• 2 months ago


00:30I think first of all the performers here deserve a very big round of applause, please join me.
00:50Thank you very much for calling me here and giving me this opportunity to interact with the
00:54cadets and see their performance today. The Guard of Honor, the way the parade, the band,
01:03it was an immaculate show. And this cultural program that we have seen just now, full of
01:11josh, energy, I think this is where we bring the entire nation together.
01:18You know, various cultures, various parts of the country we come from, different
01:24traditions, different religions that we come from.
01:30But when we all get together and become one and that is what is India. And I think NCC is doing a commendable job in that.
01:40In bringing the entire nation together. Teaching them the right values at the right time.
01:45So, my compliments to each and everyone who is engaged in this job. So, I have been briefed that there are some new
01:59raisings which are taking place. And from 17 lakhs we are slowly moving towards 20 lakhs which is our target in next few years.
02:09And I am very happy to see that this is one place where we get the young minds being trained towards nation building.
02:21Young minds being trained towards selfless service. And if more and more youth joins NCC, I think we will have
02:29better citizens. Because what I see here is future of India.
02:34In cadets, what we see is future of India. They are the ones who are going to be tomorrow's leaders,
02:41tomorrow's doctors, tomorrow's engineers, tomorrow's politicians, tomorrow's
02:46faujis. And they are the ones who are going to take this nation forward
02:51towards the amrit kal that we are talking about all the while. The more we motivate these youth,
02:59the more we teach them the right values, the better our country will be for tomorrow.
03:04I am, it's our commitment in Indian Air Force to make sure that whatever the NCC needs, we do our bit towards that.
03:18I know there has been some shortages in the past, we have been discussing. My commitment to the DG today,
03:26that we will do our best to make sure that whatever training programs you conduct, whatever needs that the NCC has,
03:33Indian Air Force will go out of their way to make sure that those shortages are met. And the kind of, you know, values,
03:42patriotism, selfless service, discipline, leadership, team spirit, living with the code of conduct that is being imbibed in you,
03:54I am talking to the cadets now. Does everybody understand English or you want me to speak in Hindi, some of you?
04:01I don't know whether it's a happy moment or not.
04:31Who doesn't understand Hindi, raise your hand. Is there anyone who doesn't understand Hindi?
04:39That is encouraging. Good. I think you should have asked the right question.
04:45So I was saying that the kind of discipline, selfless service, patriotism, and the feeling of leadership that we have,
