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Amor Amargo Capitulo 35 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 35 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 35 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 35 Completo HD
00:00Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:52Buenos días, princesa.
00:55¿Qué haces despierto tan temprano?
00:57Pues, pensando en ti.
00:59Así me levanto y me acuesto todos los días ahora.
01:04¿Y tú?
01:06No sé, ¿piensas un poquito en mí?
01:12Me encanta verte sonreír.
01:14Te carré a ver así todo el día.
01:17Oye, ¿ya te dije que...
01:20que te quiero?
01:25Pues, te quiero, Eva.
01:26Te quiero más de lo que te imaginas.
02:03Uy, uy, uy.
02:47Borribito, si tienes perro que te ladre.
02:52No, no le deas tu cara.
02:54Te dejo.
02:56Así puedes chatear a gusto.
03:01¿No que no?
03:15Estoy seguro que ese tipo tuvo que ver en el incendio.
03:18Julio me dijo que encontraron un encendedor de Paulo en las cosas que lo inculpaban.
03:23Es que tiene de raro.
03:26¿Qué? ¿Qué me ven?
03:28¿Les debo algo o qué?
03:31A mí no, pero a la justicia tal vez sí.
03:33Vamos a tranquilizarnos.
03:35A ver, yo tengo muy mal manejo de los nervios.
03:37Si se van a pelear, me voy al cuarto.
03:46Voy a llevar a la policía este encendedor que te apunta como el autor material del incendio de las oficinas.
03:53Eso quiere decir que es tuyo.
03:56Paulo, licenciado.
03:58Por favor, cada quien a lo suyo.
04:19No te imaginas el trabajo que me costó venir.
04:22Creo que me están siguiendo.
04:24¿Qué fregados quieres?
04:25Ya cumplí con las órdenes de Enrique.
04:28Le entregué el encendedor a Emilio y le dije que era tuyo.
04:33Parece muy bien.
04:35Ahora, alárgate.
04:37Cuidadito metas la pata.
04:56Dolores, querida.
04:59Lamento haber sido tan intensa.
05:03Me siento muy mal por lo que pasó entre nosotras.
05:08Mira, tú eres mujer y sabes cómo somos de complicadas.
05:13No me gusta sentirme así.
05:16Por favor, respóndeme llamada, ¿sí?
05:22Por favor, respóndeme llamada, ¿sí?
05:27Esta maldita bruja.
05:30Maldita Dolores.
05:33Maldito pueblo polvoriento.
06:16No, no.
06:24Tú decides.
06:26Si quieres volvernos, regresamos juntos.
06:29Ay, me cansé.
06:33Si no te puedes quedar aquí en esta casa sin problemas, sabes que es tu casa.
06:37Te tomo la palabra.
06:39Sí, regreso contigo.
06:41¿En serio?
06:43Mi madre con sus locuras, Andrés, tú.
06:47Es una familia que la vida me regaló.
06:51Y los extraño.
06:53Y una debe de estar donde está su familia.
07:05¿Sabes qué?
07:07Que quiero la revancha.
07:09No, no, no, yo voy a ganar.
07:17Julio me dio este encendedor que encontró entre las cosas cuando registraron su casa.
07:22Él insiste que es de Pablo.
07:25¿Estás seguro?
07:27Los dos son un par de lacras, pero por la cara que puso Pablo cuando se lo enseñé, estoy seguro que es de él.
07:38Voy a investigar.
07:47¿Cómo es posible que nadie se hubiera dado cuenta de que ese tipo se metió a mi hacienda?
07:54¿Pues quién más?
07:56¡Por supuesto, Tomás Jiménez!
07:59¿Y qué?
08:00¿Nadie se dio cuenta que construyó un maldito, hermoso, precioso jardín?
08:05Tú debes de haber sido cómplice de esto, bienvenida.
08:08No, señora, yo no sabía.
08:10¿Alguien lo hizo?
08:11Alguien lo hizo y quiero saber quién fue.
08:14¿Y de qué le va a servir?
08:16Gabriela y Tomás están enamorados.
08:19No sé por qué no lo quiere entender.
08:22Todos los medios he tratado de hacer que ese hombre se vaya del pueblo.
08:26Y cuando por fin se larga, Gabriela le pide que regrese.
08:30Yo misma lo escuché.
08:32No, no, no, esto ya es una locura, yo no sé a dónde llega.
08:35Sí, sí, es la misma locura que tenía Beatriz.
08:38Sí, es la misma locura que tenía Beatriz por Jaime.
08:44¿Qué tienen esos hombres?
08:46Esos Jiménez, ¿qué tienen esos hombres?
08:48¿Qué tienen esos hombres?
08:52¿Cómo te sientes?
08:54Más o menos.
08:56¿En dónde estabas?
08:58Pues, caminando por ahí.
09:00Supongamos que Tomás no regresa al pueblo.
09:04¿Sabe qué puede pasar?
