• 2 months ago


00:00Hello? Anyone in there?
00:02Ah! Ah! Oh, God!
00:04You look... um...
00:06good. Looking good, actually.
00:08Welcome to Mojo Plays. And while we love
00:10all kinds of video games,
00:12nothing beats just cozying up with a
00:14good game and spending some quality
00:16time alone with it. And if you've been
00:18gaming for as long as we have,
00:20you know there are plenty of amazing games
00:22to spend your me-time playing.
00:24Crazy fool.
00:26Why do you always jump?
00:28One of these days, you're gonna land on
00:30something as stubborn as you are.
00:32And I don't do bits and pieces.
00:34Before we continue, be sure
00:36to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell
00:38to get notified about our latest videos.
00:42Resident Evil 4
00:44Why are these people...
00:49Bloqueale el paso!
00:53Honestly, either the 2005
00:55or 2023 remake could
00:57have filled this spot. But we're
00:59going to focus on the 2005 entry
01:01for not only being a brilliant
01:03game, but also its impact
01:05on the entire industry. The Resident
01:07Evil series had always been
01:09a pioneer of survival horror.
01:11But for the fourth entry, Capcom
01:13and game director Shinji Mikami
01:15shifted the perspective on the genre
01:17literally. Switching to an
01:19over-the-shoulder perspective opened
01:21new possibilities not only in combat
01:23but also exploration
01:25and offered players a much more visceral
01:27version of the game's traditional combat.
01:29The game's campy script and a new
01:31more confident and quippy Leon
01:33put a new spin on the franchise
01:35that shaped not only Resident Evil
01:37but also gaming overall.
01:39Soon, the over-the-shoulder perspective
01:41became the standard and remains so
01:43even today with the remakes of 2,
01:453, and 4 iterating
01:47and improving on the groundwork
01:49laid by the original Resident Evil 4.
01:51Where's everyone going?
01:55Shadow of the Colossus
02:05While the original
02:072005 release is also a classic
02:09in its own right, we're going to
02:11highlight Bluepoint's masterful
02:132018 remake for this entry
02:15as they not only updated the graphics
02:17but modernized the game's mechanics
02:19to make it more playable for a new audience.
02:21There's truly no feeling
02:23that compares to entering an area
02:25and seeing a creature dozens of stories tall
02:27walking towards you
02:29and attempting to discover a way
02:31to not only scale the beast
02:33but also bring it down.
02:35These moments of intense stress and action
02:37are perfectly interspersed with the long
02:39lonely rides to your next Colossus
02:41forcing you to think about your actions
02:43and killing these majestic creatures.
02:45Few games manage to nail the isolation
02:47and give you time for reflection
02:49in the way that Shadow of the Colossus did
02:51and the gut-wrenching ending
02:53remains as impactful today
02:55as it was two decades ago.
03:03Portal 2
03:17You know. After you murdered me.
03:19You did what?
03:21The cake might have been a lie
03:23but that didn't stop millions from playing
03:25GLaDOS' games and making what was
03:27originally a pack-in title with the Half-Life
03:29Orange Box its own stand-alone
03:31franchise. Portal 2
03:33offered players not only brand new challenges
03:35but a deeper look at the lore
03:37of Aperture and just how far
03:39and deep the facility goes.
03:41Brand new mechanics allowed
03:43players to solve puzzles the way the devs
03:45intended and also discover their own
03:47shortcuts. The new character
03:49Wheatley became instantly iconic
03:51brought to life brilliantly by
03:53Steven Merchants and players were given
03:55a new understanding of GLaDOS and the
03:57purpose behind the tests.
03:59With even more mind-bending puzzles
04:01a deeper understanding of the game's lore and world
04:03incredible pacing and characters
04:05Portal 2 is not only one of
04:07the best puzzle games of all time
04:09but one of the best sequels ever
04:11full stop.
04:15You showed up. You dangerous
04:17mute lunatic. So you
04:19know what? You win.
04:21Just go.
04:25Welcome to the house of Hades where
04:27Wait, I know you.
04:29Guess that means you died out there, huh?
04:31Well, don't be sad though. Pretty much everybody
04:33dies sometime. Roguelikes
04:35are nearly as old as gaming itself
04:37and while there have been no shortage of
04:39interpretations of the genre, Hades
04:41offered something for both fans of the genre
04:43and newcomers. The normal
04:45live-die-repeat process is
04:47as fine-tuned as ever in Hades
04:49but developer Supergiant Games
04:51crafted a narrative that accounts for
04:53these deaths into the overall plot
04:55with each death offering new dialogue
04:57with the many denizens of the underworld
04:59and more backstory with every
05:01run. Combat is slick
05:03and intuitive, giving players innumerable
05:05options to customize each run
05:07with helpful boons that offer both buffs
05:09and debuff rewards from
05:11the many other gods of the Greek pantheon.
