• 2 months ago
PT Adaro Andalan Indonesia Tbk (AADI) menargetkan, produksi batu bara mencapai 65,5 juta ton untuk tahun ini. Target ini ditopang di tengah harga batu bara masih cukup tinggi, dan pasar Asia dengan negara tujuan ekspor dominan masih membaik.


00:00Information requested by the chairman of PT Adaro Andalan Indonesia, TBK or AADI,
00:05indicates that the production of coal has reached 65.5 million tons for this year.
00:10This target is supported in the middle of the price of coal is still quite high,
00:13and the Asian market with a dominant export target is still improving.
00:19Information requested by the chairman of PT Adaro Andalan Indonesia, TBK or AADI,
00:33indicates that the total production of AADI children is around 65.5 million tons.
00:43The total production of coal is almost the same as what was set for 2024.
00:51It is known that before doing the spin-off of coal business, PT Alam Tri Resources Indonesia TBK or ADRO,
00:58targeted the volume of coal sales of 65 million tons to 67 million tons,
01:04which includes 61 million tons to 62 million tons of thermal coal.
01:09Meanwhile, the rest are 4.9 million tons to 5.4 million tons of metallurgical coal
01:15from PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia TBK or ADMR.
01:22Adepo until the end of September 2024, ADRO was recorded to produce coal around 55.7 million tons.
01:32On the other hand, the previous management of AADI said that the current price of coal is still quite high,
01:38and in the future the price of coal is still quite attractive, especially because the Asian market is still good.
01:44However, this will depend on the economic growth in Asia,
01:48because the majority of the retail market in Asia, including Southeast Asia.
01:55AADI recognizes the characteristics of a coal business that follows a cyclical cycle
02:00and will be greatly affected by the global economic conditions.
02:05From IDX Channel
02:16From a technical point of view, throughout today's business, AADI is more tense
02:21and the movement pattern is almost the same as IDK Gargas.
02:24In the opening of the first session this morning,
02:29AADI experienced a significant increase in the share price,
02:32and immediately turned around a few moments later,
02:35and in the second session, the pressure is getting deeper.
02:38Can you see the graph on the AADI share price television screen?
02:42Opened this morning at IDR 7,875,
02:46this position experienced an increase compared to the level of closing the trade at the end of last week.
02:53Where on January 3, the AADI share price was closed at the level of IDR 7,850.
03:00Then at IDR 940, it experienced a significant increase to IDR 7,925.
03:06From 10.30.11 past five minutes and until the closing of the first session this afternoon,
03:12the AADI share price is more tense.
03:15Although in the opening of the second session, the weakness is more towards the limit at IDR 7,800.
03:20While in this position, the pressure is getting deeper.
03:23For now, the AADI is weakening at 2.23%,
03:26and has been traded at the level of IDR 7,600,
03:30precisely at IDR 7,675,
03:32the lowest intraday today at IDR 7,650.
03:35While when the IPU touched the highest level at IDR 10,200,
03:41the AADI is more tense so far.
03:44Let's take a look at the next graph of the AADI share price movement.
03:48The AADI share price has increased significantly from the IPO price,
03:52and then it's back to the level of IDR 7,000.
03:56Let's move on to the next graph.
03:58On December 5, the AADI share price was still traded at IDR 6,650.
04:04Then on December 10, it experienced a significant increase,
04:09where the IPO price of AADI has experienced a significant increase
04:14until it reached the level of IDR 10,000, precisely at IDR 10,275.
04:19However, when it reached this level,
04:21the AADI share price's strength was more limited and more tense,
04:26until it reached the level of IDR 7,600.
04:28At the moment, the intraday today is at IDR 7,925,
04:33and again weakened quite deeply above 2% at IDR 7,600.
04:37Let's move on to the next graph.
04:39We will only look at the valuation side,
04:41with several indicators.
04:43We will look at the price-earning ratio,
04:46which is at IDR 2.15x,
04:49PSR at IDR 0.69x,
04:52PVV at IDR 1.55x,
04:54and PCFR at IDR 2.91x.
04:56Fundamentally and technically,
04:58and also from the valuation side,
05:00and hopefully it can be one of the references for AADA.
