• 2 days ago
Finding a bag full of money on Zeynep's birthday, who lives an ordinary life, changes her whole life. Deciding to use the money she found to leave her old life behind and give herself a rich image, Zeynep targets the eligible bachelor Onur Koksal and tries to attract both her and the Koksal family. However, Zeynep will see that entering the high society is not as simple as in fairy tales, nor is it easy to escape from her past.

CAST: Alina Boz, Taro Emir Tekin, Nazan Kesal, Müfit Kayacan, Mustafa Mert Koç, Hazal Filiz Küçükköse, Müfit Kayacan,
Okan Urun, Kadir Çermik, Tülin Ece, Baran Bölükbaşı, Bilgi Aydoğmuş



00:08Antikacı mı?
00:10Ne işimiz var burada?
00:25Aman efendim, aman efendim.
00:28Bu ne büyük şeref.
00:30Fuat Bey.
00:34Neslihan Hanım'ı biraz buranın havasını solsun diye getirdim.
00:37Tabi, ne demek. Burası sizin.
00:39Eviniz gibi rahat olun.
00:41Merhaba Neslihan Hanım, memnun oldum.
00:43Merhaba hanım.
00:48Uzun zamanları yoktunuz Fuat Bey.
00:51İşlerim vardı.
00:53Peki, bir ihtiyacınız olduğunda seslenmeniz yeterli.
00:56Ben buradayım.
00:57Sağ olun.
01:00Evlilik için acelemiz yok sanırım diye sordum.
01:03Sen de herhalde cevap olarak beklerken antikaya mı döndüm diyorsun şu an.
01:08İşte bak zeki kadının hali bir başka oluyor.
01:11Burada bir mesaj var tabi de bu o değil.
01:14Aslında haklısın.
01:16Bütün bunları anlatmak için buraya gelmemize gerek yoktu ama ben bir ortam yapayım dedim sana.
01:21Hani malum evlenme teklifi de biraz gümbürtüye gitmiş gibi oldu.
01:29Babam antikacıları çok severdi Neslihan.
01:32Eve hep antika eşya getirirdi.
01:34Hatta şu unutmuyorum, söylediği bir laf vardı.
01:37İşte bunlar kullanılmış eşyalar değil, bunlar eski hikayeleri olan yaşanmışlıklar.
01:42Ben onları alıyorum.
01:51Bu babamın saati.
01:57Çok güzelmiş.
02:01Çalışmıyor mu?
02:04Annem babamın öldüğü günü durdurmuş.
02:06Onun için zamanın durduğu an yani.
02:11Benim için de zaman seni gördüğümde durdu Neslihan.
02:18Yani aslında istediğin kadar süren var tabi.
02:21Ama bil ki sen o saati kurduğunda benim için de zaman atmaya başlayacak.
02:30Fazla mı romantik oldun?
02:32Yani biraz çarptı.
02:34İçinde bu kadar güçlü bir romantik olduğunu fark etmemiştim bu zamana kadar.
02:39İçimdeki romantiği sen çıkartıyorsun demek ki.
02:48Güzel olan biliyorum.
02:53Bunu burada kurmak şu an farkındayım.
02:58Ama sanırım benim biraz daha zamana ihtiyacım var.
03:04Özür dilerim.
03:07Sadece bil ki ben de bu saat gibi hayata dönmek için istediğin kadar beklerim.
03:17Ben de.
03:48Hazır mıyız Melisa Hanım?
03:53Nerede benim savaşçım?
04:00Hah şöyle.
04:04Anahtar içeride.
05:11Hoş geldiniz.
05:18Hoş geldin.
05:21Merhaba Nuri Bey.
05:34Biraz geç kaldık sanırım.
05:38Vespiyi buradan yazdırabiliriz.
05:42Efendim poş hepimiz için toplanmış bulunuyoruz.
05:46Öncelikle poş nedir diye başlayalım.
05:48Professional Online Styling Help.
05:51Sondaki by MD Melis Dirgen oluyor.
05:55Farklı olduğu noktada tam da burada başlıyor aslında.
05:58Kalbim sen o saati kurunca atacak demiştim ama tersi olup heyecandan durdu galiba.
06:50Alo Seçil.
06:52Ne oldu?
06:53Sakin olur musun?
06:54Babama bir şey mi oldu yoksa?
06:57Kaç kişiyi?
06:58Tamam tamam ağlamayı kes sakin ol.
