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Good Morning Pakistan is your first source of entertainment as soon as you wake up in the morning, keeping you energized for the rest of the day.

Host: Nida Yasir

#goodmorningpakistan #nidayasir #arydigitalshow #arydigital
#aroobamirza #zainabraza #danishnawaz #newyearcelebration


00:00:30Oh, yes, she has come
00:00:41She is humming like this
00:00:43She is waking everyone up
00:00:46Yes, with flowers in her hair
00:00:48The birds are chirping
00:00:56Dhuli-dhuli, khuli-khuli
00:00:58She is in it, dhuli-dhuli
00:01:00A little bit of mischief
00:01:03She is in mischief
00:01:05She has come in the morning
00:01:17Good morning, Pakistan
00:01:23Good morning, Pakistan
00:01:25How are you?
00:01:27How are you all?
00:01:29How is your life going?
00:01:31Yes, I know we have to go to a lot of weddings
00:01:34And because of going to those weddings
00:01:36The expenses are getting out
00:01:38The budget is getting out
00:01:39It's happening, right?
00:01:40By the way, this budgeting
00:01:42Who teaches us this?
00:01:44Time teaches us
00:01:45And the circumstances teach us
00:01:48By the way, we have often heard from our parents
00:01:51From our ancestors
00:01:53In our time
00:01:54So much money, so many things used to come
00:01:56So many things used to come
00:01:58This used to happen in the 12th
00:02:00And we have heard these stories from childhood
00:02:03But we have also got training from childhood
00:02:06We have seen our parents, our mother
00:02:10How was she running the expenses of the house?
00:02:12What was she saving?
00:02:14Where was she spending?
00:02:16What were those places
00:02:18Where she thought it was necessary to spend
00:02:20And what times did she save?
00:02:22If there is a wedding in a family
00:02:24Then it is not necessary that
00:02:26At every wedding
00:02:28She has to get us a new dress
00:02:30In fact, she used to be so smart in a lot of things
00:02:34And by looking at all those things
00:02:36You become like this
00:02:38You don't even know
00:02:40First, when you were young
00:02:42Your wishes
00:02:44I want this, I want that
00:02:46If my mother had fulfilled all my wishes
00:02:48Or my father had fulfilled
00:02:50Then maybe
00:02:52It wouldn't have happened
00:02:54That you would have learned to save
00:02:56If your parents
00:02:58Have kept a little thirst inside you
00:03:00Then you can survive
00:03:02In any situation
00:03:04They say
00:03:06It is such an old saying
00:03:08Look at your shawl and spread your legs
00:03:10Often people have seen
00:03:12Many people
00:03:14Who spend their lives lavishly
00:03:16Sometimes they get
00:03:18Burdened by debts
00:03:20And because of that
00:03:24You will see
00:03:26The percentage of society
00:03:28How much it has increased
00:03:30Depression, Expenses
00:03:32It happens when
00:03:34Sometimes your luck
00:03:36Is not supporting you
00:03:38And you don't have a good job
00:03:40Or you don't get
00:03:42Any means of survival
00:03:44And if you get
00:03:46Then you become
00:03:48A slave to your wishes
00:03:50And because of that
00:03:52Your life's balance
00:03:54Gets out
00:03:56And you live your life
00:03:58Hand to mouth
00:04:00You have to face every situation
00:04:02With bravery and honesty
00:04:04Do you have any guidelines for that?
00:04:06Any personalities
00:04:08Who are self-made
00:04:10Who didn't get
00:04:12Property from their parents
00:04:14But they built their own empire
00:04:16But look
00:04:18For all these things
00:04:20You need a little wisdom
00:04:22And that wisdom
00:04:24You get when your time passes
00:04:28You see your parents
00:04:30And learn something
00:04:34In this era of inflation
00:04:38We are going to teach you
00:04:40Some ways of saving money
00:04:42Through this show
00:04:44There are small things
00:04:46Through which you can save money
00:04:48Because every drop
00:04:50Becomes a sea
00:04:52And similarly
00:04:54If you want to make something for yourself
00:04:56On your own
00:04:58Then how to save it
00:05:00From now on
00:05:02You know
00:05:04There are
00:05:08With transparent
00:05:12And it says
00:05:14This is your pocket money
00:05:16You have to pay
00:05:18Your household expenses
00:05:20And you have to save it
00:05:22So these three things
00:05:24Are made in your mind
00:05:26Since your childhood
00:05:28That you have to save it
00:05:30Because the habit
00:05:32Of saving money
00:05:34Makes you
00:05:36In survival mode
00:05:38It saves you from drowning
00:05:40Stay with us after a short break
00:05:42Good morning Pakistan
00:05:52Welcome back
00:05:54Good morning Pakistan
00:05:56I have some smart
00:05:58Celebrities here
00:06:00Who have built
00:06:02Their empire
00:06:04On their own
00:06:06And today
00:06:08We are going to learn
00:06:10How to save money
00:06:12As a couple
00:06:14Or as an individual
00:06:16If you have to
00:06:18Take care of the house
00:06:20How can you do it
00:06:22In a happy way
00:06:24I have a couple here
00:06:26Mr. and Mrs.
00:06:30Should I say Rambo?
00:06:32Rambo is fine
00:06:34How are you all?
00:06:36First of all
00:06:38I am enjoying
00:06:40I feel like I am in a garden
00:06:42I feel fresh
00:06:44It's a celebration set
00:06:46Did you buy it yourself?
00:06:50Wearing a burqa
00:06:54And on my other side
00:06:56We have Dr. Mirahil
00:07:00How are you?
00:07:02My third guest is coming
00:07:04Her blood is getting dry
00:07:08Reaching on time
00:07:10Is a big task
00:07:12Hats off to you
00:07:14For reaching on time
00:07:16Since how many years?
