• 2 months ago
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 44 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 44 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 44 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 44 Completo HD
00:00All his assets will be distributed equally among his children,
00:06as well as with his wife, Amar,
00:09to whom he also assigned the control of a trust in your name.
00:16And can you tell me how much?
00:19That is confidential information only for Mrs. Amar.
00:31Good morning.
00:32Good morning.
00:34I'm here to look for Nicolás and Arturo Portilla.
00:36Yes, that's what I was told.
00:38But let me see if you can take care of her.
00:41Who am I to tell you to look for them?
00:43I'm Rocío Lara.
00:45Tell them I'm an old friend of Mr. Portilla.
00:50I'm not going to calm down.
00:52I demand an explanation about that ransom.
00:55Let's see how much money it is.
00:57Because we are his children.
00:59Therefore, we are my father's only heirs.
01:04She can't receive more than us.
01:07Leonardo, calm down and sit down.
01:12Now, please.
01:16Let's see, Leonardo.
01:18If that was your father's will,
01:21the only thing you can do is respect his decision.
01:24Let's see, how convenient, ma'am.
01:26Who knows how much you've gotten.
01:28Can you stop fighting, please?
01:33I've been married to Mar for a very short time.
01:36I don't understand so many considerations.
01:38What did you do, Mar?
01:40You are no one to talk to my daughter like that.
01:43Why would my brother leave you so much?
01:45The percentage divided between the five is fine.
01:49But a secret ransom?
01:52A secret ransom?
01:54It is understood that it attracts a lot of attention.
01:57Mar, explain to us what is happening.
02:09If you want the truth, I'll tell you.
02:14Your father left you so much to love
02:18because she is expecting a child from him.
02:23Well, that's right.
02:25My daughter is going to be the mother of your youngest brother,
02:29Los Portillas.
02:31No, I can't be the son's sister for that.
02:33Calm down.
02:34Respect my daughter, okay?
02:36Don't talk to her like that again.
02:38Mar, that's true.
02:41Mar, please, I beg you, tell the truth.
02:44The truth?
02:48Yes, I'm pregnant.
02:50A woman like you can be anyone's.
02:53Watch your mouth.
02:55And you don't threaten my sister.
02:57Don't yell at me.
02:58Don't forget she's in our house.
03:00Mrs. Ofelia, I'm going to ask you to be more prudent
03:05because I swear she doesn't want us all against her.
03:09What can they do?
03:11What can they do against the truth
03:13of a poor pregnant mother?
03:18So you don't have to question anything
03:21because that trust and that money
03:24is for your future brother.
03:27Mr. Notary, I don't want anything for myself.
03:31All I want is for my son to be recognized as a Portilla
03:34and to be left in that trust.
03:36That's all.
03:48Ma'am, I'm very sorry,
03:50but right now no one in the family is receiving visitors.
03:54It's just that I'm not just any visitor.
03:56It's very important that I see them.
03:58I don't know if you know, but the boss just died.
04:02Well, that's exactly why I'm here.
04:05Mrs. Rocío?
04:07Oh, Valeria, it's good to see you.
04:09I need you to tell this girl
04:12that I need to see Arturo and Nicolás.
04:15Oh, Mrs. Rocío, they're pretty busy right now.
04:19They're reading Mr. Luis' will.
04:22Well, then I'll wait here until they're done.
04:26I really don't think it's a good time.
04:29Why don't you come back later? I know what I'm saying.
04:32It's just that I need to see them.
04:35If you want, I'll let you know when they're freer
04:37so I can pick them up, but right now it's not a good time.
04:40Okay, but please do let me know.
04:43I'll leave you my phone number, okay?
04:45Yes, yes, of course.
04:46Oh, please let me know, I'm begging you.
04:49Uh, let's see.
04:51Oh, I'll write it down for you.
04:58I'm going to call you.
05:03So you can keep my number too.
05:06Yes, okay.
05:10Oh, Mr. Notary.
05:12Daughter, you'll understand.
05:14It's very bad.
05:16Don't listen to him, please.
05:18What are we going to do?
05:19What do you mean what?
05:20Go to court and impose this madness.
05:22It's your father's will.
05:24You heard him.
05:26Everything is legal.
05:27His father left him like that.
05:30She'll be happy, won't she?
