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00:00I would like to request you, sir, that if we are able to expand this cluster program,
00:11for example, in our district, the Reboy district, where ICAR is, a lot of ginger is grown here.
00:18But to promote this ginger here, apart from our state government's mission mode program,
00:24farmers do not get any other support.
00:26Similarly, if we do not have any other cluster development programs,
00:30like ginger, black pepper, bamboo, mushroom, honey,
00:37if we do not have as many cluster development programs as possible,
00:42then I am sure, sir, that our people will get a lot of benefit from this, sir.
00:49Sir, there is an area, which you know, sir, you have also mentioned,
00:54that is, sir, of bamboo.
00:56Sir, today, if you look at the entire Northeast,
01:00then in every corner of the Northeast, today, in every state,
01:05bamboo grows and grows naturally.
01:07And we have not been able to take advantage of this.
01:10I think, sir, with my belief that if you can connect this bamboo mission
01:15with private sectors, big private sectors, sir,
01:18even though I don't want to name them, but there are many big industries, sir,
01:23if any of them come to the Northeast,
01:27on a large scale, we can do a large-scale production system of bamboo,
01:35if possible, in every state.
01:37If not possible in every state, then in some hubs,
01:40where we can make different products from bamboo,
01:44whether it is ethanol from bamboo,
01:47whether it is paper from bamboo,
01:49whether it is the products that are made from bamboo all over the world,
01:53among all these things, sir, I believe that bamboo is a sector
01:58where we can reach the entire Northeast and the people of our villages in the Northeast,
02:05our farmers, farmers, poor people, sir.
02:08If we can do this bamboo mission on a large scale, sir,
02:13I believe that we will be able to bring a lot of development and change
02:20here in the Northeast and in Meghalaya, sir.
02:25Sir, finally, I would like to say just this much on behalf of ICR,
02:31that ICR has done a lot of research today,
02:35and as the Secretary said,
02:37there is a lot of attention towards climate change and climate resilience products.
02:42Sir, I also believe that in the next 5 years, 10 years, 15 years,
02:47it is very important to pay attention to this,
02:50and not just climate resilient products,
02:53but if we see a product that will disappear in the next 5-10 years,
03:01and farmers should gradually put alternative products in it,
03:06then this research is also necessary.
03:08Today, if you see, sir, in Meghalaya, in the Garo Hills sector, in the Rayboy sector,
03:13and where there is a little humid climate,
03:15where we are, there are arachnid products.
03:17Sir, in arachnid products, there is a very dangerous disease called bird rot disease.
03:23There are Kerala institutes in it, sorry, the institutes that are in Kerala,
03:27they have helped us, but we could not stop it.
03:30And because of this, most of our arachnid plantations have disappeared, sir.
03:35And our farmers were completely unaware,
03:38and within a year or two, their entire earnings, their entire farming,
03:44their entire plantation disappeared.
03:46So, before these other products,
03:50if we take steps together, alternative support, state government, central government, ICR,
03:56if we can do all this together,
03:58then I believe, sir, that this is also something that will be very important for our farmers.
04:04Finally, sir, there are many centers of our KVKS,
04:10and almost KVK in every district,
04:12and in many places, KVK is running with ICR.
04:15Sir, my suggestion would be that we should strengthen this institution at the grassroots level, sir.
04:23And in this, if we can give more manpower, machinery, flexible funds,
04:29so that they can take decisions at the grassroots level.
04:32It is not that we have to say from Barapani, Shillong, Bengalai,
04:35that what should happen in different districts of Arunachal.
04:39That should be the decision of the KVK of Arunachal district.
04:43That should be the decision of the KVK of Malikpur,
04:46that what is there in my district and what is not.
04:48So, in this way, if we can strengthen the KVKS financially,
04:54if we can provide financial support,
04:56I believe, sir, that this will also be a very good step.
