• 2 months ago
🕰️ Sommarøy, l'île où le temps n’existe pas 🇳🇴

Au large des côtes norvégiennes, se trouve Sommarøy, une petite île unique en son genre : ici, le temps n’existe pas. 🕰️

Située au-dessus du cercle polaire arctique, l’île connaît 69 jours de lumière continue en été et de longues périodes d’obscurité totale en hiver. 🌙

En 2019, ses habitants ont lancé une initiative visant à abolir le concept du temps traditionnel. 🌟

Plus de montres, plus d’horaires fixes : ils vivent selon les cycles naturels de lumière. Cette "zone sans temps" symbolise leur mode de vie détendu et étroitement lié à la nature. 🌿

🏠 Avec seulement 300 habitants, principalement pêcheurs ou impliqués dans le tourisme, l’île se distingue par ses maisons sans rideaux, permettant à la lumière omniprésente de pénétrer librement.

🌬️ Son climat polaire maritime est modéré par le Gulf Stream, rendant les hivers plus doux et les étés frais. 🌡️

Source : CNN 📰

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00:00This is the only place in the world where time does not exist.
00:02Somarøy is a hidden island off the coast of Norway.
00:04Unlike any other place on earth, this island is located above the Arctic Circle,
00:08which means it only has 69 consecutive days of light in summer and long periods of darkness in winter.
00:13In 2019, the inhabitants of Somarøy launched a campaign to abolish the traditional concept of time
00:18by removing the 24-hour clocks and proposing a 100-year zone.
00:21This initiative aimed to draw attention to the peculiarities of their way of life
00:24influenced by the extreme variations of natural light.
00:26The island benefits from a marine polar climate moderated by the Gulf Stream.
00:29Summers are cool, between 10 and 15 degrees,
00:31and winters are relatively mild compared to its latitude, with temperatures often around minus 5 degrees.
00:36Somarøy has about 300 inhabitants, most of whom are fishermen or involved in tourism.
00:40They live according to rhythms influenced by light rather than by strict timetables.
00:43They enjoy a relaxed lifestyle centered on nature and the community.
00:46It is also common for houses not to have opaque curtains,
00:48the omnipresent light of summer is perceived as normal and the inhabitants do not try to block it to sleep.
00:52Finally, the name Somarøy means summer island in Norwegian.
00:55Although it is spectacular all year round, the island is particularly popular in summer for its endless luminous atmosphere.
00:59And for more videos on the subject, subscribe to Omniscience.