09:07Que Gabriela se convierte en lo que fue Beatriz.
09:12Según tú, ¿en qué se convirtió Beatriz?
09:17En una mujer apagada.
09:20Nunca vio la tristeza en sus ojos.
09:23Nunca vio la tristeza en sus ojos.
09:27Nunca vio la tristeza en sus ojos.
09:32No, usted estaba tan tranquila porque había logrado lo que se propuso.
09:37Alejarla del hombre que ella amaba y casarla con otro.
09:44Entonces resulta que la vida de mi hija fue un pantano y un desastre por culpa mía, ¿no?
09:51Yo no dije eso.
09:53Yo no dije eso.
09:55Pero seguramente la vida de Beatriz hubiera sido diferente si se hubiera casado con Jaime.
10:01¿Es tan difícil entender que todo lo que he hecho es para proteger a los míos, a mi familia?
10:17Ahorita vengo.
10:19¿Y a dónde vas?
10:21A hacer un mandado.
10:23Un mandado.
10:29Esta es la correspondencia de estos meses.
10:32No la quise tirar para que la revisaras.
10:41A la familia Jiménez, mi más sincero pésame que la paz los acompañe, Alicia S.
10:52Y hay algo más.
10:53Estos son los registros de las cámaras de vigilancia.
10:57Hay fotos y hay videos.
11:17Mira, esa mujer vino el día que tu papá se fue a Todos los Santos.
11:21¿La conoces?
11:27No, no, creo que no.
11:32Esta es la mujer que estuvo con mi papá y con Beatriz antes de morir.
11:36¿Cómo sabes eso?
11:38Joaquín hizo un retrato hablado.
11:40Hay testigos de que vieron a esta señora con ellos en el pueblo.
11:43¿En serio?
11:57Sí se parece, ¿no?
12:00¿Qué pasa?
12:18Deseo que hoy sea un gran día y que la fiesta de la fábrica sea...
12:38Solo quería que supieras que estoy contigo en este día tan importante para la fábrica y para tu familia.
12:43Pero a ti no te importa lo que siento.
12:45Aborrezco lo que me hace sentir, Gabriela.
12:50No, no.
13:07Esto no lo soporto, Gabriela. Te vas a arrepentir de rechazarme.
13:24Y listo.
13:27¿Listo qué?
13:28¿Listo qué?
13:30No, nunca vamos a terminar, ¿eh?
13:32Si tienes tanta prisa, hazlo tú.
13:34Yo no nací para estos jales.
13:36Qué floja eres, ¿eh?
13:40No te hagan acá.
13:42No seas nada.
13:47¿Eh? ¿Adónde vas?
13:49¿Qué te importa?
13:58Ya quedó listo lo que le encargó a Julio, patrón.
14:01Me encantaría ver la cara de imbécil que va a poner el abogaducho cuando sepa que su pista no lo va a llevar a ningún lado.
14:11Quiero que te encargues de Francisco.
14:17Ah, el güero estirado, el que trabaja en la fábrica de chocolate.
14:22Ese imbécil.
14:24Quiero quitarlo del camino. Ese tipo me estorba.
14:27Bueno, ¿y qué es lo que quiere que haga con él?
14:32Arruínale la vida.
14:34Aquí no lo quiero.
14:36Si vino por dinero, va a salir perdido.
14:41Está bueno.
14:43¿Quieres un whisky?
14:45Faltaba más, mi señor.
14:47¿De las rocas?
14:49Por favor.
14:56La Rosa de Guadalupe
15:26El programa más visto por generaciones.
15:29El resumen completo de toda la semana deportiva.
15:32Y todo lo que te perdiste o quieres volver a ver en Acción.
15:38Domingo 2 de la tarde con las estrellas.
15:41Y en este programa te ponemos en contacto con
15:44Los últimos resultados
15:47Entrevistas exclusivas
15:51Comentarios y opiniones de toda la jornada deportiva
15:54Contacto Deportivo
15:56Martes, Jueves y Viernes 11.30 de la noche con las estrellas
16:00Cantinflashera viral por hacernos reír
16:03¿Usted cree que iba a despreciar esto? Pues, ¿de dónde, señor?
16:05Y Tendencia por su buen vestir
16:07Miren nomás, puro cierto, pelo tirando a minke
16:09En televisión o medios digitales
16:11¿Digitales? Pues serán tales o cuales, pero eso no prueba nada.
16:14Síguenos este sábado en Soy un prófugo
16:17Y este domingo, su excelencia, con las estrellas.
16:20¿El compañito se va con la competencia?
16:22¿Se quieren ofrecer un contrato millonario, compañito?
16:25Que no pueden llevarse a toda su bola de rémora, rey.
16:30¿No me piensan detener?
16:32Aquí están tus maletas, compañito.
16:34¿Qué hubieran hecho ustedes?
16:36Chócalas, compañito. Este domingo, final de temporada, 7.30 de la noche.