07:00Hiç kimse bir yere gitmiyor.
07:02Geliyorum ben şirkete.
07:03Ne oldu?
07:04Ne oldu?
07:05Ne oldu?
07:06Ne oldu?
07:07Ne oldu?
07:08Ne oldu?
07:09Ne oldu?
07:10Ne oldu?
07:11Ne oldu?
07:12Ne oldu?
07:13Ne oldu?
07:14Ne oldu?
07:15Ne oldu?
07:16Ne oldu?
07:17Ne oldu?
07:18Ne oldu?
07:19Ne oldu?
07:20Ne oldu?
07:21Onur asistanım ve ekibim iş içten çıkarmış.
07:26Benim de şirkete girmemi yasaklamış.
07:32Manyak mı bu adam?
07:35Evet manyak diyorum sana.
07:38Yani bir saat telefonu açmıyorum dünya tersine dönüyor resmen.
07:46Yes, thank you all very much for listening to me, thank you very much.
08:10How are you, Mubarek?
08:14I'm in the seats over there.
08:17If you have time, can we talk?
08:24Come, please.
08:36Sit down.
08:38No, no. I won't stay long anyway. It's good like this.
08:48I'm very sorry for what happened this morning.
08:53I hope you will recover as soon as possible.
09:01How is Mige?
09:03He will be fine.
09:09I really don't know what to say.
09:11Actually, me too.
09:16There are many things I want to tell you, but ...
09:22I'm in such a place that I have to think about what I have to do, not what I want to do.
09:32My last name is prison.
09:35Maybe you'll say, how can a person's last name be a prison?
09:39I know very well.
09:41You always understood me very well.
09:48You're the only woman who hears what I don't say.
09:53I know you read what's in my heart.
09:59Your heart doesn't need words.
10:11No need to hide.
10:13You already read my heart.
10:17In another place, at another time ...
10:20I would give my everything to talk to you about something else.
10:30But now it's time to pay the price of my past mistake.
10:36If I hadn't made a mistake, you wouldn't have been so real.
10:44I can only live with you, I'm real.
10:48But you can't be with me.
10:55There is not even a moment when I don't curse him.
11:03I understand.
11:06Sometimes our responsibilities come before us.
11:15I am very happy that I can get to know you at all costs.
11:23I should go now.
11:25You have no responsibility.
11:28You are now the only official in your own project.
11:32I'm ready to support you whenever you want.
11:41But I'm sure you'll do a great job.
12:32I couldn't get enough of the nights that started in my dreams.
12:40When I found peace, life was jealous.
12:45Don't be sad anymore, you're not alone.
12:51This is not a goodbye, I'm happy, believe me.
12:54I understood that this was a chance.
12:56Even a heart full of love is beautiful enough for a lifetime.
13:03Don't go, don't go.
13:16I can't be without you, I can't.
13:22Take me with you.
13:26Take me with you.
13:48What's going on?
13:51What is he doing?
13:55Oh my God, come on, come on, all of you, come on.
13:58Who is this?
14:00I'll tell you later.
14:02I hope you don't know him, come on.
14:04Ms. Neslihan, you can't go in.
14:06What are you talking about?
14:08Ma'am, that's the instruction.
14:10What instruction, don't start.
14:13Ms. Neslihan, please calm down.
14:16What are you talking about?
14:18Who is in front of you?
14:20I'm your boss, get out of my face.
14:21Ms. Neslihan, don't cry.
14:23That's Mr. Onur's instruction.
14:25I'll start your instruction.
14:27I'm your boss.
14:29If you say one more word, I'll kick you all out of here.
14:31Please don't start the violence, please.
14:33Didn't I give you instructions?
14:35We couldn't stop it, sir.
14:37Who are you? Who are you?
14:40You don't have any authority in this company anymore.
14:42What do you mean no?
14:44I will immediately gather the board of directors.
14:46You can't go in.
14:48What are you talking about?
14:49You don't have the right to sign, you don't have the right to vote.
14:51You can't do it.
14:53I already did.
14:55I'm not your employee, Onur.
14:57Besides, you can't fire anyone from this company without my father's permission.
15:01I didn't fire anyone from the company, I fired you.
15:04If you set up a company like your brother, you can gather all those idiots.
15:09If anyone leaves this company, Onur, it's you.
15:13Come on.
15:15I'll make you pay for all of this, you'll see.
15:19I warned you many times.
15:21But you brought this here.
15:23First make up your mind, I'm already here, Nesli.
