Kareena Kapoor Khan and her son Taimur Ali Khan are making the most of their family vacation in Switzerland. The actress recently captured a heartwarming moment of her son enjoying a fun day of skiing. On Sunday, the 'Jab We Met' actress, who often shares glimpses of her family life with fans on social media, took to her Instagram handle to share a photo of Taimur happily skiing down a snowy slope, dressed in a cozy winter outfit, complete with a helmet and ski gear. The little one looked thrilled as he effortlessly glided on the snow. Proud mommy Kareena snapped pictures of her son with a big smile, proudly watching him take on the sport.
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00:00Kareena Kapoor Khan and her son Taimur Ali Khan are enjoying a wonderful lovely family
00:05vacation in Switzerland.
00:07The actress recently shared a touching moment of her son having a great time skying.
00:12On Sunday, the Jab We Met star, who frequently gives her fans a peek into her family life
00:17on social media, posted a photo on her Instagram of Taimur joyfully skying down a snowy slope,
00:25bundled up in a warm winter outfit, complete with a helmet and sky gear.
00:30The little guy looked ecstatic as he glided effortlessly over the snow.
00:35Proud mom Kareena captured the moment with a big smile.
00:39Watching him embrace the sport, in her post, Kareena wrote Mera beta along with a red heart
00:46She followed up with another post saying, Don't ask me if I sky, I take my son's picture.
00:53Someone need to.
00:54The Singham Again actress also recently shared photos from her cosy Christmas celebration
00:59highlighting heart-warming moment with her family including husband Saif Ali Khan and
01:04their sons Taimur and Jai.
01:06For the last few years, the couple has made it a tradition to celebrate the festive season
01:11in this special way and this year was no exception.
01:15In the caption, Kareena mentioned that she has been so immersed in the festivities with
01:20her loved ones that she had not had a chance to post earlier but wanted to extend her warm
01:26wishes now.
01:27In the first photo, Kareena and Saif Ali Khan seen sharing a sweet moment enjoying their
01:32drinks while gazing effortlessly.
01:35Their younger son Jai playfully photobombed the tender scene.
01:39Another picture captured the adorable sight of Jai sitting on Saif's lap with the father
01:44and son sharing a close pose.
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