05:13The tightly constructed
05:15script is full of interesting and engaging
05:17characters to interact with and the game's
05:19multiple unlockable endings mean that
05:21just because the credits roll doesn't mean
05:23the story is over.
05:25You think she volunteered to deal with you?
05:27Nobody did.
05:29That's how ignoble a task it is.
05:31Fallout New Vegas
05:33Whoa, easy there.
05:35Easy. You've been
05:37out cold a couple of days now.
05:39Why don't you just relax a second?
05:41Get your bearings.
05:43Bethesda's Fallout 3 might have taken the series
05:45into the 20th century and made
05:47it more mainstream, but Obsidian
05:49arguably created the franchise's
05:51best entry to date. The Mojave
05:53Desert and the Las Vegas Strip
05:55perfectly translated everything that made
05:57the original two entries so iconic
05:59into the modern age. What initially
06:01appeared to be a simple tale of revenge
06:03quickly offered players more freedom
06:05and choice in how to craft their own narrative
06:07with multiple branching paths,
06:09alliances, and endings.
06:11While New Vegas had the usual Bethesda
06:13and Obsidian jank with numerous
06:15bugs and glitches at launch, the majority
06:17of which have been patched out in the years since,
06:19those who were able to overlook the game's
06:21numerous technical errors were immersed
06:23in the definitive Fallout experience
06:25in a way the series has never been
06:27able to fully recapture.
06:29Come on Bethesda, don't be jealous.
06:31Let Obsidian have another crack at the series.
06:33The truth is
06:35the game was rigged
06:37from the start.
06:39Uncharted 2
06:41Among Thieves
06:45Seems like I am always
06:47saving your ass.
06:51it is an ass worth saving.
06:53Naughty Dog has always innovated
06:55with their sequels being better than their last,
06:57but after their step into summer
06:59blockbuster adventure with Uncharted Drake's
07:01Fortune, the team outdid
07:03themselves and crafted one of the best
07:05experiences on the PS3 hands
07:07down. Everything about Uncharted
07:092 was vastly improved over the
07:11original. Controls, traversal,
07:13exploration, combat, the characters,
07:15everything about Uncharted 2 felt like
07:17the globetrotting Indiana Jones style
07:19adventure they were attempting to craft
07:21with the first game. Uncharted 2
07:23became the benchmark for Naughty Dog going
07:25forward, with some of the best writing,
07:27characterization, and motion capture brought
07:29to life by actors who completely
07:31inhabited their roles. Uncharted 2
07:33is remarkably replayable today,
07:35and even if you've never played
07:37an Uncharted game before, you could start
07:39with 2 and know exactly why it is
07:41so iconic.
07:53Whatever happens, you may think
07:55it all a mere bad dream.
07:59had already established themselves
08:01as a top tier developer, and
08:03solidified their Dark Souls formula by the
08:05time Bloodborne released in 2015,
08:07but not only did they make substantial
08:09changes to what fans knew and loved
08:11with their gothic entry, they also
08:13crafted one of the best Souls type games
08:15of all time. The love crafting
08:17aesthetic is dripping from every corner
08:19of Bloodborne's gothic nightmare,
08:21full of some of the best and most uniquely
08:23unsettling creature designs in the
08:25developer's history, with endless looping
08:27pathways and near death encounters
08:29awaiting around every turn.
08:31Bloodborne isn't FromSoft's
08:33typical Dark Souls experience.
08:35You can feel the oppressive cathedrals
08:37and claustrophobic hallways closing
08:39in as you explore, and the changes
08:41to combat made encounters far more
08:43visceral, forcing players to react
08:45aggressively to enemies rather than
08:47strategically. Although there is
08:49technically multiplayer, this is a journey
08:51best experienced alone.
08:55Batman Arkham City
09:15Rocksteady's Arkham Asylum
09:17captured the feeling of inhabiting
09:19Batman's cape and cowl like no other
09:21game before it, but Arkham City
09:23gave players the streets of Gotham
09:25to explore and fight crime the way we
09:27always imagined. While Arkham Knight
09:29would further perfect this formula despite
09:31its over reliance on the Batmobile, Arkham
09:33City gave fans the playground to
09:35fully immerse themselves in the crime fighting
09:37experience and one of the best Batman
09:39stories ever told. With
09:41improvements to Batman's gear, the series'
09:43already stellar combat, a
09:45wealth of new villains from Batman's extensive
09:47rogues gallery, and some of the best
09:49and most inventive boss fights in the series
09:51history all packaged together in
09:53an impeccable narrative brought to life
09:55by the continued iconic collaboration
09:57of Mark Hamill's Joker and Kevin Conroy's
09:59Batman, Arkham City remains
10:01to this day the best game
10:03Rocksteady has ever created and
10:05the best Batman game of all time.