05:32Juan, this is a family matter.
05:36Juan is my husband and he has every right
05:38to get into my problems.
05:40Look, guys.
05:41The best thing you can do is respect
05:44what your father wanted.
05:48Oh, God.
05:49It's just that whenever there's money, it's the same.
05:51Ambition, ambition.
05:53Oh, my God.
05:56Something is very clear, huh?
05:58That bitch cheated on my dad.
06:01If my dad recognized him,
06:03we can't do anything.
06:05Why didn't he tell us anything?
06:07Because I'm sure it can't be him.
06:09Dad wouldn't do something like that.
06:14I'm very sorry.
06:17The truth is that you don't deserve this.
06:19Guys, my job is to communicate
06:21your father's decision.
06:23If you want to proceed legally,
06:24you have every right to do so.
06:26But your father was aware
06:28and within his mental faculties.
06:30This is what he really wanted.
06:33And I hope you can understand it.
06:38Excuse me.
06:48What happened?
06:50Nothing happened.
06:51What do you mean, nothing?
06:52Mar, look how you are.
06:53What happened?
06:54Your move came out well, huh?
06:56How convenient.
06:57You get pregnant with my dad
06:58and now you're the victim, right?
07:00Mila, let's go, please.
07:01But don't think I'm going to allow
07:02that child to stay with what is ours.
07:04Let's go.
07:05Let go of me.
07:10Is that true?
07:12Mar, are you pregnant?
07:15I can't believe it.
07:16Well, it's true, Valeria.
07:18And why didn't you tell me anything?
07:21That baby can't be Luis's, Mar.
07:23You're not going to believe me either?
07:25Mar, please don't try to fool me.
07:29Luis is your dad?
07:36That woman is planning something worse.
07:38What are you talking about?
07:39What do you mean?
07:40Her attitude.
07:41Didn't you realize?
07:43No one rejects their part of the inheritance
07:45just to protect their child.
07:48What she wants is to keep cheating on them.
07:51No, but this is not going to end like this.
07:53For now, we can't do anything.
07:56To begin with, that child is not yet born
07:58and we cannot make a decision.
08:01But when that happens,
08:03I'll take care of this.
08:07Yes, I'll take care of it.
08:16Answer me, Mar.
08:18I'll tell you the truth.
08:19I'm pregnant and my son's father died.
08:22That can't be true, Mar.
08:24Let's see.
08:25Are you doubting your sister?
08:28This doesn't make sense, Mom.
08:30No, what doesn't make sense
08:32is that you're not happy for Mar.
08:35I expected any reaction from that family,
08:38but from you?
08:39Oh, no, no, no.
08:40I can't believe you're telling her that.
08:43You better be happy that you're going to be an aunt.
08:46And maybe even a godmother.
08:48Stay out of it.
08:49I'm talking to Mar, not you.
08:51How rude.
08:52You talk, but you have no idea what you're saying.
08:55If your sister and Mr. Portilla
08:57didn't want to give the news,
08:59it was because it was too soon.
09:01Besides, it's best not to say anything
09:03until the three months are up.
09:05No, no, no.
09:06Don't try to fool me with nonsense.
09:09If Mar hid it, it was for something else.
09:15Think about it.
09:17Your father already had four children.
09:19Why would he want one more?
09:21I agree.
09:23And with such a short marriage.
09:26Maybe that's why.
09:28No, this doesn't make sense.
09:30Where are you going?
09:31Let me know when my new brother is born.
09:33Arturo, you can't do that.
09:35No, what worries me the most
09:37is that we don't know how much money that fideicom made.
09:40Oh, my love, whatever.
09:42He already left you more than you.
09:44Your father didn't leave you unprotected.
09:46Oh, I wouldn't be so sure.
09:48And look how he turned his back on us all.
09:51I'm sure that baby isn't Luis'.
09:55I could have fooled him.
10:08No, now.
10:09No, it's just that...
10:21What happened?
10:23Are you okay?
10:26Just thinking about Camila makes my chest hurt.
10:30Poor girl.
10:32Yes, poor girl.
10:34Imagine, she just lost her mom and now her dad.
10:38And to think she's so young.
10:41That's unfair, isn't it?
10:44It's very difficult to recover from such strong blows.