00:07:18I forgot to count
00:07:20It's been 20 years
00:07:24It will be 16 or 17
00:07:28It's a sign of good health
00:07:30You are fresh
00:07:32In our house
00:07:34I don't wake up early
00:07:36My husband too
00:07:38Before I wake up
00:07:40He goes to the gym
00:07:42I thought you throw newspapers
00:07:48I sleep half an hour
00:07:50Before I wake up
00:07:52But one guy
00:07:54Woke me up
00:07:56So he is
00:07:58Earlier than me
00:08:02It's a celebration
00:08:04That's why it's blessed
00:08:10Today's topic is very interesting
00:08:12I have talked to you on many topics
00:08:16I want to talk on this topic
00:08:18Because I have seen
00:08:20Your empire
00:08:22Your small world
00:08:24It can only happen
00:08:26When you put aside
00:08:28All your desires
00:08:30And get focused
00:08:32On your life
00:08:34I have seen you both
00:08:36Dr. Mirahil
00:08:38And the third guest
00:08:46Please sit
00:08:50It's a pleasure to meet you
00:08:56Today's topic is
00:08:58If you make something in life
00:09:00Save it
00:09:02We are learning from you
00:09:04First tell me
00:09:06First he saved
00:09:08You didn't bring your husband
00:09:10I came alone
00:09:12It's true
00:09:14Maybe you both save
00:09:16Maybe in this couple
00:09:18The one who is saving
00:09:20He called me
00:09:22I saved you
00:09:24He saved me
00:09:30Shabbir bhai's heavy cheque
00:09:32He is heavy
00:09:34And he talks a lot
00:09:36So we don't let him talk
00:09:40So today as a couple
00:09:42We will talk about
00:09:44How to save
00:09:46Dr. Mirahil will give
00:09:50You should have
00:09:52Will power
00:09:54To make others understand
00:09:56That this is how you
00:10:00I have seen Faheeda
00:10:02How to save
00:10:04She has grown up
00:10:08She has learned a lot
00:10:12Who is going to save
00:10:18In everything
00:10:20The most important thing
00:10:22Things are
00:10:26In that
00:10:28All the savings are yours
00:10:30In everything
00:10:32Like food
00:10:34If you have brought so many groceries
00:10:36You have done so much
00:10:38That things are expiring
00:10:40Things are expiring
00:10:42It is a limited thing
00:10:44People don't know
00:10:46After my mother's death
00:10:48My father doesn't know
00:10:50That he has kept the groceries
00:10:52In the cabinet
00:10:54And when we came
00:10:56We told him to clean it
00:10:58Before my brother's wedding
00:11:00So I saw
00:11:02Expired things
00:11:04In the cabinet
00:11:06Because the servants kept it
00:11:08It was like that
00:11:10It is expired
00:11:12When we have a tour
00:11:14We do the same
00:11:16So we know
00:11:18That they have kept it in the cupboard
00:11:20I have started
00:11:22Keeping things on the side
00:11:24I will give one by one
00:11:26If you see
00:11:28All the packets
00:11:30Of one thing are open
00:11:32One thing is not used
00:11:34So all these things are wasted
00:11:36The shopper who can't open it
00:11:38Tells him to leave it
00:11:44We start from there
00:11:46You had to make a house
00:11:48When you
00:11:50Wanted your favorite girl
00:11:52There was a condition
00:11:54Make a house
00:11:56Then you will get your favorite girl
00:11:58So at that time
00:12:00The boys didn't even know
00:12:02How to save
00:12:04And a new guy
00:12:06Has come to the showbiz
00:12:08Good shirts, car
00:12:10You have a lot of opportunities
00:12:12To spend on yourself
00:12:14On your personality
00:12:16Buy an expensive car
00:12:18Buy expensive clothes
00:12:20I am earning
00:12:22Boys don't know how to save
00:12:24Buy a car, a suit
00:12:26Buy a perfume
00:12:28I had to make a house
00:12:30And I didn't buy anything
00:12:32How old were you?
00:12:34I was 26-26
00:12:42I got a duty
00:12:46In 3 years
00:12:48I worked 20 hours
00:12:50Out of 24 hours
00:12:52How did you save money?
00:12:54What did you do?
00:12:56Did you put a committee?
00:12:58I talked about the house
00:13:00I took the rest of the time
00:13:02And whatever money came
00:13:04I used to go and give it
00:13:06To the landlord
00:13:08How can you make a house at that age?
00:13:10You keep thinking
00:13:12You live in dreams
00:13:14You can't make a house in 30s
00:13:16They are established in 30s
00:13:20But in those 24 hours
00:13:22The first tip
00:13:24He took the land
00:13:26And whatever he earned
00:13:28You kept giving
00:13:30So that it becomes
00:13:32My parents were also there
00:13:34They also had to do
00:13:38I was the eldest
00:13:40Now I am working
00:13:42First person in the house
00:13:44I have to take care of them
00:13:46Someone taught you this
00:13:48How to save
00:13:50Sometimes it comes from your parents
00:13:52It comes
00:13:54I have seen my mother
00:13:56She used to run the business
00:13:58Everything was limited
00:14:00I don't know how
00:14:02She used to do everything
00:14:04She married a sister
00:14:06She was younger than me
00:14:10She had her own house in Pindi
00:14:12Eid, Shabraat
00:14:14Marriage, relatives
00:14:16I don't know how she used to do
00:14:18She used to manage everything
00:14:20She never lacked anything
00:14:22Not much
00:14:24Mother's blessings
00:14:26Mother's blessings
00:14:28She is sensible
00:14:30I had to look there
00:14:32I had to spend
00:14:34I had to fulfill her wishes
00:14:36Although I never
00:14:40From your house
00:14:42I was asking
00:14:46Which I say
00:14:48Every mother has the right
00:14:50That my daughter
00:14:52Should be secure
00:14:54That's why
00:14:56You built the house
00:14:58I didn't buy the land
00:15:00I bought it
00:15:02I told her
00:15:04I will give you the rest
00:15:06It took me a year and 8 months
00:15:08Because she was in a hurry
00:15:10Construction takes time
00:15:12That's right
00:15:14Very early
