• 2 months ago
Shan e Ghareeb Nawaz RA | Speaker: Allama Mufti Muhammad Farooq Khan Saeedi

#DarseQuran #KhuwajaGhareebNawazRA #ARYQtv

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00:00In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:07We praise Him, and we pray, and we greet His noble Messenger.
00:13In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:17O you who have believed, fear Allah and be with the truthful.
00:26And Allah said in another place,
00:31Verily, the allies of Allah have no fear of them, nor do they grieve.
00:40Those who have believed and have been righteous,
00:45they will have good tidings in this life and in the Hereafter.
00:52There is no change for the words of Allah.
00:56That is the great triumph.
00:59Allah is the Greatest Truthful.
01:02The Lord of the Universe is the Accepted, Beloved,
01:10and the chosen ones who are fulfilling the obligation of the Prophethood and inheritance in the Ummah of the Chosen One.
01:28They are called the Saints and the Sufis.
01:35After the Prophethood and the Prophethood,
01:41the Companions and the people of the Bait-e-Izaam,
01:46took advantage of Alayham-ul-Ridwan,
01:52and preached the religion of Islam in the four continents,
01:58and the flags of Tawheed and the Prophethood fluttered everywhere.
02:03Among these great saints and saints,
02:09the most beautiful and glorious personality is
02:15Sultan-ul-Hind, Ghareeb-Nawaz, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Buzurg,
02:25Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Buzurg, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khw
02:55Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Khwaja-e-Khajgan, Kh
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05:25Suddenly, an elderly man, Hazrat Ibrahim Kanduri, may Allah have mercy on him, came to the garden.
05:34He was apparently shocked.
05:37He came to him and asked for something.
05:40He offered him the fresh grapes of his garden.
05:47He was very happy.
05:51This child is such a blessed and pious child.
05:57He chewed a piece of dry bread in his mouth and gave it to him.
06:06He ate it.
06:09Allahu Akbar Kabira.
06:12The world of the heart changed.
06:14He gave charity to that garden.
06:22And he left for the school of knowledge.
06:26Samarkand and Bukhara.
06:29These areas were centers of knowledge at that time.
06:34It should be noted here that no saint is without knowledge.
06:40And no scholar is without a teacher.
06:44Because our scholars are the teachers of the saints.
06:51And our saints are the teachers of the saints.
06:59And our saints are the students of the saints.
07:03There is no contradiction in Sharia and Tariqat.
07:09There is no distance.
07:11He left for the school of knowledge.
07:14And wherever he found a saint, he would visit him.
07:20He would give his presence.
07:22He would do Iqtisab-e-Faiz.
07:24If he came to know about the shrine of a saint,
07:29he would go there as well.
07:32He would visit the shrine of that saint.
07:36He would give charity.
07:38And he would get blessings from them.
07:41Your spiritual guide, Hazrat Khawaja Usman Haroon.
07:46Some people have called him Harwani.
07:50He was not Haroon. He was Harwan.
07:53When he went to his Sheikh-e-Kamil,
07:59he recognized him.
08:01When he saw his face, he said,
08:04Shahbaz has come to me.
08:08He has flown to me.
08:10I should give him more courage and courage.
08:16So, Hazrat Khawaja Usman Haroon.
08:23He took him on a journey with him.
08:26To Makkah and Madinah.
08:30When he reached Makkah,
08:34his spiritual guide stood in front of Baitullah Sharif and said,
08:40O Lord of the worlds, I have brought Mu'in-ud-Deen in your court.
08:46He heard a voice saying,
08:49I have accepted Mu'in-ud-Deen.
08:53After that, he went to Madinah.
08:59This is the holy land of Taiba.
09:03This is the paradise of Malik.
09:07Hazrat Usman Haroon went to Madinah with Hazrat Khawaja Mu'in-ud-Deen.
09:15He presented himself in front of the Sheikh-e-Kamil.