10:47She's going to need a lot of support.
10:55Can you understand all the tragedies that have happened to her family?
10:59No, I honestly don't understand.
11:02So much money they have.
11:05So many misfortunes.
11:08Look, maybe we won't have so much money.
11:12But we don't need love or happiness.
11:18We have plenty of those two, son.
11:36Stop making silly ideas in your head.
11:39And better support your sister.
11:41It's all she needs.
11:45You know you'll always have my support, no matter what.
11:50But please tell me the truth, Mar.
12:02Congratulations on your inheritance.
12:04I imagine you already have what you wanted, right?
12:06Well, I wish you and your son the best.
12:13Go with your wife.
12:15They are one for the other.
12:17And now that you're here together, why don't you congratulate me on my pregnancy?
12:21That kid is never going to be my brother.
12:29Let's go, Juan.
12:30Let's go.
12:47This can't be happening.
12:49We underestimated that girl with a dead fly face.
12:52It's a nightmare.
12:53Do you realize?
12:54We're going to make fun of everyone.
12:55I know, honey.
12:57Do you know what's saddest and what hurts me the most?
13:00Cecilia's memory.
13:02My poor mother-in-law, may she rest in peace.
13:06What are people going to say?
13:07The maid's daughter, who comes home when your mother dies,
13:12is going to be the mother of Luis Portilla's last child.
13:15No, no, Paula.
13:18Do you think Dad knew Amar before?
13:22Oh, honey.
13:23I already believe everything at this point.
13:26No, it doesn't make sense.
13:28It's like...
13:30It's like they were talking to me about a man I never met.
13:34Dad always said it was important to be honest.
13:41Oh, honey.
13:43It must be very hard to realize the truth.
13:46And you must feel very disappointed
13:49because you've always struggled to be up to his level.
13:56Look, honey, you have to realize
13:58that you're a much better man than he is.
14:01It's just that you are what he only looked like.
14:06I don't know how much this hurts you.
14:08Especially because of how they've treated you
14:10and because they took away your place,
14:12what belongs to you.
14:15Honey, I'm here with you.
14:18Listen to me, listen to me.
14:20I want to help you.
14:21And I know you're not thinking clearly right now, Leonardo.
14:27That's why I'm here to help you.
14:30Let me do it for you.
14:34Look, I'm sure there's something very strange.
14:40I swear I won't let them take away
14:42everything that belongs to us.
14:46I love you so much.
15:02Mar, please tell me the truth
15:05because it's very hard for me to work on all this.
15:08There's nothing complicated.
15:11Your sister is still waiting for you.
15:15How old are you?
15:16I don't know.
15:17You don't know?
15:18Okay, perfect.
15:19Grab your things and let's go to the doctor right now.
15:21Let's go.
15:22That's it.
15:23Oh, that's it.
15:25So you do know how old you are.
15:28Let's go.
15:39Here's your nephew.
15:48You're almost three months pregnant, Mar.
15:51Don't you have that marriage thing?
15:54Please tell me the truth.
15:56I don't want to talk right now.
15:57Then when, Mar?
15:58When are we going to talk?
16:00Enough, Valeria!
16:01Leave me alone!
16:06I was expecting more from you.
16:09How awful!
16:11You're always judging me
16:12because you say I'm pressuring your sister.
16:14And look at yourself!
16:16Look at yourself!
16:28How do you feel, my love?
16:30I don't understand any of this.
16:34Do you know anything?
16:35No, of course not.
16:38I just don't understand.
16:40I think that's why your dad married her.
16:44And especially in such a hurry.
16:46That's why he protected her so much, even from you.
16:49But how could my dad have a son
16:51at this moment in his life?
16:53Well, I don't know.
16:56I don't know.
16:58But there's something that does make sense to me, Nico.
17:02What makes sense to you?
17:03Your father does everything for his children.
17:05And with this one who's about to be born,
17:07he was the exception.
17:09He did this for that baby.
17:11Now I understand.
17:13And even though he's gone,
17:15he's still doing it.
17:16He left him syphilis,
17:17and he started loving to take care of him.
17:21So what are we going to do?
17:24If your father already did it,
17:26we have to honor his will.
17:31My God.
17:36Yes, we have to respect his will.