10:07There's nothing wrong
10:09with you. Nice of you to say,
10:11but you of all people
10:13should know there's
10:15plenty wrong with me.
10:17The Elder Scrolls V
10:29Bethesda had quite the
10:31winning streak with their formula in the early
10:332000's, but by far their
10:35Magnum Opus is their fifth entry in
10:37their Elder Scrolls series. The entire
10:39world was impeccably detailed
10:41full of hidden secrets and quests that would
10:43lead players to every corner of the map
10:45often times forgetting about the main
10:47storyline and instead getting lost
10:49in the experience. With countless
10:51ways to customize your character and playstyle
10:53additional DLC only
10:55added to the experience and further immersed
10:57players in Skyrim's world, allowing
10:59them to build their own cozy little cabin
11:01or homestead in Tamriel.
11:03Sure the usual Bethesda jank was
11:05ever present, but players discovered ways
11:07to make these technical glitches work in their
11:09favor and turn Skyrim into a
11:11well of meme material.
11:13Even a decade later, Bethesda
11:15has yet to recapture the sense of
11:17boundless freedom Skyrim offered.
11:19No wonder they just keep porting it to
11:21absolutely everything possible.
11:27Grand Theft Auto V
11:41Rockstar is responsible for pioneering
11:43the open world sandbox genre and with
11:45Grand Theft Auto's fifth mainline entry
11:47the team at Rockstar almost
11:49perfected it. Returning players to
11:51the beloved San Andreas, the devs
11:53offered players a true playground to
11:55explore to their heart's content. Full of
11:57various biomes, streets, expressways
11:59and buildings for them to either live a
12:01peaceful coexistence with the NPCs
12:03or cause as much chaos as
12:05humanly possible. Everything that made
12:07the series so iconic was also
12:09significantly improved. The
12:11patrols, especially shooting and cover
12:13mechanics, received a major upgrade.
12:15Vehicles were less floaty and more
12:17responsive and there was more mission
12:19variety and activities for players to spend
12:21their downtime with than ever before.
12:23With three different protagonists,
12:25players could switch to it almost any given
12:27time, each with their own lives and
12:29missions to undertake. The incredibly
12:31well-crafted story full of memorable
12:33characters was Rockstar at its finest.
12:41Absolutely, sir.
12:43Halo 3
12:45Cocky bastard
12:47just loves to run his mouth.
12:49Does he usually mention me?
12:51While an argument could be made for
12:53Halo Reach to claim this spot, we have
12:55to give a nod to Master Chief's final
12:57entry under Bunchy's guidance.
12:59Master Chief might be continuing the
13:01fight, but in 2007
13:03this was the culmination of
13:05Bunchy's trilogy and they sent the
13:07Spartan out in true heroic
13:09fashion. While the game maintained
13:11Bunchy's rock-solid FPS mechanics,
13:13the devs added new gear and
13:15new melee options which could turn
13:17the tide of battle should Master Chief
13:19or the Arbiter be faced with overwhelming
13:21odds. With numerous twists
13:23and turns, new alliances and tragedy,
13:25Halo 3 represented the
13:27best of what made the Halo series so
13:29iconic. Industry-leading first-person
13:31shooter mechanics and unmatched sci-fi
13:33storytelling with one of the greatest
13:35video game characters of all time.
13:39I miss you.
13:43Wake me when you
13:45need me. The Witcher 3
13:47Wild Hunt. Greetings.
13:49Salutations! Whither do you
13:51come from and where will you go?
13:53Hard to say.
13:55Seen a lot of the world and plan to see more.
13:57As have I, as do I.
13:59CD Projekt Red was already
14:01slowly building industry recognition
14:03with their increasingly solid Witcher
14:05series, but Witcher 3 made them
14:07a household name with gamers.
14:09The Witcher 3 presented players with an
14:11incredibly detailed world, rich
14:13in lore and backstory for them to discover,
14:15and filled with meaningful player-driven
14:17decisions that could affect the outcome
14:19of the entire game. Combat
14:21was vastly, and we do mean vastly,
14:23improved over previous Witcher
14:25games, with a fluidity that had rarely
14:27if ever been seen in the genre.
