• 19 hours ago
वाराणसी ( यूपी ) - वाराणसी में आज 80 सालों से बंद सिद्धेश्वर महादेव मंदिर खुल गया है। ये मंदिर मुस्लिम बाहुल्य क्षेत्र मदनपुरा में है। ये मंदिर प्रशासन की देखरेख में खोला गया। सफाई के दौरान मंदिर में शिवलिंग मिला है। इस मंदिर में मकर संक्रांति के बाद शिवलिंग की प्राण प्रतिष्टठा की जाएगी। इस दौरान हिंदू संगठनों ने जलाभिषेक किया गया और इस दौरान भारी पुलिस बल तैनात किया गया है।



00:00It's all done.
00:02It's all done.
00:04Just one shot.
00:06It's all done.
00:08It's all done.
00:10It's all done.
00:12It's all done.
00:14It's all done.
00:16It's all done.
00:18It's all done.
00:20It's all done.
00:22It's all done.
00:24It's all done.
00:26It's all done.
00:30Nothing would have come into my life if I hadn't helped you.
00:34This temple was opened this too.
00:36It's being done with public agreements.
00:38It's being done with public agreements.
00:40There is a nice typhoon cloud in the temple.
00:42There is a nice typhoon cloud in the temple.
00:44They are removing it slowly,
00:46so that if there is any inside,
00:48it doesn't rust the roof.
00:49it doesn't rust the roof.
00:50so that if there is any inside,
00:51it doesn't rust the roof.
00:52This topic is supported by people.
00:53This topic is supported by people.
00:54They are hinhosrt about it.
00:56No one has been handed over yet.
00:58The cleaning work is still going on.
01:00We will see once the cleaning is complete.
01:02We will take a decision on that as well.
01:04We will sit together and have a joint meeting.
01:06None of the two sides objected.
01:08Both sides were ready.
01:10This was done on the basis of mutual consent.
01:14In Kashikhand, the temple of Varnik Siddheswar Mahadev,
01:18the temple was in place.
01:20People were not paying attention.
01:22The door was closed.
01:24Today, we have opened the door.
01:28The cleaning is going on.
01:30The local people have helped.
01:32People from the municipality have also come.
01:34Our people have also removed the soil.
01:38Our police officers have also helped.
01:42In this way, the cleanliness of the temple is going on.
01:50The rest of the work will be done later.
01:52We have spoken to Anpurna Mandir Mahanji.
01:56Vishwendu Prasad is also there.
01:58Everyone is there.
02:00There is also a Brahmin assembly.
02:02There are other organizations that are ready for everything.
02:06Anpurna Mandir Mahanji will arrange a three-day evening here.
02:12They will arrange for Raga Bhoga.
02:14The Brahmin assembly will invite the Brahmins here.
02:16The work of Raga Bhoga here will be done by Sanatan Vidhi Vidhan.
02:20After seeing the temple on the 14th,
02:24After seeing it through the scholars of Kashi Vidyadhar Parishad,
02:28Ganga Jamuna culture is being maintained here.
02:30This time, people have made the bitter taste sweet.
