• 2 months ago
Dani Jackel | Dani Jackel


00:00I know the sun's not out right now, but I'd love for your son to be in me.
00:05Welcome back to my channel. My name is Dani Jackal. Today I'm at Tulane University and
00:09it's family weekend and I'm going to be asking parents if I can date their son.
00:12Wait, sorry. I know that you're on the phone, but I have like a super urgent question.
00:15Could I date your son?
00:18I mean, it's so important. I had to be. Okay. Could I get your number?
00:23Okay. Sorry. Yeah. Do your thing. What's your name?
00:28Teddy. Okay, cool. I'm Dani. Your dad seems chill.
00:32You're like a future daddy. Okay. Well, Teddy. See ya.
00:40Excuse me. Hi. Do you guys think I'd be able to hook up with your son?
00:48Do you guys know each other?
00:49No. I just, I thought he was cute.
00:54He's all yours. He's all yours. Take him out to dinner though.
00:58Is your dad a police?
01:00My dad? I can be.
01:02No, he's not.
01:03Okay. I was just going to say it's illegal for your son to look this good.
01:07Can I get his number? Is that fine with you guys? I just have to like-
01:10Sure. Y'all work a little dad out.
01:11I just wanted to meet the parents before, you know. Okay, cool. What's your name?
01:15I'm Guy.
01:16Oh, I'm girl.
01:17Nice to meet you.
01:18I'm just, you probably get that every day. Well, I'll get your number.
01:22Let's do it. Yeah.
01:23Hi. I know this son's not out right now, but I'd love for your son to be in me.
01:29You what?
01:30It was just a pickup line. I'd love for your son to be in me. That was a-
01:36Yeah. Yeah. No, that was probably too much for your ears, but-
01:39That's beautiful.
01:40Oh, I'm Guy.
01:42What's your name?
01:43I'm Dani.
01:43Nice to meet you. Good job.
01:44Nice to meet you.
01:46Well, I'm a sophomore.
01:48You're a sophomore.
01:49Yeah. How about you?
01:51I'm a freshman.
01:52Oh, cool. Okay.
01:53I'm John. I'm his dad.
01:54I'm Dani. Nice to meet you.
01:56Oh, nice to meet you. Great to meet my future in-laws.
02:00Absolutely. I like that.
02:01Hi. Is this your son?
02:03Hi. Is he single?
02:06Are you single?
02:07I am single.
02:08Do you think I'd be able to date him maybe?
02:10Sure. It's up to you. It's your decision.
02:13Yeah. I just had to make sure like mommy was good with it.
02:17Well, wait. I mean, he's just going to run away.
02:20I just think your daughter's cute. Like, would I be able to date her?
02:23I don't know if she's bi.
02:26Oh, that's probably the first question I should have asked.
02:29I mean, I could always get your number. We can test things out.
02:32If it's fine with the parents, of course.
02:35I am straight.
02:37Okay. Yeah. Totally fine.
02:39Just figured I'd shoot my shot, you know?
02:41Thanks. You have a lot of brains. You're great.
02:43Thank you. Thank you.
02:45All right. Well, have a good one.
02:46Thank you. I hope so.
02:49Hi. Wait. I just have a question.
02:50What major is your son?
02:53That's a good question. I don't know.
02:54I'm a freshman at the business school. I'm excited.
02:57Oh, okay. I was just going to say, I feel like we'd have chemistry together.
03:03No, I'm just flirting.
03:05Yeah. Could I date your son?
03:07Yes. Yes. Anytime.
03:09Okay. You should get his number.
03:10Yeah. I'm down. Look at this wingman right here.
03:14You're a freshman?
03:15Yeah. Nice.
03:18Yeah. I was just, I thought we had, you know, chemistry.
03:20It was kind of just a joke, but it's fine.
03:22He's slow on the uptake.
03:24Oh, that's...
03:24But you'll get him there.
03:26Okay. Yeah. No, I'll help him.
03:27He just needs some guidance.
03:28That's all right, Daddy.
03:29What's your name?
03:31You know what his name is?
03:32Daddy? Junior?
03:34Daddy Junior.
03:34I'm Eli.
03:35Eli? Okay. Nice to meet you. See ya.
03:39What major is your son?
03:40He can tell you.
03:42Okay. I could have sworn like we had chemistry together, but I don't know.
03:45Maybe you have chemistry.
03:47Maybe. Should we find out?
03:49I mean, Mom, is it cool with you?
03:50Totally cool with me. I'm good.
03:52Your name?
03:53Oh, I'm Danny.
03:54Hi, Danny. I'm Lori.
03:55Nice to meet you.
03:56This is Jordan.
03:58And what year are you?
03:59I'm sophomore.
04:00So is he.
04:00Oh my God. Perfect.
04:02Danny, where do you live?
04:04I live in the Honors one.
04:07Okay. She's smart.
04:10Where are you from?
04:12San Diego.
04:13California. Nice weather.
04:16Yeah. Thanks.
04:16New York.
04:18Bye, Coastal.
04:20I mean, look at this wing woman right here.
04:22I'm a mom, you know.
04:25A hot son.
04:27I mean, I'm not reading his vibe right now.
04:30Vibe checking out.
04:32Okay. That's okay.
04:34Okay. Let me get your number.
04:35Yeah, sure.
04:35Hey, guys. Hey, Teddy.
04:37I'm actually messing around.
04:38I'm filming a video, getting people's reactions,
04:40asking them if I could date their son for a family weekend.
04:43Hey, guys. I'm actually messing around.
04:45I'm filming a video for parents weekend.
04:48Hey, guys. I'm just messing around.
04:50I'm actually filming a video, getting people's reactions for a family weekend.
04:54I'm messing around for family weekend.
04:58So I know.
04:59Sorry to make you feel uncomfy with your mom.
05:02But you were the nicest, best mom ever, helping out your son.
05:06I love that.
05:09Is it cool with you?
05:09We use that in the video.
05:11Is it cool with you all?
05:13Thank you, guys.
05:14Have a good time.
05:14Thank you guys so much for watching the video.
05:16I hope you enjoyed it.
05:17And if you did, please be sure to give it a big thumbs up.
05:18Comment below.
05:19Follow me on the rest of my social platforms.
05:21And I'll see you in the next video.