17:40And you, Nico,
17:43you're the only one who can make your brothers
17:46change their minds and respect her.
17:54Are you okay?
17:57Well, you don't look okay.
17:59It's just that everything has been very hard for me.
18:01I'm just sad.
18:03Well, you look very bad.
18:05Don't you think it's best if they examine you?
18:07No, no, it's not necessary.
18:09Yes, it is necessary.
18:11Mar, you have to think about your baby.
18:13Think about your baby.
18:15Think about your baby.
18:17Think about your baby.
18:19Mar, you have to think about your baby.
18:22Look, something as strong as your husband's death
18:25can affect your son a lot.
18:29You don't know how many stories there are.
18:31In situations like this,
18:32women, because they pretend to be strong,
18:35even lose their baby.
18:37You don't want that, do you?
18:39Well, then you have to be okay
18:41and make sure that baby is too.
18:45¿Estás consciente que es lo único que te queda vivo de Luis?
18:49No quiero ir sola.
18:50Claro que no vas a ir sola. Yo voy contigo.
19:01No es de él, ¿verdad?
19:03Ese bebé no es de Luis.
19:05¿Qué cosas dices?
19:06Y tú lo sabes.
19:07Tú sabes que nada de esto es cierto.
19:09Cállate, cállate y escúchame bien.
19:13Si tu hermana dice que ese bebé es del señor Luis Portilla,
19:17lo es.
19:18Pero, mamá, ¿por qué?
19:19¿Cómo puedes hacer esto? ¿Cómo?
19:21Porque como madre, mi deber es apoyarla.
19:25Y el tuyo, Valerita, igual.
19:28Somos una familia y ese bebé también.
19:32Esto es una locura.
19:33¿No te estás dando cuenta de todo lo que puede pasar?
19:36El señor Portilla ya dejó todo arreglado en el testamento.
19:39No va a pasar nada.
19:42Solo tenemos que seguir adelante con esto.
19:45Es que no te estás dando cuenta de las consecuencias
19:48que puede traer una mentira de esta magnitud.
19:51Que no es mentira.
19:52Ay, mamá.
19:56Cállate y no vuelvas a decir algo así en esta casa.
20:03Ay, Valeria, ya me tienes harta.
20:06Ese bebé es un Portilla y punto.
20:11Verdad, eres capaz de lo que sea.
20:14¿No te importan los problemas que yo puedo tener con Arturo?
20:18Mar también puede tener problemas y no te importa, mamá.
20:21Eso es justo lo que no entiendes, mi amor.
20:26Nuestros problemas se acaban de terminar para toda la vida.
20:32Por eso, hija, lo único que te pido es que al menos
20:36por una vez en tu vida me hagas caso.
20:41Y no digas nada más.
20:55Ay, Dios.
20:57Es que todo sería tan fácil, tan fácil.
21:03¿Cómo estás, Camila?
21:04¿Cómo voy a estar?
21:06Pues muy mal.
21:07A ver, ven, siéntate.
21:08Ahorita te preparo un té de valeriana para que te calmes.
21:10No, a ver, no me voy a tomar nada.
21:12Ándale, el té te va a caer bien.
21:14A ver, ¿usted cree que un té va a solucionar mis problemas?
21:17¿Cómo se nota que no tiene idea de lo que me está pasando?
21:24Juan, ¿qué tiene Camila?
21:25¿Por qué está así?
21:28Lo que pasa es que el papá de Camila
21:30le dejó una buena parte de su herencia a Mar.
21:33¿Y eso por qué?
21:37Porque Mar está esperando un hijo de Luis Portilla.
21:43¿Oíste lo que te dije, mamá?
21:45No sé de qué te sorprendes, Juan.
21:47A mí no me extraña nada.
21:49¿Cómo dices eso, mamá?
21:51Eso fue planeado con tiempo por Ofelia.
21:54Todos sabemos que esa tipa siempre ha sido capaz
21:56de lo que sea con tal de salir de la pobreza.
22:03Arturo, tenemos que hablar.
22:05No tenemos que hablar nada, Nicolás.
22:08Todo esto, todo lo que está pasando, no tiene sentido.
22:10Cálmate, por favor, cálmate.
22:12Es que no entiendo a mi papá.
22:14Desde que se casó, todas las decisiones que empezó a tomar.