00:15:16One loss
00:15:18I told the manager
00:15:20You are giving
00:15:22Don't listen to the role
00:15:24I am doing 4 title films
00:15:26I am also doing a guest
00:15:28I am getting full money
00:15:30I had a loss
00:15:32I got 2nd pair
00:15:343rd pair
00:15:36I have 4 titles
00:15:38I had a loss
00:15:40Everyone said
00:15:42Let's do it here
00:15:44Let's do it there
00:15:46We started taking 4 heroes
00:15:48I didn't understand
00:15:50I didn't know
00:15:52That this will be a loss
00:15:54I did it
00:15:56You are John Rambo
00:15:58You are what you are
00:16:00Whether you do 4
00:16:02Whether you lead
00:16:10An aim
00:16:12When you get married
00:16:16You get lucky
00:16:18You get a lot of money
00:16:24You have to eat outside
00:16:26You know
00:16:28People won't believe
00:16:30They never said
00:16:32I want this
00:16:34Once we went for shooting
00:16:40Multicast films were being made
00:16:42In Dubai
00:16:44Situation was bad
00:16:50Was in
00:16:52Everyone took
00:16:54I didn't have
00:16:56That much
00:16:58That I won't take anything
00:17:00I asked her to take
00:17:02She said no
00:17:04She said take
00:17:06I said I have money
00:17:08She didn't take
00:17:10Everyone took
00:17:12I said go
00:17:14She liked one
00:17:20I asked
00:17:2240-45 thousand
00:17:2650 thousand
00:17:28It took a year
00:17:30I saw
00:17:32It was this much
00:17:34I took
00:17:36She was in line
00:17:38For burger
00:17:40I gave
00:17:42Her face
00:17:44I can't tell
00:17:46But to tolerate
00:17:48For a woman
00:17:52In Pakistan
00:17:54I asked her to take
00:17:56I don't remember
00:18:00He said Rambo
00:18:02You are very lucky
00:18:04First time in life
00:18:06Our ancestors
00:18:08I saw
00:18:10Husband said take
00:18:12Wife said no
00:18:14You are lucky
00:18:16Things like this happen
00:18:20When good time comes
00:18:22People take
00:18:26House is made by women
00:18:28Women make it
00:18:32How did you get this
00:18:34In film industry
00:18:36When you start earning
00:18:38At a young age
00:18:40We take this
00:18:42And that
00:18:44Heroines have tantrums
00:18:46I want branded
00:18:48I want this
00:18:50How did you get this
00:18:52Everyone says
00:18:54What is love
00:18:56What is love
00:18:58Love is not a thing
00:19:00It's a feeling
00:19:02Your husband
00:19:04With so much hard work
00:19:06Wife knows everything
00:19:08Both of us
00:19:10What is going on
00:19:12What is the scenario
00:19:14According to that
00:19:16Feeling your husband
00:19:18Don't let him feel
00:19:20I want this
00:19:22I always thought
00:19:24I never
00:19:28He has that
00:19:30There are problems
00:19:32If you compare
00:19:34There are problems
00:19:36He has this
00:19:38I want this
00:19:40Have I ever done this
00:19:44I am taking my witness
00:19:46With me
00:19:48This is the thing
00:19:50Until you don't feel
00:19:52Your husband
00:19:54Whose other name is love
00:19:56Until then you can't do this
00:20:00Wives stop husband
00:20:02Husband is spending
00:20:04There is a hole in his hand
00:20:06Wives stop
00:20:08And make their house
00:20:10Or small things
00:20:12We make
00:20:16When he is spending
00:20:18Like his relatives
00:20:20If he is spending there
00:20:22I will make him spend more
00:20:26I don't let him stay there
00:20:28I feel
00:20:30He has
00:20:32All his life
00:20:34I am taking everything
00:20:36This is a bad thing
00:20:38Whose right
00:20:40Stop it
00:20:44Tell us
00:20:46Everyone has a right
00:20:48Wives shouldn't stop
00:20:50My parents
00:20:52And my siblings
00:20:54More than I think
00:20:56This is a good thing
00:20:58This is a good thing
00:21:00Your daughters in law
00:21:02Will come
00:21:04I am scared
00:21:08Kids have become very fast
00:21:10Kids have become very fast
00:21:12Our times
00:21:14People used to tell us
00:21:16Not of old age
00:21:18Times have changed
00:21:20But now it has changed a lot
00:21:22You were talking
00:21:24I got married
00:21:26You are here
00:21:28I understand
00:21:30You told us
00:21:32You made a house
00:21:34She is younger than us
00:21:36Her kids and my kids
00:21:38I don't think this thing will come
00:21:42If we keep doing shows
00:21:44Maybe this thing will come
00:21:46But not in kids
00:21:48We will do it
00:21:50And they have done
00:21:52Everyone is in front
00:21:56I don't see that
00:21:58In our kids
00:22:00That they are saving
00:22:02Let me tell you Farida
00:22:04Like our parents
00:22:06At this age
00:22:08They don't see
00:22:10But when they come
00:22:12They will see
00:22:14Because they have seen their parents
00:22:16They have got everything
00:22:18And believe me
00:22:20If this thing will come
00:22:22They will do it
00:22:28We are taking a small break
00:22:30We will come back
00:22:32And we will discuss
00:22:34My mother
00:22:36Told me
00:22:38If the house is small
00:22:40It is important to make your own house
00:22:42And that
00:22:44Was in my mind
00:22:46Any area
00:22:48You have to shift from here to there
00:22:50With small kids
00:22:52We are in the best area
00:22:54After a small break
00:22:56Keep watching Good Morning Pakistan
00:23:10You are getting gold
00:23:12You just told me
00:23:18Has some
00:23:22Like you were given
00:23:24An aim to make a house
00:23:26To save
00:23:28Everyone saves from gold
00:23:30Everyone has different ways
00:23:32To save
00:23:34I will come to you
00:23:36How did you save?
00:23:38I saved a lot
00:23:40Because my husband is rich
00:23:42We were talking about
00:23:44Savings and expenses
00:23:46In the morning
00:23:48That's why
00:23:50He has no work in this show
00:23:52That's why
00:23:54He doesn't believe in it
00:23:56He asks
00:23:58How much will you count?
