• 2 months ago
Fabiola Sabedra y Kevin Alfonso Gil repasan los ganadores de los Premios de Los Grandes De La LVBP. đŸ”„âšŸ

Presentado por Sella Tu Parley y Banesco

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #LaPrevia #SellaTuParley #Banesco #BanesConecta #RoundRobin
00:49What's up friends of Baseball Play, welcome to the preview this Friday, January 10, 2025.
00:57Today is going to be a totally atypical preview because we are going to be talking about those players who were the most outstanding in this season of the Venezuelan League of Professional Baseball, 2024-2025.
01:12But before we get into this topic, Fabiola Saavedra greets you in the company of Kevin Alfonso Gil. How are you Kevin?
01:20Hello Fabi, very good. Greetings to you and to all those people who accompany us daily here on Baseball Play.
01:26As you mentioned, we are going to be reviewing the awards in this 2024-2025 season, those individual awards that in some way attribute the good performances of each of the protagonists.
01:40We must remember that this is done at the end of the regular round. At this time we already know what are all the awards that were awarded in this 2024-2025 season, which by the way is being played in honor of the great VĂ­ctor Dabalillo.
01:56Correct, and this year perhaps it was very clear regarding several awards because there were extraordinary campaigns that each of these winners offered.
02:08For example, the award that was least predictable was that of the Manager of the Year because there was a very good competition, a healthy competition, quite beautiful.
02:20But in the end, thanks to great names such as Henry Blanco, José Moreno and Litzo Nava, the LBBP was awarded.
02:30The first awards that were known, Fabi, were those of the Set-Top of the Year, Closer of the Year and Producer of the Year.
02:37These were announced on January 4th, we are going to start precisely with the Set-Top of the Year.
02:43Who won it? The left foot of the Margarita Brazos, Edgar Jiménez, with a great campaign there in that bullpen of José Moreno.
02:53He was even leader in holes with 10 commitments kept. What a good job this left foot did there in that insular structure.
03:01That's right, and Jiménez was very effective at least in the insular bullpen for this campaign.
03:08He has done an extraordinary job because we are still seeing him enjoy the postseason of the LBBP.
03:16In addition, he became the third player in the Margarita Brazos franchise to obtain this award.
03:22Yes, well, there they have a retribution for that great job that the left foot has been doing.
03:30It is an important part of both José Moreno and Giovanni Carrara, the pitching coach of this team of Margarita Brazos.
03:38And as such, of the entire organization of the Margarita Brazos.
03:42There they have precisely the graph of what was the performance of Edgar Jiménez in this regular round, 24-25.
03:49It has a somewhat high effectiveness, 6.63, but we must remember that this award is obtained through a formula.
03:59And look at the holes, he has 10 holes leader, this left foot in this round, in our season, in this season 24-25.
04:08And also, I was also very struck by this graph, it is the whip 1.58 of Edgar Jiménez.
04:15As far as whip is concerned, what it means is that he did not have so much movement in the bases.
04:21Fabi, great campaign, really, for Edgar Jiménez.
04:24And also, Descartes participated in the Nojignorul achieved in this round by the Insulares,
04:29just in front of the Tiburones de la Guaira on November 9th.
04:34Really, what a historical event, not only for the Venezuelan ball here in this campaign, but also for the Margarita Brazos.
04:43Well, Fabi, we now move on to the other award.
04:46Given that January 4th, I refer to the Closer of the Year,
04:51that Silvino Bracho rose with this award from the Aguilas del Zulia.
04:55El Pupilo, as he is also known, re-registered his name in the greats of the LBBP.
05:01Second opportunity that Silvino Bracho obtains this award of the Closer of the Year in our circuit.
05:07Correct, and it is that Silvino was the leader in Salvados in this campaign.
05:11I refer to 2024-2025 with 10 rescues, proving that he is one of the great Closers of our Venezuelan ball.
05:21I think there is no doubt as to why Silvino Bracho is taking Closer of the Year.
05:27Without a doubt, Fabi, without a doubt that he has been one of the great Closers of the great top players of our circuit.
05:33And recently he also achieved, let's say, a historical figure in terms of postseason.
05:40There you have the data or the record of the regular round of Silvino Bracho in this 2024-2025 season.
05:48An efficiency of 2.92 in 24 and 2 thirds.
