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👉 Un jubilado de 87 años se defendió de un robo en su hogar en Pablo Nogués, disparando a un delincuente que ingresó a su casa. El hecho ocurrió durante la madrugada. La policía está investigando el incidente y buscando cámaras para identificar al delincuente, quien aparentemente era una persona en situación de calle que vivía por la zona.

"Le robaron tres veces en menos de una semana"

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24
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00:00From Villa Madero to Pablo Nogués, from Leo Godoy to Marcelo Padovani, another fact.
00:05That means we are clearly facing a climb.
00:08Marce, where are you? Let's start from scratch with your chronicle.
00:12How are you? How are you, Facundo? We are in Pablo Nogués, as you say.
00:17Well, another case, another case of a retirement.
00:20In this case, it is an 86-year-old retirement, according to the police report we have.
00:28Look, let's put ourselves in the exact location of where we are and what happened.
00:34Here, in the middle of the block, the retired lives with one of his children.
00:38First point. The 87-year-old retired lives with one of his children here in the middle of the block.
00:44Now, the house is in the front, the dead criminal entered from behind.
00:50Let's see, I'm going to ask Juancito and Martincho, if they accompany us,
00:53we are going to walk, if you agree, through this street, which is the side street,
00:58to see if we can locate at least the height where they entered.
01:03He entered in this case because he was alone, Facundo.
01:06A criminal. What happens?
01:10Now we are going to listen to the son who is called Rubén, but I will tell you the story beforehand.
01:14He says, Rubén told us that he had been robbed three times before.
01:19And of course, the retired realized that every day he lacked a tool,
01:24because he had a tool deposit back there and they robbed him every day, they robbed him something.
01:30Well, this early morning he hears the noises, he sees the criminal.
01:35The criminal apparently wanted to attack him.
01:38Around here, more or less, I think.
01:39Look, the house is from here, from this brick wall, to about two houses forward, let's say.
01:47So that you can locate.
01:48Well, then he faces, or tries to attack him, tries to attack him,
01:53and there the retired shoots with his .22 caliber carbine and kills him on the spot.
01:59Well, the experts were here a while ago, the police were here, the D.A.D. looking for cameras.
02:04Why are they looking for cameras?
02:05Well, to see who it was, because apparently it was a person in a street situation who lived in this area.
02:10But well, it is the investigation that will determine who it was or who it really was, this person who entered to rob.
02:17If you think, and if we are in condition, we can listen to Ruben,
02:20we did it a while ago, he told us what happened.
02:24Come on, come on, let's hear it.
02:27To attack?
02:28Directly he went to attack him, yes, yes, yes, yes, he went with the stick.
02:31How is he? Is he aware of what happened?
02:34Yes, now he is becoming aware, now he is becoming a little aware of what happened,
02:39but he was very nervous, he was under pressure, and the truth is that he was very worried.
02:44Do you think they took advantage of the opportunity that one, I don't know if you are the one who lives with him?
02:50No, my brother, the youngest.
02:51He is the one who left early and that's why ...
02:54He left at four, four and a half in the morning, he saw that he retired and there he made the decision to enter and well, to rob him.
03:02It is said that it could be a glass cleaner, I mean, here taking turns on the avenue ...
03:06I don't know, I have no idea, I have no idea, I really have no idea.
03:09But the movement on the avenue, I say, people usually pass all the time, let's say it's not from the neighborhood.
03:13No, apparently I don't know him.
03:16Ruben, sorry, they stole him three times, you said, and what?
03:19Three times in less than a week.
03:21And in the other opportunities, what had he done?
03:23He had not realized, he had not crossed paths with the thief.
03:26No, no, no, yes, he knew because he was going to the bottom and he was missing the element that they had stolen from him.
03:33He was a welder and had a lot of materials.
03:35He is retired, retired.
03:37When he was young, he no longer dedicated himself to any type of work.
03:44Are you going to leave the house?
03:45No, no, no, no, he stays, he stays, we have no other possibility.
03:49The police are here, right? Do you have any psychological support or something?
03:53Not for now, not for now.
03:57Will the police come here to make a statement?
04:00Apparently yes, apparently yes.
04:02Well, thank you.
04:07Well, Marcia, so far the important testimony.
04:11Of course.
04:12I was telling you, the avenue that was mentioned was this one, right?
04:14It is assumed that it is a person who was walking around here.
04:17Well, this will have to be checked by justice.
04:20Well, anyway, what a moment again, right?
04:22For the 87-year-old retiree, they steal from him, he hears noises, he goes out with his carabiner and they do not hesitate to shoot.
04:29But there the son clarifies that the criminal wanted to attack him with a stick, yes?
04:35With an iron, he had something in his hand.
04:37That's why the retiree is also scared and, well, he shoots.
04:41And there he says that, he told us Rubén, that it is now, at this time of the afternoon.
04:45This was just a few hours ago, it was this early in the morning.
04:48So, until recently, the scientific police were working here too.
04:53They have already removed the corpse from the home, but poor retiree, right?
04:5887 years old, he went to the police station and is already back at home, accompanied by one of his children, at least, Facu.
05:05Well, and one continues to see, Marce, and I insist and emphasize this.
05:11How do the neighbors take care of themselves or how do they try to take care of themselves?
05:14Even so, things happen, huh?
05:19Yes, of course, of course, of course.
05:21Look, look, those cameras, let's see, those cameras may have some answer,
05:26the one that Juancito is showing us here on the avenue.
05:29Because the DDI was looking for images, huh?
05:33To see why, let's say, it may be, right?
05:35To rule out that it is, let's say, to rule out that it is a gang, right?
05:39That is, to, well, to determine if it is a single person.
05:43Of course, of course, but it is no longer enough.
05:46Neither the own cameras, nor the neighbors, nor the own alarms, nor the neighbors' alarms.
05:52I mean, we are reporting an escalation of violence and worrying insecurity, Marcelo.
06:00And yes, every day, Facundo.
06:01The truth is that we are already, well, one after the other, right?
06:05Yes, yes.
06:06And especially in the great Buenos Aires.