22:17¿Y tú crees que yo sí lo entiendo?
22:19Yo lo único que sé es que tenemos que mantenernos unidos
22:22porque esto que está pasando puede destruir a la familia.
22:25Leonardo se va a dejar calentar la cabeza por Paula.
22:28Y yo no sé qué pueda hacer.
22:30Y Camila, bueno, Camila está fuera de sí.
22:34Así que, por favor, ayúdame a mantener a la familia unida.
22:40¿Y si realmente todo este tiempo nos estuvieran mintiendo?
22:44¿Quién es Mar?
22:47¿Su mamá?
22:48No, no, Arturo, no.
22:50Valeria no sería capaz de hacer algo así.
22:52Es que, Nicolás, Mar no puede estar embarazada de mi papá.
22:56Es hermana de Valeria.
22:58¿Sí te das cuenta?
23:00La hermana de la mujer que amo
23:03va a destruir a nuestra familia.
23:11Ya me siento bien.
23:13No creo que sea necesario que me revisen.
23:15Mar, ya estamos aquí.
23:17Tranquila, no seas necia.
23:19A ver, ahí está el doctor.
23:24¿Señora Portilla?
23:25Sí, soy yo.
23:26Doctor Linares.
23:27¿Qué tal, doctor?
23:29Mucho gusto y muchas gracias por recibirnos.
23:31Bueno, Mar es mi suegra.
23:33Está embarazada y ha pasado por cosas muy difíciles últimamente.
23:37La verdad es que creemos que es muy importante que la revise.
23:40Queremos saber si está bien ella, el bebé, todo.
23:43Sí, claro, claro.
23:44Pero ya me siento bien.
23:46Su nuera tiene razón.
23:48Después de una impresión tan fuerte,
23:50lo mejor es revisar que el bebé esté bien.
23:54No se preocupe.
23:55Le voy a hacer un ultrasonido y exámenes de rutina.
23:58Está bien.
24:00Pase a cambiarse, por favor.
24:01Pasa tu bolsa, que te lo cuido.
24:09Linares, ponle el precio que quieras.
24:12Necesito saber si ese bebé es hijo de mi suegro o no.
24:30¿Qué tal?
24:31¿Qué tal?
24:32¿Qué tal?
24:33¿Qué tal?
24:34¿Qué tal?
24:35¿Qué tal?
24:36¿Qué tal?
24:37¿Qué tal?
24:38¿Qué tal?
24:39¿Qué tal?
24:40¿Qué tal?
24:41¿Qué tal?
24:42¿Qué tal?
24:43¿Qué tal?
24:44¿Qué tal?
24:45¿Qué tal?
24:46¿Qué tal?
24:47¿Qué tal?
24:48¿Qué tal?
24:49¿Qué tal?
24:50¿Qué tal?
24:51¿Qué tal?
24:52¿Qué tal?
24:53¿Qué tal?
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24:55¿Qué tal?
24:56¿Qué tal?
24:57¿Qué tal?
24:58¿Qué tal?
24:59¿Qué tal?
25:00¿Qué tal?
25:01¿Qué tal?
25:02¿Qué tal?
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25:15¿Qué tal?
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25:49¿Qué tal?
25:50¿Qué tal?
25:51¿Qué tal?
25:52¿Qué tal?
25:53¿Qué tal?
25:54¿Qué tal?
25:55¿Qué tal?
25:56¿Qué tal?
25:57¿Qué tal?
25:58¿Qué tal?
25:59¿Qué tal?
26:00¿Qué tal?
26:01¿Qué tal?
26:02¿Qué tal?
26:03¿Qué tal?
26:04¿Qué tal?
26:05¿Qué tal?
26:06¿Qué tal?
26:07¿Qué tal?
26:08¿Qué tal?
26:09¿Qué tal?
26:10¿Qué tal?
26:11¿Qué tal?
26:12¿Qué tal?
26:13¿Qué tal?
26:14¿Qué tal?
26:15¿Qué tal?
26:16¿Qué tal?
26:17¿Qué tal?
26:18¿Qué tal?
26:19¿Qué tal?
26:20¿Qué tal?
26:21¿Qué tal?
26:22¿Qué tal?
26:23¿Qué tal?
26:24¿Qué tal?
