• 2 days ago
A Winning $25,000 Scratch Card In Your Hands - Would You Return It? The concept of greed is something we all have to live with. No doubt greed is bad, and nothing good can come from it. Then there is the cost of living that is so high, almost everyone is wondering how us people are to afford most things in life - let alone the luxuries, and how the need for more money can change peoples perspectives of what good is. But a Winning Scratch Card, that you have in your hands, worth 25 Big Bucks - tough choice!

The option to keep the scratch card is both one of legality and morals. But do you think many people would view it that way. With the same impetus and determination to achieve the financial objective of 'winning' money at Games of Chance, such as playing the lottery being how the owner of the winning scratch card having won in the first place , those who were left with the choice of returning the scratch card or not had a conscious decision to make - and they did so.

Moralistically, it may be the right thing to return the Scratch Card. But most adults have been 'left wanting' when it comes to our Morals and Codes of Ethics protecting us from the reality of life. This to such degree that there are people out there cursing themselves for 'doing the right thing', and some even pledging to 'never do the right thing again'.

The descriptive terminology for 'Morals' states that morals are: "the principles that guide how people behave in society, and are used to judge what is right and wrong. They can change over time, but they remain the standards by which people judge their own actions".

And it is that changing over time, that leads to the 'sign of the times'. It is becoming more and more true in modern life, as each decade passes, that doing the right thing - is not always the right thing to do.
So what is a person to do when right is both wrong and right? If you can answer, tell me how. Guess all we can do is go with that thing called 'Gut Feeling' and hope for the best, maybe? #bet #win #money #scratchcard #morals