09:20He asked Hazrat Khawaja Mu'in-ud-Deen,
09:24O Messenger of Allah,
09:27Mu'in-ud-Deen is present in your court of sacredness, purity and light.
09:34He heard a voice saying,
09:37I have accepted Mu'in-ud-Deen.
09:43After attaining spiritual benevolence from the court of Allah and the court of the Prophet,
09:51Hazrat Khawaja Mu'in-ud-Deen travelled to many countries.
09:55Hazrat Usman Haroon blessed him.
10:00He handed over all his belongings to Hazrat Khawaja Mu'in-ud-Deen.
10:11Hazrat Khawaja Mu'in-ud-Deen travelled to Lahore.
10:16It is common knowledge that he came to the court of Hazrat Data Gajbakhsh Ali Hujwairi.
10:32He wanted to stay in Lahore for a while.
10:37However, Data Sahib's request stopped him.
10:41He spent 40 days in Lahore.
10:46He attained spiritual benevolence and blessings.
10:50His court of sacredness is still present and protected.
10:55He recited this divine couplet,
11:02Naqisan-ra Peer-e-Kamil,
11:04Kamilan-ra Rahnuma.
11:06Hazrat Khawaja Mu'in-ud-Deen travelled to Lahore.
11:13It is mentioned in the holy books of Hazrat Khawaja Mu'in-ud-Deen
11:22that when Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz was returning from Data Sahib's court,
11:34he did not turn his back to Data Sahib.
11:42Instead, he walked backwards.
11:45This is a great act of respect.
11:47It is being taught to the public
11:52that they should follow the same path.
11:57Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz was instructed
12:02to go to Ajmer.
12:06It is important to note that
12:10Islam was established in Bar-e-Sagheer.
12:13It was established by Muhammad bin Qasim A.S.
12:20But it was limited to Sindh.
12:23It did not reach Bar-e-Sagheer.
12:28The other religious leaders who came to Lahore
12:34were called Qutub-ul-Irshad and Uroos-ul-Bilad.
12:44But in Bar-e-Sagheer,
12:48there were still traces of polytheism.
12:57Instead of bowing down to Allah,
13:02people used to prostrate before idols.
13:06They were busy worshipping the false deities
13:09and worshipping day and night.
13:13Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz went to the land
13:17known as Dar-ul-Khair, Ajmer.
13:21It was a center of polytheism and polytheism.
13:26Like the government of Rai Raju was established in Lahore.
13:30He was a pundit and a ruler of Lahore.
13:34Hazrat Ghanbakhsh Ali Hujwairi was his disciple.
13:48He was named Sheikh Abdullah.
13:55The government of Ajmer was of polytheism.
13:59He was a leader of Hindus.
14:02He was a great leader.
14:06Without his permission,
14:08no one could do anything there.
14:11Remember the image of Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz at that time.
14:17He was a 40 year old dervish.
14:19He was headless.
14:21He was physically handicapped.
14:23He was a servant of Allah.
14:26He was naked.
14:28He was wearing a turban.
14:30Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz was a leader of Hindus.
14:35He was a pundit and a leader of Hindus.
14:40When he reached Ajmer,
14:43he set up a tent.
14:47He built a small mosque.
14:50He started praying there.
14:55He had 40 dervishes.
14:58When he reached a place,
15:00people asked him to leave.
15:06They asked him to leave.
15:09He said that he was a dervish.
15:11They asked him to leave.
15:13He replied that he can't leave.
15:17They asked him to leave.
15:19He said that he will leave.
15:26When the camels were brought there,
15:29they couldn't move.
15:31They couldn't get up.
15:33They couldn't move.
15:35They asked him to leave.
15:40He left.
15:42The camels started moving.
15:45Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz had to face
15:49a lot of difficulties.
15:56He is a part of history.
15:58He is a person who is ruling the whole world.
16:05He is known as Sultan-ul-Hind.
16:08He is known as Ghareeb Nawaz.
