• 2 months ago
Dani Jackel | Dani Jackel


00:00Welcome back to my channel. My name is Dani Jackal.
00:02Today, I am so f***ing sweaty, but I'm also pregnant,
00:04and I'm going to be picking up guys.
00:05Can I get your number?
00:07Okay, cool.
00:08If you just want to put in there, like, baby daddy,
00:10because I don't know where the real one is.
00:13What's your name?
00:16That's okay.
00:17Nice to meet you.
00:18Nice to meet you too, Mommy.
00:19See you, Daddy.
00:20All right.
00:21So, are you just visiting?
00:22Yeah, a year till Sunday.
00:23Cool. Are you, like, into MILFs?
00:26Uh, yeah.
00:27Well, you're looking at one right here.
00:30What are you, uh...
00:32That was just so random.
00:33Sorry, I just wanted to cut to the chase.
00:35I, like, don't really want to interrupt your workout.
00:38Oh, it's okay.
00:39Do you want to take my number?
00:40All right.
00:41If you want to, like, feel my belly, you can.
00:43That's okay.
00:44Do you live down here?
00:45No, I'm just visiting. How about you?
00:47I'm here for vacation.
00:48Oh, nice. Cool.
00:50So, do you hook up with pregnant women a lot?
00:53Or just down for some MILF action?
00:56That'd be my first time.
00:59What's your name?
01:01Yeah. What's your name?
01:03Are we going to get engaged after...
01:05Is that what you're saying?
01:06Maybe. How old are you?
01:08I mean, I'm down.
01:09I'm... Whatever you want me to be.
01:12I'm only 19.
01:14Well, that's legal, so that's all that matters, right?
01:17I turn 20 next week.
01:19Okay. That sounds a little bit better.
01:22I guess you'll only be 19 years apart from this one.
01:25You could be, you know, his brother.
01:27I'm just kidding.
01:28You'll be my daddy.
01:29Okay. Bye.
01:30What's your name again?
01:33Gage. I already know.
01:35Love you.
01:38Gosh, you look like Jake Paul or one of the Pauls.
01:41Logan, Jake.
01:42He doesn't speak English.
01:43Yes. I'm very French.
01:45Oh, okay.
01:46Does he know how to take me out on a date?
01:48On a date? What is that?
01:49Like a dinner.
01:51Do you want dinner with you?
01:54Whenever you want.
01:55You can come.
01:57Us three.
01:58You all are friends?
02:001, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
02:04A little bit.
02:05Can count to 10.
02:06If you want, you can give, take.
02:09Are you chill if I'm pregnant and stuff?
02:11Like, I can't drink.
02:12Ah, yes. Sure.
02:14What does she want?
02:14She can't drink. She wants to eat, but let's go for a drink.
02:17Thank you for translating.
02:18No problem.
02:19You like me?
02:21Yeah. Do you like me is the question.
02:23You're down for this?
02:24There's a lot of drama that goes along with this.
02:27But if you're down, are you a dad?
02:30I am a dad, yeah.
02:31Okay. I was going to say, like, if you wanted to be,
02:33but I guess you already are, but.
02:35I have twin boys.
02:36Oh, well, are you looking for a girl?
02:38Yeah, I would love a girl.
02:39Cool. What's your name?
02:41Johan. I'm Dani.
02:42Nice to meet you, Dani.
02:43Nice to meet you.
02:44Yeah. So, no dad?
02:46Oh, no.
02:47God knows where he is, honestly.
02:49Yeah. Definitely looking for someone to just,
02:52you know, poop on the delivery table with.
02:55You say poop on the delivery table with?
02:57Well, isn't that what happens?
02:58I don't know. I haven't had a kid yet.
02:58It's my first.
03:00Just poop it right out?
03:01Oh, no. Like, I think poop comes with it.
03:04Does it? Don't you poop when you pop it?
03:06Yeah. You do poop.
03:08You can. You can.
03:10Yeah. I mean, and with this, this IBS.
03:12You look good, though.
03:13Thank you so much.
03:14I was so much.
03:15Not at one.
03:16Thank you so much.
03:17Sorry to interrupt your walk, but are you a dad?
03:21Oh, I was going to say,
03:22do you want to be enough like a dad?
03:24But, never mind.
03:27How are you?
03:28Good, and you? How may I help?
03:29Oh, I just wanted to see if you're single.
03:32Oh, yeah, I am.
03:34Okay. Well, I mean, do you like what you see?
03:38I love what I see.
03:39That's life right there.
03:41This is, I am fully just bringing a lot to the table.
03:44Can I touch?
03:45Sure. You might feel it kick or fart.
03:48I'm a big farter.
03:49Can I get your number?
03:50Of course.
03:52I'm really looking for someone
03:53to just be right at the delivery table
03:55like when I shit everywhere.
03:57I just need motivation, you know?
03:59So, I'm actually just filming a video.
04:01I'm just joking.
04:03I film prank videos.
04:06This is a fake baby.
04:07I just do hidden prank videos.
04:08Oh, snap.
04:09I was looking at it.
04:10I was like, that girl look kind of ready to pop.
04:12You were super awesome.
04:13You had a great reaction.
04:14You were so nice.
04:15Is it okay with you if we use that in the video?
04:17Yeah, for sure.
04:18You were awesome.
04:18Is it cool with you if we use that in the video?
04:20Yeah, why not?
04:21Thank you guys so much for watching the video.
04:22I hope you enjoyed it.
04:24If you did, please be sure to give it a big thumbs up.
04:25The baby says, give it a big thumbs up.
04:27And to also comment below, subscribe,
04:28follow me on the rest of my social media.
04:30Just a reminder that I'm not actually pregnant.
04:32This is a fake belly,
04:32but this belly button looks real as f*** though.
