On Christmas Eve many Australians spent the day putting in place final touches for their celebrations. Some made a last-minute dash for presents while others waited in long queues for the freshest seafood.
00:00It's that time again, the big rush ahead of the big day.
00:06Every year I always say, next year I'm going to come a week out, two weeks out, never happens.
00:12Shoppers took advantage of late trading hours, braving the crowds for last minute gifts and
00:18to see Saint Nick.
00:19So we had a picture with Santa, with the kids and it was really, really beautiful, really
00:25Some retailers say this is the busiest festive period they've ever seen.
00:29It's pretty good.
00:30We got a lot of tourists from other states as well.
00:34But many are feeling the pinch at what can be an expensive time of year.
00:38Cost of living affect us a little bit.
00:41I used to give out 150 vouchers to the near-indies, now they've gone down to 75.
00:46At seafood markets, the lines were endless, just like the options for Christmas lunch.
00:51Prawns, you can't go past prawns, bugs, oysters, not for everyone, they just go down so well.
00:59It's like a Bunnings trip, you know, you go in for one thing, you come out with ten.
01:02Fresh fruit, also a popular pick.
01:05We wish you a yummy mango, we wish you a yummy cherry.
01:11Airports were busy too, with plenty of people in a hurry to get to their holiday destinations.
01:16A bit hectic, so I think next year I might leave it till the 23rd instead of the 24th.
01:23Amongst the chaos of 11th hour prep, families still found time to help those doing it tough.
01:30To give it to people that need food and can't afford it.
01:37Not everyone has everything at this time of year, so yeah, we just love doing it.
01:42Giving more people a chance to have a Merry Christmas.