• 2 months ago
Hiya Toys Godzilla Vs Kong Advanced Skullcrawler Exquisite Basic Figure


00:00one of the island's apex predators just got an apex augmentation as you look to
00:05brand-new Haya toys Godzilla vs. Kong advanced skullcrawler
00:18prepare to encounter the enhanced skullcrawler as it appears in Godzilla
00:23vs. Kong with this previews exclusive Haya toys exquisite basic figure in the
00:27film skullcrawler undergoes secret cultivation by apex featuring red bone
00:32structure this monster is larger and stronger than the usual standing at
00:36length of approximately 14 inches and height of 4.3 inches tall this highly
00:41articulated figure references the design data from the film to capture all the
00:45intricate details of the fearsome skull island monster while it may have started
00:49as a predator it soon becomes the practice for mecha Godzilla and how
00:53about just before we get a closer look at the Godzilla vs. Kong advanced
00:56skullcrawler first let me send it a big thank you to the folks over at Haya toys
01:00that were kind enough to provide this sample the advanced skullcrawler is
01:03slated to drop in April 2025 for the price point online of $50.99 we'll be
01:10also bringing in a couple of examples not one being mecha Godzilla because we
01:13don't have that release yet but don't worry I'll be bringing in a Godzilla and
01:17a couple of Kongs first though let's grab the tape measure also and I want to
01:20show you guys just how long this actually is now the wire frame built
01:24into the tail of the skullcrawler works sort of the same way as the original
01:27skullcrawler that we got from Haya in that you can also manipulate the length
01:31of the tail the way that's designed right now in its full length gives us a
01:35pretty long version of the skullcrawler just to show you guys what I mean by
01:38that we're gonna start to the very end of the tail and work our way to the
01:41front of the snout yeah the skullcrawler is 14 inches in length based at least on
01:45this configuration and that translates though to a figure that's about 35
01:49centimeters long for its height though again that can also vary too with the
01:53way I have at least right now to the top of his spine the advanced skull
01:57crawler is four inches in height or about 10 centimeters tall I did say a
02:02couple of Kongs didn't I yeah cuz actually Haya did release two size
02:05classes of King Kong even though really technically this wasn't the first
02:08release of him he is though the smallest and the youngest if you're looking at
02:12the timeline this is also the King Kong that appears on Skull Island but he gets
02:16a lot bigger though when he has to trade blows with Godzilla giving you guys that
02:19example as well this was the first release of King Kong this was then the
02:23later release of King Kong and now of course speaking of Godzilla versus Kong
02:26you know in fact let's actually just move this guy just a little bit more in
02:29the middle we'll move Godzilla King Kong back here a little bit we'll put the
02:33Skull Island version of King Kong front and center and of course making room for
02:37the king of the monsters speaking of course obviously that this is Godzilla
02:40versus Kong I did want to bring in at least that release even though the mold
02:43has been used several times for Haya toys the colors have also changed as
02:46well if you're looking around the plastic tray where the skull crawler is
02:49kept hoping to find more than one accessory you might be a bit
02:52disappointed to find that the figure only comes in clue with the tongue the
02:55thing though about the tongue is it's only in place by just the lid alone
02:58there's no strap piece there's no tape to keep it in place so once you take the
03:03lid off you really want to make sure that the tongue doesn't fall out in the
03:06process the tongue looks gnarly though it's made of a pretty soft plastic as
03:10well you can see that it also does have a little peg on the bottom of this you
03:15will swap it out with the tongue that he has currently in his mouth and of course
03:18to do that let's pick up the advanced skull crawler and open wide and inside
03:23you can see there's his mouth now if you wanted to change the tongue out let's
03:27just say you don't really like the way the tongue looks right now basically
03:30just grab on to the tongue and just pull that off that's all you need to do I
03:35make sure though of course you put this back in the tray or in a bag or some
03:39place where you know that the accessory isn't gonna get lost then take the
03:42changed out tongue just before we actually do that I won't show you guys
03:45the differences between the two tongues the shorter tongue on a regular normal
03:50skull crawler and then just the gnarly looking tongue look at that it looks