16:44Te presento a salud. Buenas noches.
16:47Estoy pensando en hacer algo para demostrarles que el único que decide sobre mi vida
16:51Soy yo.
16:53Yo no puedo separarme de este nombre.
16:55Pero sí hay una manera en la que podemos estar juntos para siempre.
16:59Lunes a viernes, 9.30 de la noche.
17:01Él es Platanito.
17:04Es culpable de corromper el sagrado oficio del payaso.
17:08Por algo soy Platanito, porque todos...
17:11Platanito es como mi hijo.
17:13Nos conocemos hace más de 30 años, ¿verdad?
17:15Yo tenía el pelo abajo de mi peluca.
17:16En perdir el juicio, sabemos hacerte reír.
17:19Este lunes, al terminar el noti.
17:21Estos amigos ya están hasta las verduras.
17:24Es cierto que nuestros maridos jamás harían una dieta.
17:27Llevo cuatro y tengo espacio para más.
17:29Yo me meto cinco en una sentada.
17:31Seguro rompo la dieta, ¿no?
17:33Pero si ese es tu pasatiempo favorito.
17:36En Simón dice, sabemos hacerte reír.
17:38Este martes, al terminar el noti.
17:40Por las estrellas.
17:42Durante años, te hemos mantenido al tanto de los deportes.
17:44En el programa más visto por generaciones.
17:47El resumen completo de toda la semana deportiva.
17:50Y todo lo que te perdiste o quieres volver a ver.
17:54En Acción.
17:56Domingo, dos de la tarde.
17:58Con las estrellas.
18:00En el ángel de Aurora, la pasión y la traición saldrán a la luz.
18:04Eres un traidor.
18:06Yo no firmé sus contratos.
18:08Están despedidas.
18:10Y la venganza dará el primer paso.
18:11Quiero que le des un trato como se merece a la señora Yesabel.
18:15Como el que le diste a la señora Aurora.
18:17Lunes a viernes, 4.30 de la tarde.
18:19No se vayan, pero a quedar.
18:21¡Un arco!
18:23Vengo por mi jolotito, ¿tú crees?
18:25Ya me urge irme a México.
18:27Me parte el alma dejarlos a ti y a mi daddy, pero tengo una misión en la vida.
18:30¡No se vayan!
18:32Me voy a quedar sin mi familia de diez.
18:34En una familia de diez, sabemos hacerte reír.
18:37Este domingo, final de temporada.
18:39Siete de la noche.
18:41Subtítulos por la comunidad de Amara.org
19:11Y al terminar, entérate de todo sobre los famosos.
19:14Cocina, entrevistas y más en Cuéntamelo Ya.
19:17Tenemos que hablar también del disco nuevo.
19:19De lunes a viernes, con las estrellas.
19:42En este programa, te ponemos en contacto con...
19:45Los últimos resultados.
19:48Entrevistas exclusivas.
19:52Comentarios y opiniones.
19:54De toda la jornada deportiva.
19:56Contacto Deportivo.
19:58Martes, jueves y viernes, 11.30 de la noche, con las estrellas.
20:01En este edificio, lo más importante son los modales.
20:04Germán lo admira tanto que en su honor, se dejó la barriga a mí.
20:08No me llame, consuegra.
20:09Tenemos que tutearnos.
20:11No, no, cámara, cámara, no se peleen.
20:13Está bien que seas un baboso.
20:15Pero evidenciarte delante de todos nosotros, no.
20:17Sí, sí.
20:18Imbeciles, sabemos hacerte reír.
20:20Este domingo, 5.30 de la tarde.
20:22Me tocaste tú.
20:25Yo ya tengo mi regalo.
20:29¡Vamos, Mona!
20:31Aquí está tu regalo.
20:32No, señorita, no.
20:37El mejor regalo, es el tiempo que pasamos juntos.
20:43Tenía que ser el Chavo, no.
20:45Si no te tienen paciencia.
20:47Yo tengo la conciencia limpia.
20:49Ese dado único que tengas, limpio.
20:51No te agüites.
20:53Chavo, Chavito.
20:55En esta vecindad, te queremos como eres.
20:57Sabemos hacerte reír con El Chavo.
20:59Lunes a viernes, con las estrellas.
21:02En el ángel de Aurora, la pasión y la traición saldrán a la luz.
21:06¡Eres un traidor!
21:08¡Yo no firmé sus contratos!
21:10Estás despedida.
21:12Y la venganza dará el primer paso.
21:14Quiero que le des un trato como se merece a la señora Yesabel.
21:17Como el que le diste a la señora Aurora.
21:19Lunes a viernes, 4.30 de la tarde.
21:36Síguenos este sábado en Soy un prófugo.
21:38Y este domingo, su excelencia, con las estrellas.
21:41También es mi primera vez.
21:43Hola, mija, ¿qué pasó? ¿Qué estaban haciendo?