14:29Everything about The Witcher 3 was designed
14:31to engross you in its world, with
14:33many of the game's side quests leaving more of
14:35an impact than the main narrative itself.
14:37Geralt's character was further strengthened
14:39by his connection to Yennefer and Ciri,
14:41and thanks to a phenomenal performance
14:43by Doug Cockle, Geralt was
14:45much more than just a gruff mercenary
14:47the world painted him as.
14:49I'm so pleased the world's still able
14:51to astound you, Geralt.
14:53I actually envy you, that sense of wonder.
14:55Common in children, knights-errant,
14:57and morons.
14:59Mass Effect 2.
15:01Is this a volunteer job, or am I being
15:05You always have a choice, Shepard.
15:07The Mass Effect series might very well be
15:09Bioware's magnum opus, and one of the
15:11greatest video game trilogies of all time,
15:13but the franchise's second entry
15:15remains its best, and strongest.
15:17With greater world building, better
15:19dialogue and character interactions that
15:21further allowed players to customize their
15:23version of Shepard, as well as higher
15:25stakes than anything in the series before
15:27or since, Mass Effect 2 is
15:29not only the best entry in the trilogy,
15:31but stands alone as one of the greatest RPGs
15:33ever made. Bioware
15:35made meaningful improvements in nearly
15:37every department, particularly combat.
15:39Getting to know your crewmates and companions
15:41was integral to the story,
15:43and could affect the overall outcome with
15:45some or all of your team being
15:47sacrificed due to your decisions based on
15:49how well you got to know them.
15:51Mass Effect 2 raised the stakes for
15:53every subsequent entry in the franchise
15:55that none have managed to match.
15:57From now on, I'm doing things my way.
15:59Whether you agree or not.
16:03Don't turn your back on me, Shepard.
16:05God of War 2018
16:09Can you kill something that big?
16:11If we can catch it off balance.
16:13Santa Monica Studios deserves all the
16:15recognition and accolades they have received
16:17for Kratos' growth as a character between
16:19the events of the Greek Saga and
16:21God of War 2018.
16:23Where there was once a brash and impulsive Spartan
16:25consumed by his revenge,
16:27longtime fans got to see a remorseful,
16:29older Kratos trying to live down
16:31his past actions so as not to repeat
16:33them with his young son, Atreus.
16:35The world of Midgard offered
16:37players not only a brand new pantheon
16:39to explore with its Metroidvania-style
16:41level design, but also a new
16:43combat system that was somehow even
16:45more visceral than Kratos' early days
16:47and yet felt just as fluid
16:49and responsive. By giving fans a new
16:51introspective Spartan,
16:53Cory Barlog and his team evolved Kratos in
16:55every meaningful way and set the
16:57Spartan up for even greater adventures in the
16:59future with an older and wiser
17:01God of War.
17:03You will always be
17:05a monster.
17:09I know.
17:13But I am your
17:15monster no longer.
17:17The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.
17:19The Legend of Zelda series
17:21has long been one of the most innovative
17:23team franchises in the industry
17:25and with Breath of the Wild, Nintendo
17:27rewrote the book of not only the long-running
17:29adventures of Link and Hyrule, but
17:31open-world sandbox game design.
17:33Giving players an unprecedented
17:35level of freedom, seriously,
17:37even now players are still discovering ways to use
17:39the game's physics, Breath of the Wild set
17:41players loose in a ruined Hyrule
17:43and dared them to save the kingdom their
17:45way. Breath of the Wild's narrative took
17:47a more Dark Souls approach to storytelling
17:49and let players uncover as much
17:51or as little of the backstory as they wanted
17:53while giving them the tools to craft their
17:55own journey. With dramatic changes to
17:57combat, including the controversial
17:59weapon durability system, an unrivaled
18:01physics system that rewarded
18:03experimentation, Breath of the Wild
18:05redefined not only Zelda games, but open
18:07world game design.
18:09Bioshock. I chose
18:15Few games have
18:17had the impact on the industry of
18:19Bioshock. The Ayn Rand inspired world
18:21at the bottom of the sea, meant to be a
18:23utopia, but destroyed by its own
18:25hubris, harkens back to some of the
18:27greatest novels of the 20th century.
18:29The introduction of plasmids offered
18:31players more strategy to combat than
18:33a traditional FPS, and the world's
18:35impressive attention to detail and
18:37haunting atmosphere made the underwater
18:39city of Rapture immediately iconic.
