• 2 months ago

La joven bombera voluntaria de 23 años había desaparecido el sábado en San Vicente. Apareció muerta junto a todas sus pertenencias en una zona boscosa de Brandsen.

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00:00information that brings us from the last moment if unfortunately today we have to confirm that it
00:06has been found dead to me this was happened a few minutes ago well we saw not just in
00:14who when where about three and a half in the afternoon we saw when they had given the
00:19news to the relatives who were here in a gas station and contained by the people of the police
00:25for the people of the firefighters, well, unfortunately, there are 23-year-old firefighters who disappeared
00:31on Saturday, then she appeared dead in a wooded area in a tree-lined area inside a
00:37room here in the Branson area with all the belongings with all the belongings of the
00:43day of his disappearance with all the belongings of the day of his disappearance and we also had
00:52the bicycle, not the bicycle, this one that we were looking for so much in the morning, too, and
00:58unfortunately it was there next to the missing firewoman and found dead, unfortunately,
01:05a few minutes ago, well, the worst news that has just been confirmed, then we wanted to have
01:11the official confirmation, the images were too eloquent, forewarned in a fatal outcome,
01:17but we did not want to anticipate any situation there is a family behind there are two communities I
01:24mean those of Branson and those of San Vicente because indistinctly they moved between one
01:30city ​​and the other with parents I do not know if they were separated but I was going from one place to the other
01:35also with many friends firefighters are also family Fabi you know I was wondering
01:44what a new year we have not tragic we come with rest and just this boy who threw himself into the sea
01:49yesterday I had to cover the death of this boy who threw himself into the river of silver being
01:55embarked on the island in the delta and now this girl who also dies I say young people who
02:02for different circumstances die very quickly and for practically inconceivable circumstances
02:09yesterday the boy who threw himself into the river of silver and the whirlwind swallowed him the boy who
02:13throws himself into the sea in Punta del Este and this girl that we managed to find I say what is happening to us
02:18where does the story happen that young people leave so soon if the illusion is really going to
02:25another that is why we also join as a means of communication every time there is a
02:28missing person to give visibility there was already an official search obviously this also
02:34eradicated with complaints that what we always look for that there is when there is a search for a
02:38missing person there was a search flyer to accompany that situation with photos that
02:46would be the family itself to give it diffusion and visibility in the media give a lot of importance to
02:51mental health not because I had been hospitalized I have to put the focus and the importance that
02:56mental health really has today that many let it pass and maybe people who have to
03:01be medicated people who have to be treated and it is not good and it ends this way if
03:05until here I think our work as a means of communication arrives while there was a
03:09request from the family to accompany a search for that we were marcelo there present we gave him
03:16all the times that it was possible camera and microphone to try to get people to collaborate
03:21watching at home with this benefit that we have to go through screens and enter the homes
03:25many people mobilized collaborating by providing data in some cases from the good intention
03:32they saw it in different places clearly now by the link that there was some of those data
03:36maybe they were true others not but it does not matter here our work as a means arrived and now
03:42there is the pain behind a double fatality that is why we are permanently putting on the screen
03:48and stay with that from now on you are seeing in your house the line 135 of assistance to
03:54suicide because this had to do with this double fatality so the story began for which
04:00this young volunteer firefighter disappeared, embracing that vocation without an economic issue
04:07behind it is to have a vocation of service, wanting to help the neighbor, wanting to help your
04:13community in that area, it was also his partner who had made a fatal decision and from there
04:19he also led her to take a similar path through these whirlwinds that the human mind has and that
04:25it is not our turn from here to analyze or draw conclusions this fast
