è una campagna molto importante che coinvolgerà i tifosi del calcio. Con essa vogliamo far capire quanto sia importante ridurre l’impatto che i grandi eventi come le partite di calcio hanno sull’ambiente. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di ridurre le emissioni di Co2 e la dispersione del littering durante questi grandi eventi”. Sono le parole di Raffaella Giugni, segretario generale di Marevivo, in occasione del lancio della campagna “One Mission, One Planet”, una nuova iniziativa che punta a ridurre le emissioni di CO₂ e a contrastare il fenomeno del littering nelle aree circostanti gli stadi, realizzata da Marevivo in collaborazione con BAT Italia e Udinese Calcio, con la partecipazione della start-up JustOnEarth e il patrocinio della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.


00:00This is a very important campaign that will involve football fans precisely because we want to bring the message of reducing the impact that major events such as football games have on the environment.
00:26Our goal is to reduce CO2 emissions and littering during these major events.
00:34Like all human activities, unfortunately, football has an important impact on the environment.
00:40It is estimated that to compensate for the CO2 emissions of each football match, 2,500 trees are needed and that every year in Europe 750 tons of waste are generated with football activities, which are mainly cigarette butts and plastic waste.
01:04As we know, if these waste are not properly disposed of, unfortunately, they crumble into microplastics and remain in the environment forever.
01:12So what we want to do is, with the help of the fans, of course, who will be the protagonists of this campaign, try to reduce both CO2 pollution and littering.
01:26First of all, we will give suggestions of more virtuous actions to take, for example, in mobility.
01:33We try to have more sustainable mobility, use car sharing, reach the stadium with more sustainable vehicles.
01:42Then we will ask them to sign the fan manifesto, which is a commitment that the fan takes to try to pay more attention to how he throws away the waste and to what is its impact during football games.
01:58It starts with Udinese Calcio. Udinese Calcio is a team that has been committed to sustainability for a long time.
02:06An example is the Blue Energy Stadium in Udine. It is a team that has put sustainability first in its activities.
02:19That is why, together with Battitalia, we have involved Udinese Calcio, because they immediately responded to this idea of ​​making a campaign of awareness for all fans.
02:34One of the goals of this campaign is to have a smoke-free stadium, to be perhaps the first smoke-free stadium in Italy.
02:41It is clear that we all know that smoking is bad for our health, so smoking in a stadium is also harmful to others who are in the stadium.
02:52But not only that, if the cigarette butts are dispersed in the environment, they continue to release harmful substances even when turned off, and millions of small microplastics are reduced because the filter is not biodegradable and remains in the environment forever.
03:08So not only do they cause direct damage to our health, but also indirectly through damage to the environment.