05:53He only allowed 8 clean races, 19 fans, only 9 tickets,
05:5910 rescues and a WIP below 1. 0.97 of WIP.
06:04Great job for Silvino Bracho in this 2024-2025 season.
06:09But if we talk about another award, we have to mention Renato NĂșñez,
06:14because he took Distinction to Producer of the Year.
06:17Definitely Renato NĂșñez has made a historic campaign in the LBBP.
06:23And I believe that the years will pass and we will not forget that great Renato NĂșñez
06:28who left a record of quadrangles in the SAFRA and was 4th in equalizing the one of promoted races.
06:35When I talk about equalizing the record of campaigns,
06:38we have to remember that he reached the 21 stakes that Alex Cabrera dispatched at some point.
06:45The Caribbean Fabi was undoubtedly a fundamental piece in that structure of Eduardo PĂ©rez
06:51in this SAFRA 2024-2025, in that structure of the sailors of the Magellan.
06:56There they also have the graph of what was his performance in this regular round,
07:0124-25, 59 unstoppable, 11 doubles, 21 quadrangles.
07:08Fabi already commented that he tied the record of Alex Cabrera.
07:11And well, the record of promoted races was also very close there.
07:16He finished with 63 produced and the record is in the power of JesĂșs GuzmĂĄn,
07:21who left that record in 67.
07:25He also finished above the 300 of Average and an OPS of 1,111.
07:30So a historic season, Renato NĂșñez with the sailors of the Magellan.
07:34I wonder what the sailors of the Magellan would have done
07:38if they had not counted on Renato NĂșñez for this season.
07:41Maybe things would have been the same as the Turkish ship has been showing
07:46or maybe Renato's absence would have been felt.
07:51No Fabi, I consider that without the presence of Renato NĂșñez,
07:55the sailors of the Magellan would not have achieved the success they achieved
07:59in this regular round 24-25.
08:02Without a doubt, Renato was a fundamental piece in that line-up of Eduardo PĂ©rez,
08:06in that structure of the management of the sailors of the Magellan.
08:10As we have already mentioned, with a historic season, this 24-25.
08:15We are now going to review the next awards.
08:19I have to refer to the Luis Salazar Award at the return of the year
08:23and the Carrado Bracho Award at the pitcher of the year.
08:26Both awards focused on a single player or a single thrower.
08:32I'm talking about Junior Guerra, what a great campaign, right?
08:35The one of the right in this 24-25.
08:38The case of Junior Guerra, Kevin, is simply spectacular.
08:42And above all, it tells us that not only life, but also sport,
08:47gives us those rematches.
08:49Look at the arduous process that Junior Guerra has gone through
08:52in terms of his operation.
08:54He returned to baseball with the Guaira sharks last campaign,
08:58but it was this season that he showed his best version.
09:03He became the ace of the rotation of the Magellan sailors,
09:07where we can also say that the Magellan sailors
09:10got into the postseason thanks to the good numbers
09:13that Junior Guerra left in the regular round.
09:16Eight victories, gentlemen, and just one defeat,
09:19was what Junior achieved at the time of acting in La Lomita.
09:24Without a doubt, Fabi, without a doubt, it is to admire Junior Guerra's performance.
09:28And above all, also because of the age that this Venezuelan thrower has,
09:32he is no longer a boy for the ball.
09:35And look at the good performance he showed this season.
09:39There are the numbers.
09:41The graph with the numbers already mentions Fabi
09:44of the winning and losing record.
09:46He pitched for 68 innings and a third.
09:49He barely allowed 27 races, 4 horns, 26 passports, 48 punches,
09:57an effectiveness of 2.63 and a whip of 1.33.
10:03It was very close for Fabi to become another triple crowned in our ball.
10:10And that is not an easy task to do.
10:13There Junior Guerra was giving the cathedral of the good pitching
10:17that still remains in his arm.
10:20By taking this award, he returned the year,
10:23surpassed Jan Gervis Solarte in the vote,
10:26who by the way was in second place,
10:28and Pedro RodrĂ­guez, who took third place.
10:31Compared to Jan Gervis Solarte,
10:34he is also a man who deserved to be there
10:37as one of the nominees for the return of the year.
10:40And as for the pitcher of the year,
10:42it should be noted that he achieved this distinction unanimously.