03:54like a devil pitchfork or a fork it's really super cool the coloring is also a
03:59little bit different too that you'll notice that this one's a little bit
04:01lighter of a pink anyways that just basically attaches the exact same way
04:05see a little hole there on the back how could you miss it just basically take
04:09the peg right there plug it in place now one thing I will say though about
04:13plugging this in is it doesn't seem like to me like it securely attaches I mean
04:18it's there but I feel like when I bang this or if I start to move this around I
04:22feel like the tongue comes off a little too easy maybe I've got it a little bit
04:25more secure than I had it earlier you really want to make sure you're really
04:29pushing it in there just to make sure that tongue doesn't go anywhere the
04:31mouth toes technically still close but now it looks like he bit his tongue yeah
04:37I would probably just more so rather have the the advanced skull crawler with
04:41his mouth open if I'm gonna be using a tongue like this if you did want to
04:44have of course his mouth closed maybe beeline it back to the regular tongue
04:48instead just a cool-looking tongue Gene Simmons would be jealous of course
04:52around the tongue though is just rows upon rows of teeth the teeth are so
04:56nicely sculpted they're a little harder though to make out on the top of his jaw
05:00they're a lot easier to obviously spot down below here I like the way they've
05:03also added a clear finish there on the inside of his mouth so it just looks wet
05:07in fact like everything though on the skull crawler looks soaking wet now when
05:12we see this guy actually in the movie he emerges out in the like little tunnel
05:16chamber and as soon as it comes out he's grabbed right away and he's beamed right
05:20down the middle by a Mechagodzilla and basically just split in half
05:24filleted I do hope though that this is a precursor the fact that we are getting
05:28an advanced version release of this guy that maybe Mechagodzilla isn't that far
05:32away from from a release as well Mechagodzilla even though a little
05:35disappointing on design just the fact that I mean high up to this point has
05:39done really good solid releases of all the other figures a Mechagodzilla I
05:42certainly would love to see what they could do with that as well now so again
05:45like with the closing of the mouth it's gonna be a little harder to pull off
05:48with the longer tongue like this so again you might just want to have always
05:51the mouth really open one thing though what you'll notice too is when you pull
05:55down the bottom of the jaw it pops then the top of the jaw up also too so it
05:59looks like they're sort of connected together one thing though I had a bit of
06:04a struggle though with the advanced skullcrawler here was the way that they
06:07designed the head he does have posability and I keep calling it a he
06:11he does have posability but I noticed though periodically I see it just
06:15happened right there there's not a lot of wiggle space between the front of the
06:20head and the rest of the neck that when you move this too far one way it ends up
06:24popping the ball joint off completely there's the inside of it by the way and
06:28basically all you're just gonna do is take this and put it back in place on
06:31paper though technically it does have a lot of posability but the posability
06:35sort of comes with a caveat that when you are moving it periodically though
06:38it's gonna pop that ball joint off and it seems to happen quite easily as well
06:41the coloring looks really good though on this as well I mean normal skullcrawlers
06:46generally would not have a color palette like this we get treated to some nice
06:49little beige colors love the glorious use of the red that they've added here
06:53as well to the top of his crest along the spine as well we get a little bit
06:56treatment to that I guess it really isn't so much a red it's like a very
06:59fiery pink a lot of that pink though finds its way onto the spine here as
07:03well that's a nice little lighter colors if I move my fingers out of the way nice
07:07lighter colors there also as well for the yellow this transition works really
07:11well for me I like how it's more of a lighter yellow down below and it sort of
07:14bleeds its way down into the the brighter pink and that makes up again
07:17like the spine that runs down his body it does still continue here but it gets
07:22more lost right around this area here I mean they've added just a very thin line
07:26of it and it gets a little bit darker as it runs to the very end of its tail
07:30the tail by the way does have a wire built into it you may be able to see
07:34there's a few holes there as well and you know like with the earlier skull
07:38crawler there's a fair bit of mileage that you can get to the tail where you