00:24:00Not count, spend
00:24:04We had a goal
00:24:06We have a family
00:24:08When we got married
00:24:10We had nothing
00:24:12Step by step
00:24:14We saved
00:24:18We had a house in Gulistan-e-Johar
00:24:20We bought a shop
00:24:22We bought a flat
00:24:24We sold it
00:24:28Had a hand
00:24:30My elder brother had a hand
00:24:32He kept
00:24:34Helping me
00:24:36I kept saving
00:24:38I kept giving
00:24:42We buy a house
00:24:44You take a loan from the bank
00:24:46Or you have a close relative
00:24:48Where you don't have to give interest
00:24:50That's why
00:24:52I kept saying
00:24:54I have to give a lot of money
00:24:56By saving
00:24:58The first thing you said
00:25:00Was that
00:25:02I had to put committees
00:25:04I had a habit
00:25:06That I have to put committees
00:25:08Through committees
00:25:10Because I had to save
00:25:12If I had a biscuit
00:25:14I had to save
00:25:16If I had a biscuit
00:25:18Shabbir knew
00:25:20Now I don't let him know
00:25:22He says
00:25:24I have to do this
00:25:26He wants me to do this
00:25:28Let's do this
00:25:30Let's make the room bigger
00:25:32Let's spend money
00:25:34Let's spend money
00:25:36Which I need
00:25:38So I kept putting committees
00:25:40My brother helped
00:25:42At home
00:25:44I am still doing
00:25:48We had some money
00:25:50We did that
00:25:52We didn't have that much
00:25:54When we got married
00:25:56We opened our salon
00:25:58I did that too
00:26:00By saving
00:26:02Because I used to do this
00:26:04You used to live in that house
00:26:06And you opened a salon there
00:26:08We used to live upstairs
00:26:10And our salon was downstairs
00:26:12When we came from Gulistan-e-Jauhar
00:26:14To Gulshan
00:26:16My brother helped
00:26:18So we took it
00:26:20We were doing this
00:26:22So we took the money
00:26:24But there was a fix
00:26:26I said
00:26:28Let's do this
00:26:30This is the wisdom of women
00:26:32My brother supported both of them
00:26:36How did you get the idea
00:26:38To open a men's salon
00:26:40My brother told me
00:26:42Do this salon
00:26:44And this salon
00:26:46Talk to your brother
00:26:48Take this house
00:26:50This was decided
00:26:52But I became Yashmira
00:26:54They say
00:26:56After a long time
00:26:58I had left my work
00:27:00And I was looking at the kids
00:27:02I said I can't do it
00:27:04My priority is my kids
00:27:06So I told Shabbir
00:27:08My brother said
00:27:10There are many women's salons
00:27:12It was the same
00:27:14So you do this
00:27:16You are crazy
00:27:18No, Shabbir
00:27:20Open it in your name
00:27:22We will keep big workers
00:27:24And you will keep going
00:27:26So you do a course
00:27:28And go
00:27:30He said
00:27:32After a long time
00:27:34My brother agreed
00:27:36And God blessed him
00:27:38And that is our work
00:27:40So many people
00:27:42Do jobs there
00:27:44So God blessed us
00:27:48But this was your wisdom
00:27:50There are many women
00:27:52Who say come
00:27:54Make new clothes
00:27:56We are getting married
00:27:58Buy a new set
00:28:00I didn't do anything
00:28:02I was looking at Shabbir
00:28:04His kids
00:28:06No one was married
00:28:08So I didn't ask
00:28:10And they thought
00:28:12I am a rich woman
00:28:14They didn't give
00:28:16I said
00:28:18I am broke
00:28:20I need something
00:28:22He said
00:28:24I made it
00:28:26He is a good man
00:28:30Who saw it yesterday
00:28:32He said
00:28:34We will see
00:28:36It was good
00:28:38God blessed us
00:28:40He gave us everything
00:28:42He said
00:28:44Do some effort
00:28:46Then I will be with you
00:28:48So this is how
00:28:50I opened my salon
00:28:52We tried another one
00:28:54We tried in covert
00:28:56So Shabbir
00:28:58Programmed 2-3 branches
00:29:00They liked it
00:29:02The work is good
00:29:04And people
00:29:06Are earning
00:29:08With me
00:29:10With my husband
00:29:12This is the best satisfaction
00:29:14That so many people
00:29:16Are at risk
00:29:18And everyone is like a team
00:29:20So my saving
00:29:22Was a good saving
00:29:24I am doing it
00:29:26They say
00:29:28Keep it
00:29:30This is a good thing
00:29:32I want to come to Dr. Umme Raheel
00:29:34Like there are two
00:29:36They earn two
00:29:38It is easy to create an empire
00:29:40You are single handed
00:29:424 daughters
00:29:46Doing everything alone
00:29:48This is a big credit
00:29:54Fulfilling the wishes
00:29:56Of the daughters
00:29:58So how did you
00:30:00Learn to save?
00:30:02They say
00:30:04Whatever time comes
00:30:06God sends to teach
00:30:08So the tough time
00:30:10In my life
00:30:12When I was in my parents house
00:30:14We used to fly
00:30:16In that tough time
00:30:18My daughters and I learned a lot
00:30:20When we were alone
00:30:22And came to a new place
00:30:24Parents support
00:30:26Is a big support
00:30:30Two daughters were small
00:30:32And two were smart
00:30:34So we decided to think
00:30:36We made a list
00:30:38Needs and wants
00:30:40Always needs and wants
00:30:42We have to look at the needs
00:30:44We have to go on that
00:30:48Wish list
00:30:50My children's habits are
00:30:52Wish list and cards are full
00:30:54Whenever it is, take it
00:30:56But first fulfill your needs
00:30:58You see
00:31:00When we shifted
00:31:02We got the upper portion
00:31:04The whole house was made
00:31:06The kitchen was old
00:31:08Now the kids
00:31:10They painted
00:31:12The whole house
00:31:16The center table
00:31:18They made the center table
00:31:20With the old suitcase
00:31:22It is kept in my house
00:31:24So these small things
00:31:26When I was growing up
00:31:28I had to teach
00:31:30I taught four girls
00:31:32I will tell you
00:31:34After parents
00:31:36Because I didn't do the clinic
00:31:38I left everything
00:31:40But here
00:31:42Salman brother told me to start the clinic
00:31:44So I started making the clinic
00:31:46We become like seven colleagues
00:31:50I used to set up in different places
00:31:52In different hospitals
00:31:54But he said
00:31:56I started my clinic
00:31:58In front of you
00:32:00She used to come to us
00:32:02To give tips
00:32:04That clinic
00:32:06Was made from scratch
00:32:10In that clinic
00:32:12Komal got married
00:32:14So I started
00:32:18Before that I was a doctor
00:32:20At that time
00:32:22Wherever payment is coming
00:32:24You have to deposit
00:32:26And the biggest thing
00:32:28I will tell everyone
00:32:30I never took my foot out of my shawl
00:32:32If relations are coming
00:32:34I told everyone
00:32:36This is my status
00:32:38When Komal got married
00:32:40Everyone said
00:32:42First daughter is getting married
00:32:44And do this much in in-laws
00:32:46I will do what is my status
00:32:48I am not giving anyone gold
00:32:50I would like to pick from here
00:32:52Whether it is your first daughter
00:32:54Or your only child
00:32:56The one who is your shawl
00:32:58You have spread your feet
00:33:00Because you have to see the rest of your life
00:33:04You have to focus on marriage
00:33:06If in the first daughter's in-laws
00:33:08I had more than my limit
00:33:10I had three more