15:26Guys, don't do this in the middle of the company.
15:29How can you be so blind to such a thing, Ferdi?
15:31What are you doing here?
15:34Ms. Neslihan.
15:36All your father's authority was on Mr. Onur.
15:39You know that.
15:44We'll make up for you.
15:46I'll make you pay for all of this, Onur.
15:51I'll wait for you at the cafe.
15:55I'll wait for you at the cafe, Onur.
16:06Who was that guy?
16:08I don't know.
16:16Honey, we're really in shock.
16:19I don't know what to say.
16:21Believe me, we can put Hamit to sleep with sedatives right now.
16:25It's that bad.
16:27I mean, we need to be suspicious that his family hasn't come once.
16:30But people don't think about it, honey.
16:32It doesn't come, it really doesn't.
16:34I have to hang up.
16:36I think Hamit woke up.
16:38Come on, see you.
16:42What happened?
16:43Neslihan, I'm asking you what happened.
16:45Onur fired my employees.
16:47He banned me from entering the company.
16:49He fired the security guards because they took me in.
16:52So there's a coup in the company, you know?
16:54A coup.
16:56Did he eat his heart?
16:58He ate it.
17:00He's punishing me.
17:02He warned me, but I got scared.
17:04Is that so?
17:06I'll scare him.
17:08Doesn't he have the legal right to do this?
17:10He does.
17:11Wait a minute.
17:13I'll talk to your father, don't worry.
17:15No, you wait.
17:17This is not my business, mom.
17:19I'll talk to him first.
17:22Honey, look at me.
17:24Honey, adjust your dose well.
17:26He's sick.
17:34What's this, like a raid?
17:36You must have heard what happened at the company.
17:38Because a bird without news doesn't fly.
17:41Do you realize what a monster you've created?
17:44He didn't hire me.
17:46He fired so many innocent people.
17:48He took all my authority from me.
17:50How can you allow such a thing?
17:53Do you realize the damage this will cause us, dad?
17:56If you make a move that will harm our family,
17:58I said we'd talk another way, if you remember.
18:02I didn't make him do those news.
18:06How many times do I have to tell you?
18:08If you're going to play the boss,
18:09you're not going to belittle the other person's intelligence.
18:14You're going to take responsibility for your mistakes.
18:18You quit the company, didn't you?
18:23My mom is right.
18:25My mom is right.
18:27If I had found out that my husband was a maniac killer,
18:31you would have given him a medal, right, dad?
18:33I would have been accounting for you right now.
18:35I'm officially being punished for something I didn't do, right?
18:39Everyone in this house has gone crazy, dad.
18:43Just me.
18:45I did what I wanted with you.
18:47I became what I wanted.
18:49Is that the answer now?
18:51Who are you going to be when I die?
18:54Don't try to play heroism with your cowardice.
18:57I quit the field.
18:59You're the one who threw the towel in the illegal fight.
19:02Face yourself first.
19:06So you're saying it's a war?
19:08I'm telling you not to wait for applause because you're someone's shadow.
19:11It doesn't matter even if this is my shadow.
19:17I never expected applause from you, dad.
19:22I just waited for a ray of hope in your eyes.
19:25But you're still telling me that Onur is doing the right thing, right?
19:29I don't get it wrong.
19:31He's doing what he knows.
19:32At least that means he knows something.
19:34He's trying to do his job without playing games.
19:38In fact, he's the only one who even thinks about starting a family for this.
19:44Is it a lie?
19:46It's true.
19:50Very true.
19:56I've been wrong all this time.
19:59Very wrong.
20:00You made me realize something very beautiful right now, dad.
20:08What are you going to do?
20:10Of course, what I know.
20:20Neslihan, what do you mean I'll do what I know?
20:23Stop, don't make me run now.
20:25I said Neslihan.
20:27I'll do what I know, mom.
20:28If it's a war, it's a war.
20:31Wait, let's make a plan together.
20:33Let's not leave this with you, of course.
20:36Don't worry.
20:38I won't leave anyone in this family.
20:44What did he say now?
20:47Ah, Zafer.
20:49You found the right time to disappear, son.
20:51Who are you?
20:57Yes, I'm listening to you.
20:59You said you were going to tell me who Melis really is.
21:02What does that mean? Who is Melis?
21:04I mean, is she actually someone else?
21:18I guess you don't count without talking.
21:21Not at all.
21:23500,000 liras.