26:25¿Qué tal?
26:26¡¿Que qué bunu que es esto?!
26:27¿Esto qué es...?
26:28Porque esto que está pasando aquí en la casa
26:29es algo que no se va a acabar.
26:30El hijo que está esperando Mal
26:31va a ser nuestro hermano.
26:33Nos guste o no nos guste
26:35y tenemos que reconocer como un Portunama.
26:38¡Eso es precisamente la idea que no acepto!
26:41¡No la acepto, Nicolás!
26:50Lo que me está pidiendo es muy grave.
26:53Yo no puedo darles información
26:55If I do it, I'm risking my professional life.
26:58You understand, right?
27:00I understand, Doctor.
27:01But don't worry about anything.
27:03Absolutely no one will know what happened.
27:06And I assure you, if you do it, I'll pay you very, very well.
27:12No one can find out about this, ma'am.
27:14Of course not.
27:21Now I'll take the sample with Mrs. Portilla.
27:24But I'll also need a sample of your father-in-law.
27:28He passed away, but I suppose you can get it by paying.
27:35It's ready.
27:37Come this way, please.
27:52Mom, don't follow her anymore.
27:53If Camila already hated Amar,
27:55don't give her any more reasons, please.
27:57But I'm not making anything up.
27:59It's obvious that no one had realized
28:01what kind of person Ofelia was.
28:03Mom, please.
28:04Look, the best thing you can do is stay away from that woman.
28:08And I'm warning you, if you don't get ready,
28:10she's going to kick you out of the house
28:12and she's going to keep everything, I assure you.
28:14Enough, I don't want to talk about this anymore.
28:16Oh, well.
28:18Besides, Amar is not like that.
28:20His mother pressures her a lot, you know that.
28:22It can't be.
28:24I really don't understand how you can be so blind
28:26not to see things.
28:28Just look at how far Amar has come.
28:30I already told you that he did everything
28:31because his mother manipulated him.
28:32Look, don't make me angry.
28:34And better than your wife, don't even listen to you talk like that.
28:37Because if you leave, Amar Juan,
28:40Camila is your wife and she's first of all.
28:43Don't forget that, kids.
28:55Oh, Rosita.
28:57Have you seen my daughter?
29:00Amar left a while ago with Mrs. Paula.
29:04What? With Mrs. Paula?
29:07Where were they going?
29:08No, I don't know.
29:09I just saw that they left together.
29:13This can't be.
29:14This is very strange.
29:22Voice mailbox.
29:27Where did he take her?
29:30Daughter, do you know where your sister is?
29:32No, I'm just looking for her too.
29:34She went out with Paula, but where?
29:37I don't know where. Nobody knows anything.
29:40She thinks she's on her own, but she's going to hear me.
29:42She's going to see.
29:57You can rest assured, Mrs. Portilla.
30:00In the ultrasound, everything looks very good.
30:04Your baby is very healthy and is progressing as it should be.
30:07Thank you very much, doctor.
30:09What about the tests he took?
30:13Well, those will take a few days.
30:16As soon as I get the results, I'll contact you
30:19in case there's anything wrong, but don't worry.
30:23Don't worry.
30:25This is just a routine checkup.
30:28I told you Dr. Linares would be very good.
30:30The truth is that I trust him a lot.
30:32And you know what reassures me?
30:34Despite what's going on, you and your baby are fine.
30:37You see?
30:39Mrs. Portilla, despite the fact that everything is fine,
30:41I want to ask you to take good care of yourself.
30:44Doctor, don't worry.
30:45I'll make sure it is.
30:48You know you can trust me, right?
30:50Thank you very much.
30:52I like to know that I have you by my side.
30:56Well, thank you very much, doctor.
30:59We'll keep in touch, Mrs. Portilla.
31:02Excuse me.
31:03Thank you, thank you.
31:06You're welcome.
31:11Are you serious, Nicolas?
31:14We can't accept this idea so easily.
31:15I already talked to my aunt.
31:17And if this was my dad's decision,
31:19we have to respect it.
31:27I'll leave it for you to talk.
31:32How do you feel?
31:35There are too many things...
31:36I know, I can imagine.
31:39Why didn't you tell me anything, Valeria?
31:42Because I didn't know.
31:44You really didn't know?