00:33:12Everyone said
00:33:14We will do it
00:33:16I said no one has anything
00:33:18In Komal's marriage
00:33:20Mashallah it is a big family
00:33:22Everyone gave
00:33:24But I did not give it all to her
00:33:26I said this is enough for you
00:33:28The rest is for the other
00:33:30Small things
00:33:32And one more thing
00:33:34I am putting in the committee
00:33:36And small things
00:33:38There is no shortage
00:33:40Thank God
00:33:42But these things
00:33:44Children get used to it
00:33:46Habit of committee
00:33:48Habit of needs and wants
00:33:50I never send children on an empty stomach
00:33:54If you have an empty stomach
00:33:56You will want to buy something
00:33:58Such a good tip
00:34:00You never go on an empty stomach
00:34:02You will never want to buy
00:34:04You just want this
00:34:06Women who go to the market
00:34:08To shop
00:34:10They also go on an empty stomach
00:34:16Believe me, why is there craving
00:34:18When your stomach is empty
00:34:20Pick this up
00:34:22She is right
00:34:24This is a practical fact
00:34:26I have suffered enough
00:34:28Why do I need so much
00:34:30I am hungry
00:34:32When you are going on an empty stomach
00:34:34You will only pick up what you need
00:34:36You will not leave anything
00:34:38There is no need for this
00:34:40I have never thought of this
00:34:42This is a very good tip
00:34:44I am telling you
00:34:46Even if I am on an empty stomach
00:34:48I will still
00:34:50Pick up one thing
00:34:52I will pick up this
00:34:54My husband puts two or three kids
00:34:56Who put this
00:34:58Now I don't take anyone
00:35:00There was a time
00:35:02Now I do it myself
00:35:04Even the servants
00:35:06If you bring it on time
00:35:08Why did you bring it now
00:35:10It should not be brought
00:35:12Expiration has also happened
00:35:14We used to buy a lot of groceries
00:35:16Now everyone is very limited
00:35:18And I think
00:35:20Wastage of money
00:35:22It is like water
00:35:24Spilling money on weddings
00:35:26If you save that much
00:35:28Do it for the poor
00:35:30Relatives will not be happy
00:35:32You have to cook
00:35:34Events used to be so expensive
00:35:42Squeeze the event
00:35:44It is necessary to do 6-7 events
00:35:46One or two
00:35:48But people spend a lot
00:35:50A lot on weddings
00:35:52The most useless expense
00:35:54They get such expensive flowers
00:35:56They get such expensive flowers
00:35:58They say
00:36:00Give someone 5-10 thousand
00:36:02But the flowers
00:36:0410-20 thousand
00:36:08They look very cute
00:36:10But their benefit
00:36:12They stay in the wedding hall
00:36:14I love this flower
00:36:16Thank God
00:36:18We have to run it
00:36:20But they will complete their money
00:36:22It is for one day
00:36:26I say
00:36:28Give them 10 thousand
00:36:30It will be useful
00:36:32From the point of view of my in-laws
00:36:34I have just married my daughter
00:36:36I met such good people
00:36:40Just made our
00:36:44And we wear it
00:36:48I borrow simple things
00:36:50I got Hassan
00:36:52And Saniya
00:36:54We wear it
00:36:56We save a lot
00:36:58We get celebrities
00:37:00But Yashmira
00:37:02I have to make a new one
00:37:04That dress
00:37:06I think
00:37:08How is the money wasted
00:37:10Every time
00:37:12I get angry
00:37:14Why did you make it
00:37:16Everyone was ready to give
00:37:18I made such an expensive dress
00:37:20I will not take the name
00:37:22She wore a veil
00:37:24You can see in the pictures
00:37:26She looked so beautiful
00:37:28She wore Mina Asal's
00:37:30In her dholki
00:37:32All the likes came on her
00:37:34So beautiful
00:37:36We save these things
00:37:40I do it here
00:37:42Not only you
00:37:44All the kids can do it
00:37:46There are so many businesses
00:37:48They buy designer clothes
00:37:50And give it on rent
00:37:54They give it on rent
00:37:56My daughter was showing me a page
00:37:58There is a page
00:38:00Where Indian designers clothes
00:38:02Are given on rent
00:38:04And the clothes
00:38:06You are buying
00:38:08You get it on rent
00:38:10You will get it in lakhs
00:38:12And after a day
00:38:14It is useless
00:38:16I just want to say
00:38:18We are celebrities
00:38:20People respect us
00:38:22So it is not necessary
00:38:24To spend lakhs
00:38:26And not to buy
00:38:28When we have facilities
00:38:30Wear their clothes with respect
00:38:32With respect
00:38:34Take a small break
00:38:36We will come back
00:38:38And tell you how to save
00:38:40Not only for us
00:38:42But for the public
00:38:44You are right
00:38:46We will come back
00:38:48Good morning
00:38:58Welcome back
00:39:00Good morning Pakistan
00:39:02We are talking about saving
00:39:04On Yashmira's wedding
00:39:06Her expenses were only for the dress
00:39:08And it was not enough
00:39:10Why so much
00:39:12We should save
00:39:14But one good thing
00:39:16I told her to say
00:39:18Because many people
00:39:20Get a lesson from it
00:39:22It was
00:39:24Yashmira's in-laws
00:39:26Your in-laws
00:39:28My in-laws
00:39:30And my daughter
00:39:32We spend
00:39:36Marriage happens
00:39:38From the groom's side
00:39:40I thought it was a good thing
00:39:42We discussed for a long time
00:39:44And she married both her sons
00:39:46One by one
00:39:48She did not let
00:39:50The bride's side spend
00:39:52This is a good thing
00:39:54Many people
00:39:56Were there
00:39:58She managed everything
00:40:00She forced
00:40:02It was a good thing
00:40:04She did not let
00:40:06Me spend
00:40:08She said
00:40:10If you want to spend
00:40:12For your daughter
00:40:14Spend for a poor girl
00:40:16This is a good thing
00:40:18Which I always remember
00:40:20And I always pray
00:40:22That I should do the same
00:40:24I am a mother of a son
00:40:26I should do the same
00:40:28This is a sign of a good family
00:40:30That they do not
00:40:32Put pressure on the bride
00:40:36Daughter took it out
00:40:38She did not save
00:40:40Otherwise there will be fights
00:40:42On the brides
00:40:44We made some cards
00:40:46So that you can focus
00:40:48On where you saved
00:40:50From that
00:40:52We do not take out
00:40:56I said
00:40:58Petrol is expensive
00:41:02To go from one place
00:41:04To another
00:41:06We do not go
00:41:08Until we have some work
00:41:12If we have to go to Islamabad
00:41:14We will have some work
00:41:16Then we will go
00:41:18We will do it together
00:41:20We also think like this
00:41:22She started thinking
00:41:24Petrol is expensive
00:41:26Neeraj said
00:41:28When our children will come
00:41:30They will save more
00:41:32This is a very good idea
00:41:34If you have to go
00:41:36To that place
00:41:38You should save
00:41:40And finish the work
00:41:42This is a tip
00:41:44There is a shopper
00:41:46Who has been with me for 20 years
00:41:48You keep putting things in it
00:41:50When I go
00:41:52When you pick up the bag
00:41:54You remember
00:41:56This is also a work
00:41:58You do it at that time
00:42:00I am telling you clearly
00:42:02Because my servants
00:42:04Ask me to pick up the bag
00:42:06So I keep putting things in it
00:42:10Whose is this?