10:47Definitely Junior Guerra for this campaign surpassed himself.
10:52And look, something curious here, Fabi,
10:54that Jan Gervis Solarte and Junior Guerra
10:57protagonized a change between the Magallanes and the Guaira Sharks
11:01and both were nominated there for the return of the year.
11:05They are mysteries that our ball has,
11:08but what a great campaign both players showed in this 24-25.
11:13With this, we have to make our first pause here in this special.
11:17We come back with much more.
11:27We come back with much more.
11:57We come back with much more.
12:03The family has arrived.
12:06Hello, my friend.
12:23Friends, we are back with more of the preview through Baseball Play,
12:27an honestly special program dedicated to the players
12:31who were insignia and above all were awarded
12:34in what was their performance in the regular round.
12:37But before continuing, we have to extend the invitation to each of you
12:42to subscribe through www.baseballplay.com
12:46because with a single payment of 12.99
12:49not only will you be enjoying the actions of the round robin,
12:53but also of the grand final.
12:55You know, www.baseballplay.com
12:58Now, Kevin, we continue with this good outcome,
13:01with this good conversation that we have been having
13:04because it is time to mention the award that goes to the rookie of the year.
13:09It is a man who uniformed himself, well, not a man,
13:13a boy who uniformed himself with the Guaira Sharks for this campaign
13:17and yes, I refer to Luis Matos.
13:20Yes, Fabi, well, this young man became the number 14 player
13:24of the Guaira Sharks in taking this distinction,
13:27great campaign from the beginning of the season,
13:30showed great skills both in defense and offense
13:35and notice that he added a total of 273 points
13:38to rise with this rookie of the year award in this 24-25 season.
13:44It leaves behind José Fernåndez de Caribes de Anzuategui
13:48and Luis Ángel Acuña who uniformed himself with Cardenales de Lara.
13:52There was the dispute, who was going to take the rookie of the year
13:57and notice that of the 55 voters, Luis Matos received 54 votes
14:03to rise with the first place.
14:05As you mentioned, it was very clear here who was going to take this award.
14:10Yes, Fabi, well, there you have precisely the numbers of Luis Matos
14:14with the Guaira Sharks in this 24-25 season.
14:17In the regular round, 55 disputed commitments,
14:21he was only missing one to play the full regular round,
14:2420 doubles, 10 quadrangles, 41 pushes, an average of 300 points
14:31and an OPS of 881.
14:34Great campaign also for the young Luis Matos
14:37and by the way, the only vote Luis Matos did not get
14:41was for José Fernåndez, the young man from Caribes de Anzuategui
14:45who arrived there in the second row in this vote.
14:48Yes, well, really impressive the campaign that Luis Matos did here
14:53in his season as a rookie and this also gives an indication
14:58precisely to the fans of Guaira Sharks
15:01that the man is going to continue uniforming himself
15:04and above all he is going to perform, right?
15:06Because he already showed it and I think he will stay that way.
15:10Now, over there, there is another distinction
15:12which is the Chico Carrasquel Award to the Manager of the Year.
15:16Previously, we were talking about this,
15:19over there Litzo Nava took this award,
15:22that is, your candidate Kevin was the one who won
15:24because you leaned towards Litzo Nava
15:27and I at least did it with Henry Blanco.
15:29Yes, Fabi, and without disdaining the work of Henry Blanco
15:33or José Moreno, I consider that the 13 leaders
15:36did a very good job in this 24-25 campaign
15:40but I leaned the scale for Litzo Nava
15:43because we were talking about a set of Aguilas del Zulia
15:46that had not qualified in the last 5 years for the Round Robin.
15:50He returns to the team in this 24-25 season,
15:54he was talking about returning that confidence to his players
15:57and notice that he did it and wow, in what a way, right?
16:00Putting the Aguilas del Zulia back in a Round Robin,
16:04there they are also leading the postseason,
16:07that is, he returned that confidence
16:10that he was talking about at the beginning of the preseason.
16:13So great merit for Litzo Nava
16:16to get this Malayer of the Year award
16:19for the second time, right?
16:22I would like to rescue just what you just mentioned,
16:26that Litzo Nava returned the confidence to the Aguilas del Zulia,
16:30we had a lot of time,
16:32just 5 years ago, correct me if I'm wrong,
16:36because we really didn't see the Aguilas del Zulia
16:39as strong, as fast as we are enjoying it right now in the postseason.
