• 2 months ago
जुकिनी एक ऐसी सब्जी है जो खाने में जितनी स्वादिष्ट है गुणों में भी उतनी ही पौष्टिक है. जवां बनाए रखने में मदद करती है.


01:30My name is Kumar Shashank and I am from Ranipatra, Madhya Pradesh.
02:00I have come to Ranipatra, Madhya Pradesh.
02:02There is a village here.
02:04And I saw a wonderful and unique vegetable here.
02:06Its name is Kuaas.
02:08If you know about it,
02:10it has a lot of vitamins and minerals.
02:12It has a lot of nutrients.
02:14It is not found in Indian vegetables.
02:16But to see such a development
02:18in your own city,
02:20in your own village,
02:22among your own people,
02:24this is quite amazing.
02:26And you can call it a very pleasant experience.
02:28I don't have much knowledge about it.
02:30But I know that it used to be found
02:32only in big cities.
02:34It used to be found abroad.
02:36And in big Indian towns,
02:38you get to see it.
02:40It is very expensive.
02:42So now in our city,
02:44in our village,
02:46this vegetable is being made available by the farmers.
02:48This is a big achievement.
02:52In everyone's plate,
02:54a healthy vegetable is going to be added.
02:56This is a very big achievement.
03:04My name is Mohammad Nizamuddin.
03:06What vegetables do you grow there?
03:08Sir, I don't know about it yet.
03:10But after seeing this vegetable,
03:12I was amazed.
03:14People from far away used to say
03:16that people from Saudi Arabia
03:18eat good vegetables.
03:20And we had to think about it.
03:22But today our farmers,
03:24Shashi Bhushan Singh,
03:26they have done a great job.
03:28They have grown
03:30very strange vegetables
03:32in Purnima district.
03:34We are very excited about it.
03:36And we are getting to see this vegetable.
03:40We are not able to understand
03:42how people from abroad
03:44get these vegetables.
03:46So you will eat foreign vegetables?
03:48Yes, I hope so.
03:50We will eat foreign vegetables
03:52in everyone's plate.
03:54Whether we are rich or poor,
03:56we will see it in everyone's plate.
03:58It is a matter of pride for us
04:00that our farmers
04:02have grown
04:04very strange vegetables.
04:06And we are very proud of it.
04:12My name is Shashi Bhushan Singh.
04:14This is a foreign vegetable.
04:16It is called sweet grass.
04:18And it is also called jaguni.
04:22The speciality of this vegetable
04:24is that it is eaten as a vegetable.
04:26And it is also eaten as a salad.
04:28This is a foreign vegetable.
04:30People from Shimanchal
04:32will also get to eat it.
04:34Like farmers from Katihar, Purnima,
04:36Kisanganj will also get to eat this vegetable.
04:38In Bihar, Jharkhand?
04:40Yes, in Bihar, Jharkhand.
04:42What is the price of this vegetable?
04:44We planted it a little
04:46last year.
04:48This time we have planted it.
04:50It is a new vegetable.
04:52Yes, it is a new vegetable.
04:54Foreigners who know it
04:56take it for a good price.
04:58Those who don't know it,
05:00they take it again and again.
05:02Yes, it will be seen
05:04in everyone's plate.
05:06The weight of this vegetable
05:08is also such that
05:10if it is sold in 10 or 20 places,
05:12you can see that it has become 2 kg.
05:14If you leave it, it becomes 5 kg.
05:16That's why it doesn't have much problem.
05:18If it is small,
05:20you can eat it in salad.
05:22If it is big, you can eat it in vegetable.