00:42:14I will say
00:42:16I go to the sale
00:42:18And wait for the sale
00:42:20I have to buy everything
00:42:22Outside and inside
00:42:24Everything should be furniture
00:42:26When I bought my house
00:42:28I didn't have to buy everything
00:42:30I bought everything
00:42:32But I saved
00:42:34And went to the sale
00:42:36I will say
00:42:38Once the person
00:42:40Bought the furniture
00:42:42I change the sofa
00:42:44I change the color
00:42:46If I want to change the setting
00:42:48I have the same furniture
00:42:50Since many years
00:42:52And if the furniture
00:42:54Is new
00:42:56I will make it cheap
00:42:58I will call the carpenter
00:43:00Because their choices
00:43:04I save a lot
00:43:06If I have to change the house
00:43:08I don't have to go out
00:43:10I don't have to
00:43:12Take the sofa
00:43:14I change the sofa
00:43:16The sale you talked about
00:43:18Is Rambo's favorite
00:43:20The one who will save
00:43:22And earn
00:43:24I go to the sale
00:43:28We wait for the sale
00:43:30They like it a lot
00:43:32Especially outside the country
00:43:34The real sale is the same
00:43:36The thing worth 100 dollars
00:43:38You get it in 30
00:43:40In our country
00:43:42You write 200 and cut it
00:43:46Let me tell you something
00:43:48I have been to the market a lot
00:43:50You will believe
00:43:52The same carpet
00:43:54The same
00:43:56One for 79000
00:43:58And one for 35000
00:44:00Look at the difference
00:44:02The decoration
00:44:04The same thing
00:44:06Was expensive
00:44:08And reasonable
00:44:10The area
00:44:12The shop
00:44:14The difference
00:44:16Not there
00:44:18You will get the same
00:44:20In New York
00:44:22We chose a saree in Lahore
00:44:24A long time ago
00:44:26Shabbir's children were getting married
00:44:28Shabbir's children
00:44:30I said
00:44:34Now they have heard
00:44:36They will do the third
00:44:38They always say
00:44:40They are very happy
00:44:42About this
00:44:44Their lottery
00:44:46Won once
00:44:48It can happen
00:44:50Let it be
00:44:52She got scared
00:44:54Because of Bismil
00:44:58Bismil filled everyone's key
00:45:00Who was telling?
00:45:02I was telling
00:45:04We took the saree
00:45:06Me and her daughter
00:45:0824, 25, 26
00:45:10A long time ago
00:45:12I said
00:45:16Very less
00:45:18Shabbir came
00:45:20I said
00:45:22They are giving so much
00:45:24I said 3000
00:45:26Shabbir left
00:45:2824, 25, 33
00:45:30He left
00:45:32I am being insulted
00:45:34He gave me
00:45:38It happens
00:45:40The shopkeepers
00:45:42We think
00:45:44They give us a discount
00:45:46They give a fluke
00:45:48Later you get it in less
00:45:50So this
00:45:52Be sensible
00:45:54Never buy new arrival clothes
00:45:56Is this the same thing?