16:10He is known as Khawaja-e-Khajgan.
16:12He is known as Khawaja-e-Buzurk.
16:14He had to face a lot of difficulties.
16:20For example,
16:22if you want to ask for water for ablution,
16:25they are not giving you water.
16:30Your dervish said that
16:32our Hazrat will perform ablution and pray.
16:38He said no.
16:39We will not give you water.
16:43Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz said to his servant
16:46that if they don't allow you to put water in the pot,
16:51then you should direct the pot towards the pond.
16:55All the water of the pond will come in this pot.
16:59Darya Baha Baa Bandar
17:02When Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz's dervish didn't get water,
17:08he directed the pot towards the pond.
17:12All the water of the Anasagar came into the pond.
17:16People were shocked.
17:18They said that they will die of thirst.
17:21How will our children drink water?
17:26How will animals drink water?
17:28Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz said to his servant
17:31that you should direct the pot towards the pond.
17:34All the water of the pond will be filled.
17:37This is what happened.
17:39Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz had to face obstacles step by step.
17:44Fire was being worshipped.
17:46Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz's disciples said
17:51that they need some fire for Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz.
17:55He said that this is our God.
17:58How can we break it?
18:01We cannot give this fire.
18:04Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz said
18:07that if this is your God,
18:09then he must know you.
18:11This fire that you are worshipping,
18:15must know you.
18:18So, does this fire know you?
18:22He said that this is fire, how does it know me?
18:25He said that what kind of God is he
18:27who does not know his worshippers?
18:31Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz said
18:34that if you are truthful and this is your God,
18:38then put your hand in the fire.
18:40It will not say anything to you.
18:42Hazrat Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz said
18:44that what are you saying?
18:45Fire is meant to be burnt.
18:47If we put our hand in it,
18:49we will be burnt.
18:50He said that this dervish,
18:52this Fakir,
18:54this Muhammad Mustafa,
18:56this Ahmad Mustafa,
19:02this slave,
19:04jumps into the fire.
19:06If this fire does not say anything to me,
19:09then our religion is true.
19:11He said, do it.
19:13He picked up the priest's son,
19:15took him in his lap and jumped into the fire.
19:18Then what happened?
19:20The child said loudly
19:23that people, this is not fire,
19:25this is a garden.
19:27This is not fire,
19:28this is a flower of fire.
19:30Because Khalilullah's
19:32beautiful lips
19:34were being burnt there.
19:38was being performed.
19:40Even today,
19:41the faith of Barahim is born.
19:43Fire can create
19:45the style of Gulistan.
19:47Fire did not have any effect.
19:49Seeing this miracle,
19:51many people
19:53accepted Islam,
19:55recited the Kalima,
19:57and left idol worship.
19:59The fact is that
20:01Mureeduddin Ajmeri,
20:03at the feet of Allah,
20:05did not make
20:07only Ajmer Sharif
20:09the center of Islam.
20:11He made the whole of Bar-e-Sagheer
20:13the center of Islam.
20:15Centuries have passed.
20:17700-800 years have passed.
20:21the tree that
20:23Ghareeb Nawaz planted,
20:25from that tree,
20:27many trees were born.
20:29Fruits were born.
20:35and the message of
20:39has reached the whole world.
20:41You are the leader
20:43of the Chisht-e-Ahl-e-Bahisht.
20:45Even though
20:47this chain
20:49started before you.
20:51Hazrat Khawaja Maudud
20:55Hazrat Abu Ishaq Shami-e-Rahmatullah.
20:57But it was blessed
20:59by your blessed personality
21:01with all the
21:03perfection and qualities.
21:05Now, this chain
21:07is so
21:09attached to your personality
21:11that when it is
21:13called the Chisht-e-Ahl-e-Bahisht,
21:15as its leader,
21:17as its leader,
21:19as its leader,
21:21the name of Ghareeb Nawaz
21:23is inscribed in it.
21:25Ilahi Tawbawad Khurshid-o-Mahi