21:45Nada, nada, ahorita.
21:47¿Qué demonios estaban haciendo aquí?
21:49Si ti no se atrevió a venderle esas acciones a alguien,
21:51prácticamente acabo de perder mi empresa.
21:53Yo me comprometo a mantenerme al tanto.
21:55Yo estoy detenido por abuso de retención
21:57y que fraude contra Maxi Click.
21:59Va fast por conveniencia.
22:01Lunes a viernes, 8.30 de la noche.
22:03Esta luna de locos no canta mal las rancheras.
22:05¡Sí, señor!
22:07¿Saben dónde vive Xiomara?
22:09Lo mejor es un trío.
22:13Te reto a un duelo de serenatas.
22:15¿En dónde vamos, amor?
22:17En Bola de Locos, sabemos hacerte reír.
22:19Final de temporada, viernes al terminar el noti.
22:22Durante años, te hemos mantenido al tanto de los deportes.
22:26En el programa más visto por generaciones,
22:29el resumen completo de toda la semana deportiva.
22:33Y todo lo que te perdiste
22:35quieres volver a ver en Acción.
22:39Domingo, 2 de la tarde, con las estrellas.
23:36Ya no tengo corazón
23:40Tal vez sea lo mejor
23:45Los sueños se hundieron en mis manos
23:50Y no pude dar el paso
23:54Amor amargo
23:58Que se queda en nuestra historia
24:02Y como me arrepiento
24:05La tortura está constante en mi memoria
24:11Amor, amor, amor
24:14Amor amargo
24:18La venganza no es tan dulce
24:22Como yo pensaba
24:25Después de todo aquel amor
24:28Ya no vale nada
24:35No vale nada
25:05Tell Dolores to not show up.
25:07I've left her a lot of messages and she hasn't shown up.
25:10What kind of person is that?
25:13Let's wait for Dolores to show up.
25:15And finish signing. You're missing a sheet.
25:22Was that all you had for this pen?
25:36Good morning!
25:38Come on, come on!
25:40Up, up, up!
25:42Today is a very special day for the factory.
25:45A lot of people are going to celebrate
25:47and we have to attend to them.
25:49Yes, I saw something about what they organized.
25:51They threw the house out the window, right?
25:53Of course!
25:56Hey, not every day is 75 years of a business.
26:02And it's going to be a great party.
26:04Hey, and you?
26:06Who are you chatting with?
26:08No, with no one.
26:10I just saw some videos.
26:12Hey, Gaby.
26:14I don't want to make you feel bad,
26:16but I heard Tomas left Todos los Santos.
26:18Did you know that?
26:20Yes, but he only went to solve a few things in the United States.
26:23I thought it was because of what happened at the police station.
26:26Well, there's something about that.
26:29I don't even want to talk about it.
26:30There's something about that.
26:32He's not even going to come to the party.
26:34What? No, no, call him, tell him to come.
26:37And you call Juan Pedro.
26:41Are you in a relationship or what?
26:45Oh, the truth?
26:47I would love for Tomas to be at the party.
26:49So I can make him lose with his whims?
26:51No, Gabriela, no, well, no.
26:53It's better if he's not like Juan Pedro.
26:55You didn't invite him?
26:57I've been looking for him for a year.
26:58Oh, Juan Pedro, I miss you.
27:00Oh, Juan Pedro.
27:02Oh yes, oh yes, oh Juan Pedro.
27:14Miss Vera.
27:16How are you, Pablo?
27:18How are my uncle's orders going?
27:20What do you mean?
27:23I'm not stupid, Pablo.
27:24The walls have ears, eyes.
27:26And I'm always behind the walls.
27:30Well, the orders I do with your uncle...
27:32Oh, no, no, you don't have to explain to me.
27:34I know they're dirty jobs.
27:38But I'll tell you something.
27:40I like it.
27:42Because maybe I need help too.
27:45I'm at your service, miss.
27:47Just let me know in time.
28:23Do you need help, miss?
28:25Julio, get out of here.
28:27What's wrong with you?
28:29I don't need help.
28:31I think you do, miss.
28:33You need help to share the money you just received.
28:36Or are you going to tell me you didn't get paid?
28:39I don't know what money you're talking about.
28:42It's imprudence, Julio.
28:44Get out of here.
28:46Don't be silly, miss.
28:48I know how much they gave you.
28:50And I want my share right now.
28:53Or do you want this to get ugly?
28:56My share, partner.
29:02Don't complicate life, miss.
29:04Make it easier.
29:08Sir, here's your...
29:12Of course I can go to town for what you ask, miss.
29:15Just give me the money and I'll go without a problem.
29:26Here you go.
29:31No, I think what you want is a little more expensive.
29:34No, that's not enough.
29:36I'm sure it's a little more expensive.
29:51If it's necessary, I'll come back for more.
29:53Excuse me.
29:57Is everything okay, ma'am?
29:59Did you see something wrong?