00:45:58Till date
00:46:00I never buy new arrivals
00:46:02I wait for the sale
00:46:04I will tell you
00:46:06In winters
00:46:08I will pick up summer clothes
00:46:10In winters
00:46:12In summers
00:46:14You pick up winter clothes
00:46:16We are common people
00:46:18We don't throw away
00:46:20If we buy
00:46:22We will wear it for 2-3 years
00:46:24What difference will it make
00:46:26It will be 2-4 months old
00:46:28I always
00:46:30In summers
00:46:32In winters
00:46:34I pick up 2-4 suits
00:46:36It is like
00:46:387-8 thousand
00:46:40You get it in 2000
00:46:42One more thing
00:46:44Slightly defected pieces
00:46:48Factory outlet
00:46:50I will take the name of the brand
00:46:52They have made corners
00:46:54Regular clients
00:46:56They don't let anyone go
00:46:58It is like
00:47:0010-12 thousand
00:47:02You get 1.5-2
00:47:04This should be sensible
00:47:06Next is solar
00:47:08Solar panel
00:47:12It is necessary
00:47:14We always had a mission
00:47:16Turn off the lights
00:47:18But if
00:47:20You can afford
00:47:24It is still there
00:47:26Even after installing solar
00:47:28Even if I stay in a hotel
00:47:30I turn off the lights
00:47:32Water and electricity
00:47:34It is for them
00:47:36Shower is also there
00:47:38It is like hotel
00:47:40You have to pay
00:47:44You have to pay
00:47:46I have paid the hotel rent
00:47:48People leave the TV on
00:47:50When I check out
00:47:52I turn off the TV
00:47:54You have to pay
00:47:56It is important
00:47:58You have to save
00:48:00For the country
00:48:02When I leave my office
00:48:04I turn off the TV
00:48:08My father used to scold me
00:48:10He used to scold
00:48:12He used to scold
00:48:16My husband does the same
00:48:18Water is so important
00:48:20It is so important
00:48:22When you sit in the mosque
00:48:24I have seen
00:48:26They do it for an hour
00:48:28They don't turn off the tap
00:48:30In defense
00:48:32They have to install a tanker
00:48:34In Karachi
00:48:36I have realized
00:48:38You have to save a lot
00:48:40I scold the staff
00:48:42So much
00:48:44Soap on the utensils
00:48:46Do it like this
00:48:48So late
00:48:50Go to Karachi
00:48:52You have to buy water
00:48:54If you get it here
00:48:56It will be like this
00:48:58We don't know
00:49:00Why we don't do it
00:49:02When we do small things
00:49:04Children follow
00:49:06They learn by watching
00:49:08Not by telling
00:49:10They see
00:49:12It is very important
00:49:14Other than that
00:49:16Mr. Rambo saves a lot of tissue papers
00:49:18And paper
00:49:20They save a lot
00:49:24They burn me
00:49:26The more you waste
00:49:28The less tissue you will have
00:49:30Take a towel
00:49:32Take 10 tissues
00:49:34If I am able
00:49:36I will finish the tissue
00:49:38We used to have handkerchiefs
00:49:40We used to have handkerchiefs
00:49:42We used to have handkerchiefs
00:49:44We used to have handkerchiefs
00:49:46So many tissues
00:49:48Like mad people
00:49:50Take 10-15
00:49:52And dry your hands
00:49:54It will dry
00:49:56It is a matter of feeling
00:49:58That is how children are transferred
00:50:00And need
00:50:02We can't take out the need
00:50:04From life
00:50:06What we are earning
00:50:08We are making an effort
00:50:10We will spend a little life
00:50:12It is God's will
00:50:14Inventor AC
00:50:18I don't vote for Inverter
00:50:20I will tell you
00:50:22I don't know much about these things
00:50:24I don't know much about these things
00:50:26I see savings
00:50:28I see sales
00:50:30This is a technical thing
00:50:32This inverter AC
00:50:34They have made a fool
00:50:36We took out the AC of the whole house
00:50:38And put the inverter AC
00:50:40What happened now?
00:50:42If the inverter AC breaks
00:50:44There is a lot of expenditure
00:50:46There is a lot of expenditure
00:50:48Because there is fluctuation
00:50:50Because of that
00:50:52They get spoiled
00:50:54The second loss
00:50:56The inverter AC has to be kept
00:50:58At a certain temperature
00:51:00If you don't keep it
00:51:02At a certain temperature
00:51:04There is no use
00:51:06If you keep it at 16 or 18
00:51:08There is no use
00:51:10You have to keep it at 24 or 26
00:51:12It is so hot
00:51:14It is so hot
00:51:16You have to keep it at that temperature
00:51:18But for your heart's satisfaction
00:51:20If you keep the inverter AC at home
00:51:22If you keep the inverter AC at home
00:51:24There will be savings
00:51:26The inverter card
00:51:28The inverter card
00:51:30Is so expensive
00:51:32If you have to repair it
00:51:34Like I told you about solar
00:51:36Some people do this
00:51:38After installing solar
00:51:40Leave all the ACs open
00:51:42Leave all the lights on
00:51:44We save so much
00:51:46Even after installing solar
00:51:48You have to switch off the lights
00:51:50You have to take care
00:51:52You have to run an AC
00:51:54Then you don't have to pay the bill
00:51:56If you pay the bill
00:51:58What is the use
00:52:00After installing solar
00:52:02You don't have to change the AC
00:52:04There is a green meter
00:52:06There is no need
00:52:08I would say
00:52:10We are 5 family members
00:52:12If it was too hot
00:52:14We would have kept the ACs in one room
00:52:16We would have kept the ACs in one room
00:52:18We would have saved a lot
00:52:20We would have saved a lot
00:52:22The advice of solar
00:52:24Was given by Mr. Saud
00:52:26Because he used to switch off the lights
00:52:28Then he installed solar
00:52:30He saved a lot
00:52:32Then he advised us to install solar
00:52:34We like it
00:52:36We sleep in one room
00:52:38We get a chance
00:52:40Our kids used to sleep in one room
00:52:42Now they don't
00:52:44I want to
00:52:46In summer
00:52:48In one room
00:52:50There are a lot of distances
00:52:52I don't get the ACs fixed
00:52:54I don't get the ACs fixed
00:52:56I don't get the ACs fixed
00:52:58Kids get together
00:53:00When the internet is off
00:53:02What happened
00:53:04This is why the internet is off
00:53:06I installed solar
00:53:08I installed solar
00:53:10I asked him to finish the Solar
00:53:12I asked him to finish the Solar
00:53:14I asked him to finish the Solar
00:53:16Our kids would come to us
00:53:18They we'll talk
00:53:20They'd feel we are nice people
00:53:22They'd feel we are nice people
00:53:24Do you have an inverter from buy band
00:53:26Do you have an inverter from buy band
00:53:28It is different
00:53:30It is different
00:53:32If you have AC in your house in summers or heaters in winters, then only one room will work.
00:53:37It's not a big house, there are three of us in the house.
00:53:41But despite that, even kids have this habit of turning off the lights in the peak hours.
00:53:46We don't iron in the peak hours.
00:53:49You don't have to run the AC, you don't have to iron.
00:53:54And extra lights and fans are always off.
00:53:56If someone is sitting in one place, then always turn off the lights in the other room.
00:54:00Whether someone likes it or not.
00:54:02Now girls have this habit, especially the girl in third number.
00:54:06She says, I have lit a small bulb, no lights will be turned on in the house.
00:54:10Until there is no need.
00:54:12Turn off the lights.
00:54:14We noticed that we used to do so much.
00:54:16My maid worked in the kitchen, so I didn't turn on the lights.
00:54:19I said, brother, if you don't do so much, what will you feed us?
00:54:24Brother, I can see.
00:54:26Our maid comes and goes, she is very nice.
00:54:29But the fans, we leave them open.
00:54:34We keep filling them.
00:54:36We have to clean, run the fan, run the exhaust.
00:54:39And go to the next house.
00:54:41We will close it from behind.
00:54:43What is our AC? We need medium.
00:54:46Zain also needs medium.
00:54:48It feels like you are in Alaska.
00:54:52Going to his room is like this.
00:54:55It is such a cold room that we cannot tolerate it.