16:43Yes, totally, Fabi.
16:45In addition, you can see a geared team,
16:47all their pieces are, let's say, rowing in the same direction
16:51and you also have to add the fans to that.
16:54I also observe many Zulian fans
16:57who have returned to Luis Aparicio el Grande de Maracaibo,
17:01you feel a joy in that team
17:04that is to be admired,
17:06and basically that too, or to a large extent,
17:09Litzo Nava also has a responsibility in that.
17:12Correct, because let's see, if we evaluate
17:15how that table of classification was in the regular round,
17:18the boys took third place
17:20with a record of 30 victories and 26 defeats.
17:24What do I mean by this?
17:26Your comment is very valid.
17:28When the team gives good sports results,
17:31then the fans have the responsibility
17:34to go out and support the team.
17:36And that is precisely what we are seeing there
17:39in Luis Aparicio el Grande de Maracaibo,
17:41so great work from Litzo Nava,
17:43along with the sports management of the Aguilas del Zulia,
17:47because we also have to remember that Litzo Nava
17:50had a great roster in this season, 24-25,
17:54figures of great renown, of great weight,
17:57and they formed from the beginning of this season
18:00with the Rapaz team,
18:02and there they are also eradicating the success
18:04of the Aguilas del Zulia.
18:06It is a job, Fabi, that I consider to be
18:08joint between the management, the board,
18:12and of course there Litzo Nava,
18:14who is leading this Rapaz team.
18:16Yes, well, from here, from the Baseball Play studio,
18:19we send our most sincere congratulations
18:21to the manager Litzo Nava,
18:23but also to Henry Blanco,
18:25and of course to José Moreno,
18:27because there the dispute was quite arduous.
18:30Now, we come to the part that surely
18:33everyone was waiting for,
18:35well, but guys, who won the most valuable player?
18:38Well, nothing more and nothing less than Renato NĂșñez,
18:40gentlemen, it could not be another.
18:42It could not be another, Fabi,
18:44without a doubt that Renato NĂșñez had his best campaign
18:47in the Venezuelan League of Professional Baseball,
18:49a historic season,
18:51tying that record of quadrangles of Alex Cabrera,
18:54more than giving so little of the record of impulses,
18:57also in a campaign that is in power of JesĂșs GuzmĂĄn.
19:00That is, he was a very valuable player
19:03for the structure of Eduardo PĂ©rez,
19:05we already mentioned it in the producer of the year award,
19:08which also rose with this award.
19:11In the case of the most valuable player, Fabi,
19:14the opponents were Lorenzo Cedrola and Harold Castro,
19:17who also had a great campaign in this 24-25.
19:21Yes, honestly, Harold Castro and Lorenzo Cedrola
19:24have a lot of merit to be measured there
19:27in the 2x2 with Renato NĂșñez,
19:30because really, if we put the three of them individually,
19:33they have had a successful campaign,
19:36at least Lorenzo was the one who remained as a batting champion
19:40and almost closes with an average of 400 points.
19:44And as for Harold Castro, well,
19:46Harold Castro always a performer.
19:49Yes, Harold Castro, notice that he surpassed his personal top
19:52of quadrangles with 15 in this season,
19:55he also surpassed his top of tops with 41
19:58and also finished with an average of over 330 points.
20:03So, great campaign for these three players
20:06or in general for all those we have mentioned here
20:09in these LBBP awards.
20:12Of course, from here, from the Baseball Play studio,
20:14we send our congratulations to each of them.
20:17With this, gentlemen, we are going to finish,
20:20but first we are going to review the day.
20:24What is the menu for this Friday?
20:26The Tigers of Aragua visit the Bravos of Margarita
20:29from 7 p.m. in Guatemala.
20:33Next, the Eagles of Zulia will be visiting
20:36the José Bernardo Pérez de Valencia
20:38to face the sailors of the Magallanes.
20:40The play time will be at 7 p.m.
20:43With this, gentlemen, we thank each of you
20:46for your faithful tuning.
20:48Remember to subscribe through www.baseballplay.com
20:53and also to interact on the different digital platforms.
20:56It is located as arrobaBaseballPlay.
20:59It will be until next time. Bye, bye.
21:03The preview was presented by Vanesco.
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