30:01Or why are you asking?
30:03Oh, ma'am.
30:05Everyone here knows that guy is terrible.
30:07I don't know why they hired him.
30:10Come on, have your tea.
30:14Excuse me.
30:20Stay still.
30:21Stay still.
30:23What I need is a double tequila.
30:30No, Tomas went to get some things that Candela is going to bring him.
30:35Hey, do you know if he and Gaby fought?
30:38It's just that Miriam said something to the police station.
30:41Well, I don't know.
30:43I mean, she didn't tell me anything.
30:45She told me about your grandmother's passing, but nothing about Gabriela.
30:48I don't want them to fight over her.
30:49Hey, I'd love for you to go to the party.
30:52Me too, princess.
30:54But if my brother doesn't go, I find it difficult, pretty.
31:02Old man!
31:05Let's see.
31:09Oh, old man!
31:11Look at the color, please.
31:13What a beautiful thing.
31:15And look, nothing more than a dress.
31:17And look, nothing more than a dress.
31:20Old man, this is beautiful.
31:25It must have cost you a lot of money.
31:27But what does money matter?
31:31You deserve to look beautiful.
31:34And today more than ever, you know?
31:37Well, we're going to have to dance.
31:39Oh, yes.
31:41Sooner or later.
32:03Hello, Francisco.
32:07What do you want?
32:09Let's talk.
32:11I think it's more prudent to talk here than at the factory.
32:14Look, I'm a little busy.
32:20Yes, yes, yes, it shows.
32:25Look, I always wondered what these shoes would be like.
32:28You have good taste.
32:32How beautiful.
32:36To choose the photos.
32:38Your Gabriela.
32:41I just found out that you have become a nuisance to this town.
32:45What are you talking about?
32:47Because there are those who no longer want you here.
32:49So it's not convenient for you to walk alone.
32:52If you do it for Tomás, I don't care what that guy thinks.
32:55No, no, no, no, it's not just him.
32:57There are others.
32:59And the list is very large.
33:02Oh, you came to separate Gabriela from Tomás.
33:07But you haven't made it.
33:08And if you don't let me help you, they will eliminate you.
33:32Is something wrong?
33:35You look beautiful.
33:36You look beautiful.
33:40And I know you're happy about this celebration.
33:45When I'm gone, I hope you do many more celebrations and in my honor.
33:50Grandma, don't say those things.
33:55Today we are.
33:58Tomorrow not.
34:00I just thought.
34:02That Beatriz was going to leave.
34:06And look.
34:09Today she is not.
34:13She is there.
34:15You will also have to prepare for my departure.
34:18Because you know that my health is not good.
34:21Grandma, don't say that.
34:23I know you will be with us a lot.
34:26A lot.
34:27A lot of years.
34:29For that bad grass?
34:35You are beautiful.
34:37You look beautiful like your mother.
34:41How beautiful.
34:43My Beatriz, how beautiful, how beautiful.
34:47And who do you think created her beauty?
34:50Her father.
34:54Of you.
34:55Of you.
35:01Since you are here.
35:03I want to congratulate you for the years that the factory is fulfilling.
35:08For everything you have done to keep it up.
35:11That factory has been the livelihood for us.
35:15For many families in this town.
35:20It is so difficult for people to understand that so many of your battles are to help them.
35:27To protect them.
35:30They generally think that one is an evil and wants to hurt them.
35:35Perhaps the solution is to give things without expecting anything from others.
35:41It is a lie that one does not expect anything.
35:43When you give so much.
35:45At least you expect.
36:01I had to find out, on the other hand,
36:04that Tomas dared to cross the limits of my house again.
36:09He entered the hacienda for reconstruction.
36:11He entered the hacienda to rebuild that garden that brings me such bad memories.
36:20Now I understand that he was behind the flowers they left me at the factory.
36:24Anyone would say that you are the one who has the way free.
36:30Tomas left the town.
36:32Tomas left Gabriela?
36:34You don't even believe that.
36:36Tomas is a calculating guy.
36:38And he will return to attack again.
36:42Tomas is a calculating guy.
36:44And he will return to attack again.
36:48Tomas is a calculating guy.
36:50And he will return to attack again.
36:53That's what I want.
36:55That he returns.
36:57What are you looking for here?
36:59That you take advantage of the time.
37:01Do something, Francisco.
37:04Are you okay?
37:06Yes, I'm fine.
37:08What do you want?
37:10The only thing I want is to warn you.
37:12Because I don't know if you're willing to see Gabriela end her days with Tomas.
37:17You don't know how I feel.
37:18You don't know how I feel.
37:20And yet you talk and talk and talk.
37:23And you see everything so easy.
37:25If everything were so easy, why aren't you with Tomas?
37:28Because we are not doing enough, Francisco.
37:31But we are going to do it.
37:33We are going to separate. Really.
37:36We have to show them that their love is a mistake.