31:46I swear, Arturo.
31:47I would never have hidden something like this from you.
31:49How can you not know, Valeria?
31:51Mar is your sister.
31:52I don't like it when you don't trust me.
31:57I'm sorry.
31:58It's okay.
31:59I'm sorry.
32:01It's okay.
32:02There are too many things for me.
32:23Camila, don't you want to go see something on TV?
32:28Come in.
32:31Sweetie, I brought you this.
32:33You'll see it'll help you.
32:38They say toasted bread absorbs bile from the body.
32:42It won't hurt you.
32:46It's the best there is for corals.
32:49Thank you very much, Mom.
32:52Come on.
32:53You'll like it a lot.
32:55And I already told Juan
32:56that with Ofelia, they have to stay together.
32:58If they don't get ready with her,
33:01she'll leave them on the street.
33:03I'll never allow that.
33:04First dead.
33:05That's how it has to be.
33:07The baby Mar is going to have will never be my brother.
33:10She only saw a way to stain my family
33:12and take advantage of my father.
33:14And I'm not going to let that happen.
33:17Don't give up, sweetie.
33:18Don't give up on that girl, Mar.
33:20And much less on Ofelia.
33:22Mom, that's enough.
33:23That's enough, please.
33:24I'm sorry.
33:25I'm sorry.
33:26I'm sorry.
33:28That's enough, please.
33:30Juan, wait!
33:31Don't go!
33:42I'm glad you're calmer now.
33:44You're probably exhausted,
33:45so go get some rest.
33:47Hey, I don't think you should tell anyone we went.
33:50I don't want to get in trouble with the family,
33:53let alone your mom.
33:55Who knows how she'll take it?
33:57Don't worry.
33:59Where were you?
34:01I went out for a walk.
34:05Where did you take her?
34:07I already told you we went for a walk.
34:10You're going to tell me where.
34:11Mom, I went out because I'm stressed out here.
34:14What can stress you out here?
34:19We were worried about you.
34:21I'm fine.
34:22I needed to get out of here.
34:24And Paula came with me.
34:26I want you away from my daughter.
34:30Do you understand?
34:33Don't worry, Ofelia.
34:34I only went with her.
34:37Don't worry.
34:38You'll be fine.
34:40You're crazy.
34:44I'm going to my room.
34:45I want to rest.
34:57Sweetie, you have to be strong.
35:00How can I do that? My dad died.
35:03My family turned their backs on me.
35:06I've never felt so sad and alone.
35:09Don't think about that.
35:12Drink your tea.
35:14You'll see it'll help.
35:16How do I feel? I have everything against me.
35:19Why do you say that?
35:22Juan is still in love with Mar.
35:24And you know it.
35:25How can you say that?
35:27Because it's obvious.
35:29It's obvious he can't stop thinking about her.
35:31No, no, no, Camila.
35:33My son wouldn't look at another woman
35:35because he respects marriage.
35:37He respects you.
35:39He respects you.
35:40He respects you.
35:41He respects you.
35:42He respects you.
35:43He respects you.
35:44He respects you.
35:45His wife is your father's wife.
35:47But she was his girlfriend and they were in love.
35:50That was in the past.
35:52After all the harm she did him.
35:57I don't know.
35:59I think he'll let me go.
36:02He's going to go with her.
36:05Tell me something, Camila...
36:08Do you really love my son?
36:11Yes, ma'am.
36:13Yes, ma'am. I fell in love with him.
36:17Then don't let him go with her.
36:21Don't let him separate from you.
36:23Do whatever it takes for him to stay with you.
36:26No matter what has to happen.
36:41Tequila, doble.
36:59Otro, por favor.
37:26¿Estás bien?
37:30¿Qué pasó?
37:32Le he dicho a mi alma y corazón
37:34que nunca me los va a devolver.
37:49¿Segura que estás bien, Mar?
37:50Sí. Estoy bien, lo prometo.
37:53Lo prometo.
37:54A ver, mijita.
37:55¿Con permisito?
37:57Ahora sí.
37:59Me vas a decir a dónde fuiste.
38:00Ya, mamá. Ya.
38:02¿Para qué quieres saber?
38:03No es que quiera.
38:05Tengo que saber.
38:07Fui al doctor, ¿ok?