18:41The moral choices the players
18:43encounter feed into the game's overall
18:45narrative, and the numerous roaming Big Daddy
18:47mini-boss fights stand out as some of the
18:49game's most heart-pounding moments.
18:51The game's twist remains unmatched
18:53even by the series' own subsequent
18:55sequels, and catches players
18:57so off-guard, it's still being
18:59discussed today. If you haven't played
19:01this one yet, and somehow managed to stay
19:03spoiler-free, would you kindly
19:05set some time aside for a trip to Rapture?
19:13Half-Life 2
19:18I'd better hurry.
19:20Valve might not be able to count to
19:22three, but will be damned if they're
19:24still not some of the greatest video game developers
19:26in the industry, even if
19:28they're not the most prolific. After
19:30redefining the first-person shooter genre
19:32with Half-Life in 1998,
19:34Valve did it again in 2004
19:36with Half-Life 2. Crafted using
19:38the then-cutting-edge Source engine,
19:40no game prior to Gordon's second
19:42outing had the level of realistic physics
19:44and facial animation as Valve's
19:46highly acclaimed sequel. The amount
19:48of freedom offered to players was
19:50unheard of, with each new area consistently
19:52offering players new ways to interact
19:54with the various enemies and environments.
19:56The scale of Half-Life 2 set
19:58the benchmark for narrative first-person
20:00shooters going forward, and is the lightning
20:02in a bottle many developers are still
20:04attempting to recapture even two decades
20:17Goes to Tsushima.
20:33In a time when Sony had seemingly
20:35become complacent with their cinematic
20:37crevice-crawler formula, Sucker Punch
20:39crafted arguably one of the PS4's
20:41defining first-party exclusives.
20:43Perfectly recreating the real-life Tsushima
20:45Island, the story of Jin Sakai
20:47rebelling against the stoic principles of the
20:49Samurai Code to save his people from
20:51the invading Mongols was so expertly
20:53told that the developers became
20:55honorary ambassadors to the island
20:57of Tsushima. Foregoing the traditional
20:59Sony first-party formula,
21:01Goes to Tsushima innovated on not only the
21:03stealth genre, recalling the glory days of
21:05the Tenshu series, but also made
21:07significant improvements to the open-world
21:09genre itself, foregoing the traditional
21:11map markers and allowing players to either
21:13discover the island themselves or follow
21:15the game's guiding wind to their next
21:17objective. With impactful and responsive
21:19combat and a beautifully
21:21heartbreaking story, Goes to Tsushima
21:23is one of the PS4's best games
21:25of all time.
21:33Red Dead Redemption 2.
21:43Rockstar have long defined the open-world genre,
21:45but none have truly captured the freedom
21:47of that concept the way
21:49Red Dead Redemption 2 did.
21:51Giving players a living, breathing
21:53Wild West to inhabit, the amount of
21:55detail pouring into every square inch
21:57of the game is nothing short of remarkable.
21:59With near-limitless interactions
22:01with NPCs, wildlife, and the
22:03entire map, players could easily
22:05spend hundreds of hours exploring the
22:07wilderness and still be able to
22:09discover the island.
22:11The tale of redemption for Arthur Morgan
22:13as he fights to save the people he loves
22:15as the walls close in on him
22:17has been used as a metaphor for the
22:19changing video game landscape, and
22:21it's hard not to make the association.
22:23With some of the best written characters
22:25in any media ever,
22:27Red Dead Redemption 2 isn't just a
22:29video game, it's an unforgettable
22:37The level design and the
22:40The Last of Us
22:54In 2013, Naughty Dog
22:56was mostly known for the Crash Bandicoot,
22:58Jak and Daxter, and budding
23:00summer blockbuster series Uncharted,
23:02but all of that changed with the release
23:04of The Last of Us.
23:06This was a much bleaker experience than
23:08the developers' previous games, and
23:10crafted a horrific future overtaken
23:12by spores and a zombie-like infection.
23:14However, through incredibly
23:16impressive motion capture, as well as
23:18a believable and oftentimes
23:20heartbreaking script, the journey of a
23:22seasoned survivor and a girl immune
23:24in the apocalypse immediately
23:26enraptured players and critics alike.
23:28Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley's
23:30meticulously crafted narrative, along
23:32with the innovative new gameplay mechanics
23:34and enemy AI, made this track
23:36across a ruined America one of the greatest
23:38stories video games have ever told,
23:40and not only drastically changed
23:42the focus of Naughty Dog, but impacted
23:44the entire industry going forward.
23:52What was your favorite single-player experience
23:54of the last two decades? Share your
23:56favorites in the comments below.
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