37:48THE FAN
38:18Don't call me mother-in-law.
38:20We have to teach them a lesson.
38:22Camera, camera, don't fight.
38:24It's okay if you're a fool.
38:26But showing yourself in front of all of us?
38:28Yes, yes, yes.
38:30Imbeciles, we know how to make you laugh. This Sunday at 5.30pm.
38:32For years, we have kept you up to date with sports.
38:36In the most watched program by generations.
38:39The complete summary of the entire sports week.
38:42And everything you missed or want to see again.
38:46In action.
38:48Sunday at 2pm.
38:50With the stars.
38:52In the angel of Aurora, passion and betrayal will come to light.
38:56You are a traitor.
38:58I didn't sign those contracts.
39:00You are fired.
39:02And revenge will take the first step.
39:04I want you to give her a deal like Mrs. Yesabel deserves.
39:07Like the one you gave to Mrs. Aurora.
39:09Monday to Friday, 4.30pm.
39:11The compadre leaves with the competition.
39:13They want to offer you a millionaire contract, compadre.
39:17That you can't take all your remora ball, king.
39:22Aren't you going to stop me?
39:24Here are your suitcases, compadre.
39:26What would you have done?
39:28Chucalas, compadre. This Sunday, end of season.
39:32Start your mornings with the stars at 9pm.
39:34Games, exercise, Christmas advice and a lot of fun.
39:37Only today.
39:39Marti Gareda had to say goodbye to his girlfriend.
39:41And at the end, find out everything about the famous.
39:44Cook, interviews and more in Cuéntamelo Ya.
39:47We also have to talk about the new album.
39:49From Monday to Friday with the stars.
40:12He is Platanito.
40:14He is guilty of corrupting the sacred profession of the clown.
40:18For some reason I am Platanito because everyone loves me.
40:21Platanito is like my son.
40:23We met more than 30 years ago, right?
40:25I had hair under my wig.
40:27In the trial, we know how to make you laugh.
40:30This Monday at the end of the news.
40:32Here you will find the best humor for a night in Macabrona.
40:36Listen to what the Mexican team tells you.
40:41Because you are like a chicharito in front.
40:44You went to Cojutla.
40:46And your woman left.
40:48In Macabrones stories, we know how to make you laugh.
40:50This Saturday at the stars.
40:52Don't go, but stay.
40:54Don't go.
40:56I have to go to Mexico.
40:58I have a mission in life.
41:01Don't go.
41:03I'm going to be without my family of 10.
41:06In a family of 10, we know how to make you laugh.
41:09This Sunday, end of season.
41:12You called me.
41:16I already have my gift.
41:20Come on, Mona.
41:22Here is your gift.
41:24No, idiot.
41:28The best gift is the time we spend together.
41:33Carteen, viral t-shirt for making us laugh.
41:35Do you think I'm going to despise this?
41:37And trend for your good dress.
41:38Look at this.
41:40Pure truth.
41:42On television or digital media.
41:46Well, they will be such or such, but that does not prove anything.
41:48Follow us this Saturday on I'm a fugitive.
41:50And this Sunday, your excellence with the stars.
41:52This crazy ball does not sing bad rancheras.
41:55Yes, sir.
41:57Do you know where Xiomara lives?
41:59The best is a trio.
42:03I challenge you to a serenade duel.
42:05Where are we going?
42:06Crazy ball, we know how to make you laugh.
42:08End of season.
42:10Friday at the end of the noti.
42:12These friends are already up to the vegetables.
42:14It is true that our husbands would never go on a diet.
42:17I have four and I have room for more.
42:19I get five in one sitting.
42:21I'm sure I break the diet.
42:23But if that's your favorite hobby.
42:25I want my eggs.
42:27In Simón says, we know how to make you laugh.
42:29This Tuesday at the end of the noti.
42:31For the stars.
42:33For years we have kept you informed of sports.
42:34In the most-seen program for generations.
42:36The full summary of the entire sports week.
42:38And everything you missed or want to see again.
42:40In action.
42:42Sunday, two in the afternoon.
42:44With the stars.
42:46Here you will find the best humor for a night more bastard.
42:48People who tell you the Mexican team.
42:50And why?
42:52Because you have nothing behind.
42:54And well, a chicharito in front.
42:56And you have nothing behind.
42:58And well, a chicharito in front.
43:00And you have nothing behind.
43:02And you have nothing behind.
43:04And you have nothing behind.
43:06And your woman left.
43:08In stories, macabrones, we know how to make you laugh.
43:10This Saturday, for the stars.
43:12When the world wakes up, the news is already happening.
43:15We bring you closer to the stories and the analysis that will mark the course of your day.
43:21With the markers, the stages and the time that will be in your state and city.
43:27Start your day awake.
43:29Monday to Friday, seven to nine in the morning.
43:31For the stars.
43:32With the angel of Aurora, passion and betrayal will come to light.
43:36You are a traitor.
