• last year
(Adnkronos) - La Siaarti, Società italiana di anestesia, analgesia, rianimazione e terapia intensiva è impegnata in varie attività “per migliorare la terapia del dolore. La prima è promuovere buone pratiche cliniche o linee guida per dare sicurezza ai professionisti nello svolgimento del loro lavoro quotidiano. La seconda, ovviamente, è la formazione”. In particolare “nei confronti dei medici anestesisti e rianimatori. Fondamentale, con questi due primi punti, è anche il rapporto con le istituzioni e il team con altri specialisti e gli infermieri” avvalendosi anche delle tecnologie” per “aiutare i nostri pazienti dal lato anche emotivo”. Così Elena Bignami, presidente Siaarti, sintetizza l’impegno della società scientifica intervenendo al talk ‘Numero verde Siaarti e terapia del dolore in Italia’.


00:00What are the three main goals of the D.O.L.O.R.E. therapy?
00:04The three main goals of the D.O.L.O.R.E. therapy are the following.
00:13The first goal is to promote good clinical practices or guidelines,
00:17in order to give safety to the professionals in their daily work.
00:22The second goal is to train the anesthesiologists and reanimators,
00:27when they are in the specialization school,
00:30but also in their daily work,
00:34if they want to dedicate themselves to the D.O.L.O.R.E. therapy in the future,
00:38or to recognize the patients who need it.
00:42Fundamental with these two first points is also the relationship with the institutions,
00:47first of all the Ministry of Health, but also the Institute Superior of Health,
00:51or whoever wants to deal in a correct, scientific and punctual way with these issues,
00:59which are transversal in our daily life.
01:02Fundamental is the support to create the team with other specialists,
01:07but also with colleagues nurses,
01:09so having dedicated and trained people, or trained and dedicated,
01:14so that we all speak the same language and that we all go in the same direction.
01:18Finally, SEARTI promotes and tries to implement the use of new technologies
01:24to make treasure of what we know,
01:27artificial intelligence, telemedicine,
01:30and try to help our patients from the emotional side.
