• 2 months ago


00:00The way they treat the civilians is very good.
00:06We thank the Indian Army for such camps.
00:10Secondly, I request the CO and the GOC to set up camps for the children to train.
00:29Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.
00:34What would you like to say?
00:36What would you like to say about the camps set up by the Indian Army?
00:43First of all, I would like to thank the Indian Army.
00:45They have set up a very good camp in our mountainous area.
00:49People have come from every village.
00:51People have come from P.D.
00:52People have come from D.A.R.
00:53People have come from S.A.K.R.I.
00:54People have also come from P.R.O.D.I.
00:56I request the Indian Army to set up camps in our mountainous area.
01:03The Indian Army has treated the civilians very well.
01:09They are giving good medicines.
01:11The Indian Army has set up a camp in our mountainous area.
01:15It is a cold area at the moment.
01:16The doctors and civil doctors cannot reach this area.
01:19But the Indian Army doctors and civil doctors have come here today.
01:25I would like to thank the administration and the people who have helped us.
01:32On one hand, the Indian Army is taking care of the civilians.
01:35On the other hand, the Indian Army is taking care of our health.
01:38What would you like to say to the Indian Army?
01:40The Indian Army is taking care of our people.
01:43It is also taking care of our health.
01:45It is also taking care of people's safety.
01:50Please come forward.
01:55Please tell us your name and what would you like to say?
02:00My name is Ghulam Rasool.
02:03I am the Imam of S.A.K.R.I.
02:07I would like to thank the Indian Army for setting up a medical camp here.
02:15A lot of people were worried.
02:17They cannot go to Rajouri or Jammu.
02:20They are old people.
02:21It is very easy for them to come here.
02:24The doctors are getting all kinds of medicines.
02:27If someone has an earache, they go to a different doctor.
02:31If someone has an eyeache, they go to a different doctor.
02:35Similarly, there is a cure for every disease.
02:38We get all kinds of medicines here.
02:40We thank the Indian Army very much.
02:44Thank you for setting up a camp here for us.
03:15I am Abdur Rahman from S.A.K.R.I. Ward No. 2.
03:21I live in this ward.
03:24We thank the Indian Army very much.
03:29This is a remote area.
03:32This is the last border.
03:34No one looks at this border.
03:38The Indian Army has set up this camp.
03:43We get all kinds of medicines here.
03:46The patients are not worried.
03:48The facilities are very good.
03:50The medicines are very good.
03:52We thank the Indian Army very much.
03:54We thank the central government for setting up this camp.
04:01How are people coming out of their homes?
04:04It is still early in the morning.
04:06There are a lot of people coming.
04:08I don't think there were as many people as there were on the day of voting.
04:13On the day of voting, it was like this.
04:17Thank you very much.
04:20In such a remote area, they didn't ignore us.
04:30There are a lot of people everywhere.
04:33They didn't take us anywhere.
04:37We are thankful to the central government.
04:40This is the central place.
04:42There are almost all kinds of facilities.
04:44How does it feel to see the Indian Army on one side?
04:47How does it feel to take care of our health?
04:50This is the day.
04:51We see the army guarding our homes at night.
04:56The army goes on all night.
04:59This is the day.