43:38I did not sign those contracts.
43:40You are fired.
43:42And revenge will take the first step.
43:44I want you to give her a deal like Mrs. Yesabel deserves.
43:47Like the one you gave to Mrs. Aurora.
43:49Monday to Friday, four thirty in the afternoon.
43:53You had to be a kid, crazy.
43:55If you do not have patience.
43:57I have a clean conscience.
43:59You will be the only one who has clean.
44:00Do not worry.
44:04In this city, we love you as you are.
44:07We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
44:09Monday to Friday, with the stars.
44:11It's also my first time.
44:13Hi, girl, what happened?
44:15What were you doing?
44:17Nothing, nothing, right now.
44:19If you dared to sell those shares to someone, I practically just lost my company.
44:23I commit to keep you informed.
44:25I am arrested for abuse of retention and fraud against Maxi Click.
44:28Pappas for convenience.
44:30Monday to Friday, eight thirty at night.
44:32The compayito is leaving with the competition?
44:34They want to offer you a millionaire contract, compayito.
44:38You can not take all your remora ball, king.
44:42Do not you think to stop me?
44:44Here are your suitcases, compayito.
44:46What would you have done?
44:48Chucalas, compayito.
44:50This Sunday, end of season, seven thirty at night.
44:52As much as they deny it.
44:54I had to stop him.
44:56Remember that between him and me there is nothing.
44:58And although it seems impossible.
45:00Where are you?
45:02He made a mistake in the room, sir.
45:04Love can not be hidden anymore.
45:06What are you going to do?
45:08A little kiss.
45:10Monday to Friday at two thirty for the stars.
45:28The first hours of the day also bring the first stories that must be known.
45:31Agile, precise and punctual.
45:33So you will know all the information in the news.
45:35Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
45:37I'm Carlos Hurtado and I wait for you in the news.
45:39A newscast of M+.
45:41Monday to Friday, five fifty in the morning.
45:43With the stars.
45:59Love bitter.
46:08You think a man who does what Thomas has done,
46:10I do not have it all calculated?
46:14He knew what that garden meant in the history of my life.
46:17He did it to make me rave.
46:20Things were not like that.
46:22The story of my life is a story of love.
46:24It is the story of love,
46:25Things didn't work out that way.
46:27He found out because of me.
46:29Our family's history can't always be kept hidden.
46:34We can try to erase the past, Grandma.
46:38But everything you try to leave behind
46:42appears over and over again.
46:46But it's my past.
46:49My history.
46:51That man is manipulating you.
46:55He knows what he wants and how he wants it.
47:00I don't know if we can celebrate another anniversary
47:02in a year's time.
47:05He might have gotten his goal and thrown us out on the street.
47:15Francisco, how many tranquilizers did you take?
47:20I have to control myself.
47:22I start thinking about her and I can't get her out of my head.
47:25I go crazy. I feel lost.
47:26It's like I'm in hell and I can't get out.
47:30Francisco, I understand.
47:35I went crazy over a doll.
47:41I couldn't have it because my parents didn't have the money
47:43to buy it for me.
47:45What does a damn doll have to do with what's happening to me?
47:48I couldn't have it because I didn't have the money.
47:51I was angry that someone else had it.
47:54So I decided to destroy it so it wouldn't belong to anyone else.
47:59But you know what happened?
48:01I stopped suffering because the doll didn't exist.
48:05I don't want to destroy Gabriela.
48:07I want her for myself.
48:10Then we have to do something.
48:18I want us to promote the headquarters of Todos los Santos
48:21with a slogan that says,
48:22this is where history began and this is where we'll change history.
48:26As soon as the festivities at the San Jose factory start,
48:28we'll start with the promotion.
48:29Okay, Tomas.
48:31Guillermo, go to my presentation at the factory party
48:34and bring a message.
48:35Sorry to interrupt you, Tomas.
48:38Do you think it's wise?
48:40Everyone should know that the Mexican company Sol
48:42joined Todos los Santos with a clear goal.
48:46I'm committed to your revenge, Tomas.
48:49I don't like the cold,
48:50but in this case, I'm savoring that dish.
48:54It's not an act of revenge, Guillermo.
48:56It's an achievement within a goal.
48:59Make sure our presence is felt in a forceful way.
49:13But that's how things are.
49:15Tomas joined Todos los Santos, then the factory,
49:18and now he has a garden in my hacienda.
49:20Grandma, it was a gift for me.
49:23Why are you so naive?
49:26He could've built that garden in a thousand other places,
49:28but no, he decided to challenge me.
49:30Do you know why?
49:31Because he wants...
49:32Don't let those ideas get to you, Grandma.
49:37That's what he wants.
49:39My granddaughter, my factory, and my hacienda.
49:43That's where you don't want to listen.
49:45You go in one way and out the other.
49:47Instead, you call him to beg him to come back to you.
49:49You're hurting the family, but especially yourself.
