• 2 months ago


00:00An incident took place when both the kids were playing downstairs and I went upstairs to eat
00:09God knows what happened
00:12The lid fell down
00:14While playing?
00:15Yes, while playing
00:16In the water?
00:17Yes, in the water
00:18No one saw?
00:19No one saw, we came from upstairs and saw where the kids were
00:22The lid was open, I thought they were in the AC
00:26I jumped out of the water and saved them
00:30They died?
00:33Devnagar, Pawanpuri
00:34What was the name of the kid?
00:36What was his age?
00:381.5 years
00:40Who was there in the house at that time?
00:42It was just the two of us, we went upstairs
00:45He was playing there?
00:47Yes, there was a room inside and we were playing in the hall
00:52Where did the parents come from?
00:54My mother was making roti
00:57My father was at work
01:00Who were you?
01:02My grandfather
01:03What is your name?
01:04Pannalal Sahu