07:41can really bend it by quite a lot I mean if you really like looking at a
07:45collectible like this and you think of the days when we used to have like bendy
07:48figures back in the 80s I mean there's been some considerable advances when it
07:52comes to how much something can actually bend I mean normal things like this like
07:55the old snakes in the 80s I mean you start to bend a tail like this it would
07:59start to fray and split the rubber but it like the plastic and the material
08:02that they're using here seems to be quite quite resilient really for the
08:06fact that you can bend as much as you can love these spikes also on the ends
08:09of his tail none of them are really super prickly but you certainly can feel
08:13it when you're running your finger across it but he's wet everywhere
08:16there's like just a cool slick slime to all over his body on the undercarriage
08:20of this as well he has very much like a crocodile or alligator look to him the
08:24yellows here as you can see start only really with his gullet but then when it
08:28comes to his underbelly here you can see it kind of goes more of a creamer color
08:31he's got some nice red also there on his nails the red I should say around his
08:36nails and these very sharp looking fangs or talons would these be still talons
08:40whether it be a creature like this or not I guess it would be very sharp
08:44looking claw pieces on the end there as well like the nails themselves are
08:47fairly soft plastic you can see there's a little bit of give to that they
08:50probably did this also too so that they'd be less likely for something like
08:53this to snap again there's some decent levels of possibility if you are
08:57familiar though with the original hide toys release of the skull crawler this
09:00one sort of follows again the source same sort of territory so for the head
09:04going back to that right now whether you choose to use this tongue or not when
09:07you do move the bottom of the jaw it pops the top jaw up as well I like that
09:13again be a little careful when it comes to moving the head around the head does
09:17look up and down but when you're doing it it does very frequently pop this off
09:21so again you just want to pop the only thing I would probably have said is I
09:25had had they only made the post a little bit longer the problem with that though
09:28is obviously you want to have a seamless looking body so maybe if they made the
09:31post longer you'd see more of a gap space in between but at least it would
09:35ensure that you'd be able to move the head a little bit better I mean you sort
09:38of have to kind of look at this and think to yourself what would I have
09:40rather a seamless looking body or the means to properly move the head again I
09:44don't know maybe I would maybe lean more towards a seamless body because it looks
09:47a little nicer on the shelf but again like the head is gonna rotate back and
09:51forth he has a collar piece basically so his neck is like three pieces here
09:55the head in the front the mid collar piece and then the one on the end and
09:58then all of those sort of work the same way with that ball joint but again like
10:02mileage is very limited here unfortunately the actual body here is
10:06also on a ball joint and that fully rotates this section of his body
10:10basically it's sort of accordions the same way as Godzilla's tail so there's a
10:15joint basically from this point there's a ball joint here as well and then the
10:20back end of the tail from this point on is basically I really shouldn't even say
10:24that it seems like like the wire starts right around here there doesn't seem to
10:28be a bend right here and plus two it's just way too thick a little thicker here
10:32in the top of the tail that even if there was a wire doesn't seem like it
10:35wants to bend all that much for the front of its arms though these arms
10:39rotate all the way around you can also hinge them out also as well the
10:44reasoning also why I haven't brought in the other skull crawlers I don't have it
10:47anymore I had a friend of mine that really loved skull crawlers I thought
10:50you know what oh right fine I seem to be a very giving friend maybe why people
10:54like me so much but yeah I had given that one away I probably could have even
10:58asked him if I could have borrowed it for this review but the arms I would
11:01imagine work the exact same way as the other skull crawler my only real concern
11:05though is I feel like the shoulder joints over time will these start
11:08developed too loose of a joint where he's not gonna be able to hold his own
11:11weight right now it seems to be okay but again I would imagine the more you're
11:14rotating it like this and hinging out like this you're probably gonna start to
11:17loosen up that joint a little bit more the arm itself also has a swivel in what