49:58Oh, now you're listening behind the doors.
50:02You're spying on me.
50:03I don't need to do it to know what's going on with you
50:06and what you want with that guy.
50:09And what are you going to do?
50:11Are you going to destroy my garden?
50:12Are you going to do exactly what you did in the past?
50:16End what's bothering you?
50:18Would it be of any use?
50:20If you want to destroy the garden, go ahead and do it.
50:24But that won't erase what's tormenting you.
50:26And what's tormenting me, according to you?
50:29No, now you're questioning your grandmother, your blood.
50:32Don't blackmail me with those things.
50:35You don't want to see that you're full of hate
50:38and resentment.
50:39And you think everyone is against you.
50:42Shut up, will you?
50:45Grandma, sit down.
50:46We have to call the doctor first, please.
50:48Don't call anyone.
50:50Now, worry about me.
50:53You're just giving me reasons to get like this.
50:56You have to calm down, Grandma. It's not good for you.
50:59We have to call the doctor, please.
51:00I don't need you to call anyone.
51:03Leave me alone.
51:05Get out of here, too.
51:06Get out of my sight.
51:12Gabriela, please. Grandma is not well.
51:15But she's not doing anything to help herself.
51:17And this could become a blackmail.
51:19So what do you want to do?
51:22Leave and take us with Tomas?
51:24Is that the solution now?
51:25Of course not.
51:26I would never allow Tomas to take care of us.
51:30But what Grandma won't be able to do
51:32is take care of herself.
51:34I don't know what you're talking about.
51:36I don't know what you're talking about.
51:38I don't know what you're talking about.
51:40But what Grandma won't be able to do
51:42is keep us worried,
51:44putting your health as an excuse.
51:46I agree.
52:06Thank you for allowing me to host this event
52:09here at the factory.
52:11You've been a great support to this family, Enrique.
52:16Who else could do what you did?
52:23I don't know if this celebration makes sense.
52:31There are so many things that worry me.
52:35I would've liked to arrive in better conditions.
52:41But I'm heartbroken.
53:05Let's go. Pedal to the front.
53:07Pedal to the front, Simón.
53:09Come on, or you'll fall.
53:14It's okay, it's okay.
53:15Up, up. You're strong, kid.
53:18Let's go again.
53:19Try it without fear.
53:20You have to lose your fear.
53:22Pedal to the front.
53:23Let's go.
53:25That's it. Pedal, pedal, pedal.
53:27To the front, to the front.
53:29That's it.
53:30That's it.
53:31That's it.
53:32That's it.
53:33Pedal to the front, to the front.
53:36Let's see.
53:39What happened? Did it break?
53:41No, it didn't break.
53:44You too, okay?
53:59My party dress.
54:00How do you like it?
54:03You look beautiful.
54:06I'm sorry for everyone else,
54:09but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
54:33I'm sorry for everyone else,
54:35but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
54:37I'm sorry for everyone else,
54:39but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
54:41I'm sorry for everyone else,
54:43but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
54:45I'm sorry for everyone else,
54:47but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
54:49I'm sorry for everyone else,
54:51but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
54:53I'm sorry for everyone else,
54:55but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
54:57I'm sorry for everyone else,
54:59but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:01I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:03but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:05I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:07but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:09I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:11but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:13I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:15but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:17I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:19but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:21I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:23but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:25I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:27but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:29I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:31but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:33I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:35but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:37I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:39but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:41I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:43but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:45I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:47but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:49I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:51but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:53I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:55but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
55:57I'm sorry for everyone else,
55:59but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
56:01I'm sorry for everyone else,
56:03but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
56:05I'm sorry for everything else,
56:07but you're going to be the prettiest at the party.
56:11Listen, Francisco.
56:13With these drugs,
56:15you are strictly forbidden to drink alcohol.
56:17Do you understand?
56:23you can lead a normal life.
56:31So let's toast.
56:33You do remember the story of the doll I couldn't have?
56:37Well, Gabriela is that doll.
56:40The image of the impossible.
56:43So you have no choice but to steal it.
56:56Another one.
58:15What's wrong?
58:16I wanted to see you.
58:18To talk to you.
58:20To be close to you.
58:23Lately you've been avoiding me.
58:25And you ignore my messages.
58:27Lately no, Francisco.
58:29I was very clear with you.
58:31There's nothing between us.
58:33So please get out of here.
58:35I have nothing to talk to you about.
58:37Well, I do.
58:40I want you to know how I feel about you.
58:57Get out.
59:00Did you hear that?
59:03Get out.
59:06Get out.
59:09I want you to know that I'm willing to support you
59:12to clear the path that we have to clear.
59:16And I'm not going to let anyone hurt my interests.
59:19With the secrets I know about you and my uncle,
59:22I could set up a library, Pablo.
59:25Well, you know which side you have to align with, right?
59:28You're back!
59:37I'm going to do what you wanted, Pablo.