00:54:59That's why we have to live separately.
00:55:01Because the room is very cold.
00:55:03We are taking a small break.
00:55:05After the break, keep watching our Bacchat.
00:55:07Where we do Bacchat. Good morning.
00:55:09Good morning.
00:55:16Welcome. Welcome back. Good morning, Pakistan.
00:55:18You have grown vegetables in your house.
00:55:21Kitchen garden.
00:55:22Yes, our kitchen garden.
00:55:24This is also a Bacchat.
00:55:25If you have space in your house, you get an organic thing.
00:55:30Many vegetables are so expensive.
00:55:34It is fun to break and cook.
00:55:37We have not bought eggplant this season.
00:55:39We have made it from home.
00:55:41We have not bought okra.
00:55:43Okra and papaya.
00:55:46And it is very sweet.
00:55:48Papaya grows a lot in Karachi.
00:55:51I have planted it there.
00:55:52It does not taste so good.
00:55:54It does not grow big.
00:55:57I have planted two more plants.
00:55:59One of them has also gone bad.
00:56:01One is growing.
00:56:02People take leaves and ask for it.
00:56:06What is next?
00:56:07You have grown vegetables.
00:56:09What is next?
00:56:10Change the card.
00:56:16Have you forgotten?
00:56:17I will tell you about cars.
00:56:20Petrol has become expensive.
00:56:23Yasir and I had different cars.
00:56:27We had bought a small car for the kids.
00:56:31I told Yasir to sell the car.
00:56:34We will use the same car.
00:56:37I stay here from morning to afternoon.
00:56:39I have a car for office.
00:56:41I sold the car to Yasir.
00:56:43If you keep an extra car,
00:56:45it is maintained.
00:56:47Petrol is also spent.
00:56:49The driver's money is also spent.
00:56:51Every year separately.
00:56:52I will tell you what I remember.
00:56:54I have kept a bike for my household.
00:56:59We did the same.
00:57:01I did not have a car.
00:57:03I had to go to Bukhari or Kasim.
00:57:07I had to go to someone's house.
00:57:09I had to buy a bike.
00:57:11Why did we buy a bike?
00:57:13To take Balaj for a ride.
00:57:15Yasir used to sit in the front.
00:57:17He was small.
00:57:18So Yasir bought a bike.
00:57:20In our colony,
00:57:21we used to take Balaj for a ride.
00:57:24He used to sit on the bike.
00:57:26He was small.
00:57:27I used to sit behind him.
00:57:29We used to take Balaj for a ride.
00:57:31We used to take Balaj for a ride.
00:57:33So our work was like this.
00:57:35Small work on the bike.
00:57:37It was done quickly.
00:57:39Half the time.
00:57:41Petrol is spent.
00:57:43Petrol is spent.
00:57:45I have kept a bike.
00:57:47All the servants work on it.
00:57:49There is a sale.
00:57:51Fresh meat is coming.
00:57:53We go for that only.
00:57:55We do not keep the meat in the freezer.
00:57:57We do not keep the meat in the freezer.
00:57:59We get it fresh.
00:58:01We live in the jungle.
00:58:03We get it from the city.
00:58:05The basic grocery comes together.
00:58:07It becomes cheaper.
00:58:09But the meat and vegetables
00:58:11come fresh.
00:58:13What is the benefit of eating frozen?
00:58:15She was telling me about the car.
00:58:17I bought three or four cars
00:58:19at the installment.
00:58:21They are Shabbir's friends.
00:58:23We bought them at the installment.
00:58:25We bought them at the installment.
00:58:27To save money from the bank.
00:58:29Shabbir does not want to go to the bank.
00:58:31He has to pay the interest.
00:58:35Who is that brother?
00:58:37He is our friend.
00:58:39He asks us to get a car for him.
00:58:41And like you,
00:58:43there is no one at the installment.
00:58:45There is an autobahn
00:58:47at Muhammad Ali society.
00:58:49He is our old friend.
00:58:51He is our friend.
00:58:53We buy a car,
00:58:55but we pay.
00:58:57We don't save much in the end.
00:58:59It is a good thing for us.
00:59:01It is a good thing for us.
00:59:03You can't buy such a good car
00:59:05on full payment.
00:59:07Imran and Asif work for us.
00:59:09I was watching on Instagram.
00:59:11You get free knowledge on Instagram.
00:59:13That person said
00:59:15that he never
00:59:17bought new things.
00:59:19He just bought a second hand car
00:59:21for 2-3 years and yes, it makes a lot of difference, it makes a lot of difference in terms of money.
00:59:27If you buy a second-hand item.
00:59:29The registration for that is 2, 4, 8, 10 lakhs.
00:59:33Yes, yes.
00:59:34If you buy it after 2 years, 8 lakhs are saved.
00:59:37Yes, yes.
00:59:38This is very important.
00:59:39Many people save in different ways.
00:59:42Do you have to keep things to give at the wedding?
00:59:46I mean to give a gift.
00:59:48Yes, that's right.
00:59:49Because you get a lot of things.
00:59:50Now we don't have to handle everything.
00:59:52Or if we go somewhere and there is a good sale.
00:59:54Wherever we go, I save a lot of extra things.
00:59:59And there is a big box.
01:00:00If I have to give something to someone, I say open the box.
01:00:03Yes, open the box.
01:00:04So, I mean every time.
01:00:08So, in that, something or the other comes out.
01:00:12Actually, it's not like we can wear light clothes, but we can't give it to anyone.
01:00:17So, if there is a sale or a good gift.
01:00:20So, we keep it on a brand.
01:00:22There are a lot of good gifts.
01:00:23If someone comes, suddenly a guest comes, a girl comes home, a relative.
01:00:29Or if you have to go somewhere.
01:00:30So, she looks at it quickly.
01:00:31You get something or the other pack.
01:00:33If you pack it.
01:00:35She says it's an emergency.
01:00:36No, no, it's not an emergency.
01:00:37Anyway, when you are not doing something good.
01:00:40You don't need it.
01:00:41Then the same thing.
01:00:42It is not needed.
01:00:43You keep it.
01:00:45You keep it.
01:00:46You keep it.
01:00:47You keep it.
01:00:48You keep it.
01:00:49You keep it.
01:00:50You keep it.
01:00:51You keep it.
01:00:52You keep it.
01:00:53You keep it.
01:00:54You keep it.
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