• last year
(Adnkronos) - Una corretta presa in carico del paziente affetto a dolore cronico si fonda su 2 pilastri. “Il primo è la multimodalità della terapia”, cioè “farmaci più supporto psicoemozionale. L'altro pilastro è la interdisciplinarità. Ciò significa che noi non possiamo pensare di curare un paziente affetto a dolore cronico solo attraverso un unico approccio professionale. Il terapista del dolore si avvale di un'equipe variamente strutturata, e comunque coordinata, composta da altri specialisti, che sono il fisiatra, l'ortopedico, il neurologo, il neurochirurgo, il neuroradiologo o il radioterapista nel caso del dolore oncologico”. Così Arturo Cuomo, Osservatorio della Società italiana di anestesia, analgesia, rianimazione e terapia intensiva (Siaarti), Buone pratiche cliniche per Area dolore, partecipando al talk ‘Numero verde Siaarti e terapia del dolore in Italia’.


00:00The chronic pain in Italy represents, as we have seen, a problem, so I would say that we must focus on the two pillars on which a correct care of the patient with chronic pain is based.
00:19The two pillars are the multi-modality of therapy, which is not only pharmacotherapy, but is also pharmacotherapy, psycho-emotional support and non-pharmacological techniques, including those invasive and invasive techniques that are more properly related to the discipline of anesthesia and resuscitation.
00:42The other pillar on which a correct approach to chronic pain therapy is based is interdisciplinarity.
00:50This means that we cannot think of treating a patient with chronic pain only through a single professional approach.
00:58Chronic pain therapy is based on the therapy of pain, but the therapy of pain is carried out by a variably structured and coordinated team, composed of other specialists, such as the physiotherapist, the orthopedic, the neurologist, the neurosurgeon, the neuroradiologist or the radiotherapist in the case of oncological pain.
