• 2 months ago
👉 Un hombre de 39 años fue detenido tras abusar sexualmente de una joven con discapacidad en la playa Bristol de Mar del Plata. La víctima, que estaba acompañada por una amiga, logró alertar a las autoridades quienes actuaron rápidamente. El acusado fue trasladado al penal de Batán mientras avanza la investigación liderada por la doctora Nicora de la UFI de Flagrancia.

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00:00It happened in the city where everyone is, but where serious things also happen, let's see, this is the truth that it is
00:06indignant, but the truth is something that even seems to me, sorry to say it, it is
00:10aberrant, this happened on the most popular beach of Mar del Plata, La Bristol, when the man we see on the screen
00:19He touched
00:22His intimate parts, so to speak, to a young woman with a disability
00:30When the young woman resisted
00:36He started hitting him, he was also with a 25-year-old friend
00:40This girl, whose identity obviously remains in reserve, was notified by the police and the authorities
00:50They stopped him
00:52And here we are seeing it on the screen, notice that they stop him in the
00:57Let's say in
00:59What is done here, the police station that is in the casino area, not the provincial casino of Mar del Plata, but hey
01:07The truth is that it is a very, very, very, very outrageous situation that was experienced on Bristol Beach
01:14minutes ago
01:17nothing more
01:19This obviously
01:20They stopped him in the framework of, let's say, the officers we are seeing are assigned there in the framework of Operation Sun, if you point to me
01:29The cause, as I put well, as I put well in the graph, is precisely due to sexual abuse
01:35and mild injuries, is being instructed by Dr. Nicora of the UFI of Flagrancia, which
01:43Determined that this person we are seeing is arrested
01:47At the age of 39, they transfer him to the Batán Penitentiary
01:52waiting for the cause to continue in progress. Well, I see if I can prepare Mauchi with another fact
02:00Extreme, we reiterate, this happened in Bristol
02:04A detainee who is accused of a sexual crime
02:07A man who hit a young woman with disability
02:10Quickly there the police were able to bring him closer and capture Gonzalo, right? Yes, the truth is that yes, fortunately
02:17They managed to deal with this
02:21I don't know how to qualify it, the truth, sorry, it's very outrageous, they arrested him
02:27They took him to the police station and now this person is in the Batán Penitentiary
02:35Guardado porque en las cárceles cuando el resto de los reclusos enteran de este tipo de cuestiones
02:43No son muy cordiales a menos y hasta hospitalarios no con con este tipo de personas
02:52pero bueno la información es esa ya está detenido a la espera de que la fiscalía
02:58Avance con la investigación y determine qué más hacer con esta persona de 39 años acusado de abuso sexual simple y lesiones leves