11:22I would probably consider to be the bicep suction you got a nice little
11:25gnarly spike sticking out from his elbow there's also a I want to say like a
11:29double hinge and I guess that really would be the correct way to describing
11:32it because there's a technically a peg right here and a peg here it's hidden
11:36but that gives you a mileage of where be able to bend it here and here so I guess
11:40that would be a double bend in the elbow or the hind of the leg there's also a
11:44swivel down to down below here in the ankle you can move the foot up and down
11:47this way and there's also a nice little ankle rocker as well I mean it's really
11:51again depending on how you want to have these displayed you can also successfully
11:56pulled off like I did at the beginning survey where you can have the tail
11:59upright and sort of have it more lunged forward some people would also I would
12:04imagine probably prefer to have the tail maybe just still resting so it ensures
12:07as well that the skull crawler isn't gonna fall it's entirely up to you how
12:11you really want to have it displayed one though way of displaying this as
12:15only something I can only hope down the road that how he's gonna release is
12:17again a Mechagodzilla because again like Mechagodzilla honestly though I didn't
12:22really like the design of it though in Godzilla vs. Kong the fact though at
12:26least we got ourselves a Mechagodzilla in that movie being how successful high
12:29has been so far with the exquisite miniseries and the exquisite series as a
12:33whole I hope that a Mechagodzilla is something that we're certainly gonna be
12:36getting and certainly also while coming to displaying this guy there goes the
12:40tongue displaying this guy I would probably go the route more of getting
12:44the tongue this gnarly looking tongue I think is kind of me my preferred tongue
12:47to choose of the two that he has for display but it also means as well that
12:51you're probably gonna also always have the mouth open to just because it looks
12:54a little awkward when you've got the mouth closed like this and a little bit
12:57of tongue hanging out the side also for final looks of course I guess just
13:01before we get to the final looks of the figure want to bring in Godzilla and
13:04where's King Kong I had actually put Tom King Kong over there to the side there
13:09we go so if you know it's sized pretty well but the one thing it certainly has
13:13that the other two and booked in on either side can't say that they have
13:16it's just a lot of color the advanced version of the skullcrawler has all these
13:20glorious pops of color whether it be the hot pink whether it be again the
13:24additional yellow that they've added in there it really then adds a lot more of
13:27a rewarding experience when you're seeing this thing sitting on a shelf
13:30liking the look of the advanced skullcrawler yeah me too this guy like I
13:34said is slated to drop in April 2025 so we'll have to unfortunately wait out the
13:38remaining of 2024 and then four months into the new year before this guy starts
13:42shipping in various online sites for the price point again of $50.99 I keep
13:47looking though online to see if Haya has teased a Mechagodzilla from Godzilla
13:51vs. Kong the only closest thing I've been able to find is that Haya is gonna
13:55be releasing a Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 2 which is also gonna be a
13:59Mechagodzilla exquisite but it's not gonna be the Mechagodzilla obviously
14:03from this film series or this universe for that matter fingers though crossed
14:06that eventually we do get ourselves a Mechagodzilla and I also hope that maybe
14:10while they're still getting the most mileage out of this mold maybe release a
14:14battle damage filleted version of an advanced skullcrawler that would go
14:18perfect and as an accompanying piece for that eventual release of Mechagodzilla
14:22if though in the meantime wishful thinking aside I'd like to thank the
14:25folks over at Haya toys that again did provide the sample of the Godzilla vs.
14:29Kong this was the advanced skullcrawler that we had the chance to have a look at
14:32this review let me know what you guys think this figure down below in the
14:35comments section do you guys also have the original skullcrawler and could
14:38really see yourselves also being interested in getting this one and what
14:42did you guys also think of the design of Mechagodzilla in Godzilla vs. Kong
14:46wasn't a big fan of it myself but were you let me know down below you guys can
14:51also if you guys enjoyed this video do it a salt throw it a like you guys want
14:54to stick around for more so I hope so we may not be having any more Haya toy
14:58reviews for the rest of this week but there certainly is gonna be more videos
15:01coming your way so as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