38:08Para revisar al bebé y ver que todo estuviera bien.
38:12¿Y para qué fue Paula?
38:15Le pedí que me llevara.
38:16Me tocaba revisión.
38:18No te creo.
38:19Pues no me creas.
38:20A eso fui.
38:21Si quieres, llámale al doctor.
38:22A ver.
38:23Sí, sí. Voy a llamarle.
38:24Dame el teléfono.
38:25No, nadie le va a hablar a nadie.
38:27Mar no tiene cinco años.
38:31Que llame, ¿sí?
38:33A ver si así me deja depresionar.
38:34A ver, préstame.
38:35No, mamá.
38:36Te está diciendo la verdad.
38:37Ya olvídalo.
38:41Está bien.
38:42Te creo.
38:43Vaya, por fin.
38:46Si no les molesta, necesito tomar una siesta.
38:48Ay, yo también una siesta, sí.
38:50Aquí de este lado.
38:52No, no, no.
38:54Espérame, yo me quedo.
38:56Ya la dejamos descansar.
38:58Ay, ay.
39:01Ay, contigo.
39:15Señora, es que si me cachan, me puedo meter en un problemón.
39:18Pero pues nadie se va a enterar.
39:20Tanto usted como yo vamos a ser muy discretos.
39:22Es que no me la puedo jugar.
39:24Tengo chamacos que alimentar.
39:25Pues exactamente por eso.
39:27Lo que le estoy ofreciendo probablemente no lo va a ganar en toda su vida.
39:31Y le aseguro que va a poder darle a sus hijos mucho más de lo que se imagina.
39:37La herencia de mi suegro es algo que está poniendo en riesgo muchos intereses.
39:42A los muertos hay que respetarlos.
39:44Ay, pero si usted no va a hacer nada.
39:46Mire, lo único que necesito es que cuando saquemos el ataúd y lo abramos,
39:52usted simplemente se hace de la vista gorda.
39:55Así como que no pasó nada.
39:57No sabe ni qué está pasando.
39:58Y mire, todo esto es lo que le voy a dar.
40:02Usted solamente tiene que fingir que no pasó nada.
40:05Yo me voy a hacer cargo de mandar a las personas indicadas y ya.
40:16Mucho dinero.
40:21Valeria, ¿ya te vas?
40:25No sé.
40:27Quería acompañar a Arturo, pero pues...
40:30¿Pero qué?
40:32Que por más que intento acercarme a él, no me deja, Nicolás.
40:36Así es, Arturo. No te lo tomes personal.
40:39Yo sé.
40:41Pero quiero estar cerca de él y no me deja.
40:44Por favor, Valeria.
40:46Yo sé que puede ser frustrante, pero dale tiempo.
40:50Lo que Arturo siente por ti es muy fuerte,
40:52nada más que a veces no sabe cómo expresarlo.
40:57Ojalá el amor fuera más fácil, ¿no?
41:00Yo no entiendo por qué la gente se complica tanto en una relación.
41:04Porque es obvio que nunca has estado enamorado.
41:07El amor es eso.
41:09Te pone a prueba todo el tiempo.
41:10Te hunde, te levanta y te exige todo.
41:14Todo lo que puede de ti.
41:17En eso tienes toda la razón.
41:20El amor se puede llevar todo.
41:24Es complicado.
41:26Te hace sufrir.
41:28Y luego te eleva, te lleva a las nubes.
41:31¿Y sabes qué? Que a pesar de todo es hermoso.
41:36A mí nunca me ha interesado el amor.
41:38Para mí solo es una fantasía.
41:42Un sueño nada más.
41:52Mar, por favor, te lo ruego, di la verdad.
41:55¿La verdad?
41:59Sí, estoy embarazada.
42:03No puede ser.
42:05No puede ser.
42:08No puede ser.
42:35Todo lo que hago, mi amor,
42:39es para que ni tú, ni mi nieto sufran lo que yo sufrí.
42:47Siempre voy a estar aquí para que no pasen hambre,
42:51ni frío,
42:53y nunca tengan cadencias.
42:58Pero sobre todo
43:00para que tú, mi niña,
43:02no sufras al lado de un hombre
43:07que te robe toda la ilusión,
43:11la felicidad
43:14y las ganas de vivir.
