• 2 months ago
The Dark Truth About College Degrees #shorts #funny #comedy #college #youtubeshorts


00:00How much does it cost?
00:02Well, the average four-year private college, like Horton University,
00:09do you want the yearly cost or the whole shebang?
00:13All at once. Might as well rip the Band-Aid off.
00:16Well, $38,768 a year times four, so that'll be $155,072.
00:28And that's just for tuition. Toss in housing fees and so on.
00:34Throw me, say, $223,360 and we'll call it even.
00:40Holy crow, that's a big Band-Aid.
00:43More like gauze fused to an open lesion.
00:47I don't have that kind of money.
00:49Who does?
00:50Don't worry, boy-o, we'll get you set up with a loan.
00:54How much do you have in your college fund right now?
00:57Um, nothing. We kind of lost everything in the recession.
01:01Ah, well, no problem.
01:03My condolences.
01:09Just say for the sake of argument that you're the greatest creditor the bank's ever seen,
01:15you get a fixed interest rate of 5%,
01:18that great college job we were talking about,
01:22and pay $1,000 a month off,
01:26you'll be out from under the shadow of debt in 53.5 years.
01:33When I'm 71?
01:36Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
01:38There's another point for the math whiz.
01:41What's even the current life expectancy?