21:25They'll give you two cents, and you'll eat in two days.
21:28Now you make the decision.
21:30Is it gold, or chicken with golden eggs?
21:51You haven't spoken all the way.
22:04Aren't you going to tell me what you're talking about?
22:11We said goodbye.
22:15You must have misunderstood.
22:19You got it right, Meri.
22:21You made the right choice.
22:24You made the right decision.
22:27You didn't leave me out.
22:31Don't look at me like that.
22:33I gave him a chance to free himself.
22:37So he's stronger than we thought he was.
22:52I see you don't have a story to tell.
22:55Could you please get out of my car?
22:59The girl you know as Melis.
23:05She's great with horses.
23:08She loves horses.
23:10She knew them very well in the races she went to.
23:14She had a great relationship with them.
23:16She's a smart girl.
23:18She listens well.
23:19She listens well.
23:21She's smart.
23:23I'm sure you understand that.
23:26She learned everything about horses from her father.
23:31Her mother died.
23:33Everything is true so far.
23:41She only saw London in her dreams.
23:45Or in TV series.
23:47Her father?
23:49Her father is still alive.
23:51He's strong.
23:53He's fine.
23:55He won't die soon.
23:57How do you know that?
24:02Because his father is me.
24:55She didn't grow up in England or London.
25:01She grew up in the house you visited today.
25:06Her real name is...
25:24How can being a woman cause so many problems in a person's own family?
25:29I still don't understand.
25:31I'll ask you something.
25:33Isn't this guy so tough on everyone?
25:37But you are a witness to everything.
25:39Do you think this is fair?
25:41What is it?
25:42He's a good manager.
25:44Come on.
25:46You can't even run your own family.
25:48And why don't we have a family?
25:50Can I ever have a family like this?
25:56It's up to you.
26:01I think you can show her how to start a family.
26:05I think so.
26:07If it's good for her career, then I'll sacrifice myself for you.
26:18You say I won't miss a chance, right?
26:25Are you sure you still want to come to this family?
26:27Are you sure?
26:30To be honest, being a relative of the Koksal family is not as attractive as it seems from the outside.
26:37But I think I can bear it for you.
26:49I don't want us to have such a lie between us, Fuat.
26:58I want to build a peaceful world.
27:03Can you promise me that?
27:06I promise I'll do my best.
27:14Okay, then.
27:16Let's see what the wisdom of this marriage is.
27:20Are you saying okay?
27:42Okay, calm down.
27:56What's in your hand, dad?
27:58Can't you see the bag?
28:00I'm not asking that, I'm asking what's in it.
28:02It's none of your business.
28:15It's none of your business.
28:38We are loyal to you.
28:56Okay, it didn't work.
28:58We gave up.
29:00But what happened?
29:03You will never love someone who doesn't love you.
29:06But look, for example, Zafer...
29:08Merih, is this a dress?
29:10You're going to say, it didn't work, try this.
29:12Is there any other way out?
29:13Zafer is not a way out.
29:15He's obviously suspicious of me.
29:17According to his research.
29:19I wonder what else will come out of it.
29:21Look at me, if he goes to Zafer, he'll be your father.
29:24Should we ask for support from these mafia brothers?
29:27Like they look like Alp.
29:29Don't be ridiculous, Merih.
29:31There is no mafia.
29:34He doesn't talk, dad.
29:36Every time he has to get money, he doesn't stop him.
29:39And how does Zafer scare him?
29:40What if this topic extends to my school records, my family records?
29:43What am I going to do then?
29:49It's over.
30:10It's over.
30:28What happened?
30:30What happened? Are you crazy?
30:32What did you do?
30:34Dad, don't tell me I did something I didn't think of.
30:38Dad, don't drive me crazy.
30:40You drove me crazy, okay?
30:42You put me in front of the door with your ass, and you drove me crazy.
30:45But I dropped your mask.
30:47Keep your loyalty to yourself, girl.
30:49It's necessary.
30:51Because it's obvious, they'll put you in front of the door soon.
30:54But I told him everything.
30:59Your friend Zafer knows you as well as I do.
31:05How can you do such a thing?
31:06I'm your daughter.
31:08Am I your enemy?
31:10How can you be such a disgraceful man?
31:13I treated you like a human being.
31:15But you didn't put me in the shoes of a man.
31:18You didn't even put me in the shoes of a man.
31:21Didn't you ever love me?
31:24Didn't you ever love me?
31:36Get well soon.
31:38The war is over.
