• 2 months ago
👉 Crece la tensión entre la policía y los vecinos tras la muerte de Franco, un joven de 22 años que camina frente a un búnker narco. Hablamos con el primo del joven asesinado: "Venimos denunciando el búnker hace más de un año".

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00Look, this is the boy from Rosa, who we were focusing on a while ago, who had a hammer in his hand,
00:04and we were saying, this kid with the problem that he's going to attack Infantería.
00:07Well, he's a relative of Franco.
00:09How long have you been calling and reporting this bunker?
00:12More than a year, all the neighbors, not just me, all the neighbors.
00:15It was a life in the PEPA, this.
00:17At any time of the day, shots, threats, like that, every day.
00:22You couldn't go out to buy something, to the kiosk, nothing, because...
00:26Fear of this happening, what ended up happening today.
00:29And the police, what answer did they give, did they ever come?
00:31No, they came to look for money.
00:33Did you see the police that came to look for money?
00:35A lot of times, they stopped here.
00:37So, the police stopped at the door of the bunker?
00:39You can tell any neighbor.
00:41Yes, they stopped here, grabbed the money, and they kept going.
00:44Now, what do you want? Why did you confront Infantería?
00:47Because I want justice for my cousin. I want to throw all that down.
00:51Nobody is going to give it back to me, no matter what I do.
00:54But we have to do justice.
00:56Thank you very much.
00:57No, no.
00:58Thank you very much.
