• 2 months ago
PT Brigit Biofarmaka Teknologi Tbk resmi melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Emiten berkode saham OBAT ini menerbitkan saham baru sebanyak 170 juta saham atau setara 28,33% dari total modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh setelah IPO. Adapun harga saham yang ditawarkan ke publik, sebesar Rp350 per saham. Dengan demikian, OBAT meraih dana segar sebesar Rp59,5 miliar.

Perseroan secara bersamaan juga menerbitkan sebanyak 85 juta Waran Seri I yang menyertai saham baru perseroan atau sebanyak 19,77% dari total jumlah saham ditempatkan dan disetor penuh. Waran Seri I diberikan secara cuma-cuma sebagai insentif bagi para pemegang saham baru, dimana setiap pemegang dua lembar saham baru, berhak memperoleh satu Waran Seri I. Dan setiap satu Waran Seri I memberikan hak kepada pemegangnya untuk membeli satu saham baru perseroan yang dikeluarkan dari portepel.

Emiten yang bergerak di bidang usaha maklon herbal, kosmetik, dan minuman fungsional dan botanikal ini akan menggunakan seluruh dana hasil IPO untuk modal kerja seperti pembelian bahan baku, penambahan produksi, dan pengembangan pemasaran. Sedangkan dana yang diperoleh dari pelaksanaan Waran Seri I juga akan digunakan seluruhnya untuk modal kerja perseroan.


00:37BIO PHARMACA TECHNOLOGY TBK is officially on the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
00:42This drug stock emitting code
00:44offers a new stock of 170 million shares
00:47or 28.33% of the total capital placed
00:51and can be fully stored after the IPO.
00:55There is also a share price offered to the public of 350 rupiah per share.
01:00Thus, the drug emits a fresh fund of 59.5 billion rupiah.
01:06The joint shareholding also offers 85 million Series 1 waran
01:11which includes a new shareholding or 19.77%
01:15of the total number of shares placed and can be fully stored.
01:19Series 1 waran is provided for free as an incentive for new shareholders
01:24where each holder of two new shares is entitled to one Series 1 waran.
01:30And each Series 1 waran gives the right to the holder
01:33to buy a new share of shares issued from Portable.
01:38Emitting that moves in the field of business in the field of herbal drugs,
01:41cosmetics and functional drinks and botanicals
01:44will use all the IPO funds for capital
01:48such as the purchase of raw materials,
01:50the addition of production and the development of marketing.
01:54While the funds obtained from the implementation of Series 1 waran
01:57will be used entirely for the capital of the shareholder.
02:00Jakarta, coverage team of IDX Channel.
02:09Yes, viewers, to discuss our interesting topic this time,
02:12the IPO of PT Brigade Biopharmaka Tehnologi TBK with the drug company is already present
02:16with me in the IDX Channel studio.
02:19There is Mr. Mahmoud Lutfi Huzain,
02:20he is the Chief Commissioner of PT Brigade Biopharmaka Tehnologi TBK
02:24and also Mr. Is Herianto,
02:26he is the Chief Director of PT Brigade Biopharmaka Tehnologi TBK.
02:30Good morning, Mr. Is, Mr. Mahmoud.
02:32Good morning.
02:33Good morning, Mas.
02:34How are you?
02:35I'm good.
02:36We say congratulations because today you are officially a member of Bursa Efek Indonesia.
02:42Mr. Mahmoud, maybe it can be explained first to the audience,
02:45what is actually behind the Series 1,
02:48why did you choose to be a listed company in Bursa Efek Indonesia?
02:54Actually, the story started when I was in college.
02:58At that time, we did a research on microalgae spirulina.
03:01So, spirulina is very shocking.
03:04The result of the lab test is that in 1 gram of spirulina,
03:07it contains 1 kg of fruits and vegetables.
03:10At that time.
03:11We did a research,
03:12then we made the industry to make it easier to consume.
03:17With a capsule or a drink.
03:19Finally, we built this company, this industry,
03:23and because our research is strong,
03:25many people are enthusiastic to market it too,
03:29but using their own brand.
03:31So, we created and finally made the Maclone industry.
03:34So that we can create new entrepreneurs,
03:37who can be the brand owner in the future.
03:40Finally, with a situation like this,
03:43because digital marketing can be operated by many people,
03:47and it's more efficient now,
03:49we can be IPO in no time.
03:52It's not just a funding.
03:54But there is a trust.
03:56Because it doesn't exist yet.
03:57In Indonesia, there is no Maclone industry yet.
03:59There is no IPO yet.
04:01It's only us who can do it.
04:03So, the trust to the market will be even more amazing.
04:07Because in the market, there are a lot of cosmetics products
04:11that are over claimed.
04:14There are a lot of dangerous chemicals,
04:17including drugs.
04:19So, it's confusing.
04:20We have to find the right industry
04:22so that we can get quality products.
04:24This is our momentum.
04:25This is the first time in Indonesia.
04:27The first time to take advantage of momentum.
04:29That's right.
04:30This is our momentum.
04:31That's amazing.
04:32Can you tell us a little bit about your profile?
04:34From Perciarwani to Mr. Is, maybe.
04:36What is it like?
04:37Hi, Mr. Ras.
04:39Brigitte was established in 2015.
04:43However, we were still a bit slow.
04:46We started to accelerate.
04:47We set up a strategy.
04:49We started to accelerate in 2018.
04:52From what you said,
04:53there are clients who want to have their own brand.
04:56At that time, we also developed a brand.
04:59With the brand Neo Alga Spirulina.
05:01That's our own brand.
05:02Then it was marketed.
05:03One of them is through a marketing platform.
05:07Another one is through an application.
05:10Then there are also several marketplaces that we sell there.
05:14Then the people are enthusiastic.
05:16They want to have the brand.
05:18Finally, we accommodate them.
05:20From the research, we have been strong.
05:23Mr. Mahmud himself,
05:24from 2013,
05:26did a research on the acclimatization of algae from seawater to fresh water.
05:31So we have a patent.
05:32The patent for microalgae spirulina is in us.
05:35Fresh water.
05:38since there are so many fans,
05:39we have an initiative for innovation.
05:43Then in 2022, it's cosmetics.
05:47Cosmetics brand.
05:49as Mr. Mahmud said,
05:51we have to be trusted.
05:55In order to be trusted by the public,
05:57one of the things is not to over-claim.
06:00There are also a lot of people on social media
06:04who have over-claimed cosmetics.
06:07So it's very disturbing.
06:10Finally, we have a strategy
06:12how our cosmetics are in accordance with IDRB POM's permission
06:16with the quality that is in accordance with the composition.
06:20We even lab it first.
06:21That's right.
06:23Over time,
06:24the cosmetics have been running.
06:25Finally, we also have a company
06:27that establishes a division of functional and botanical drinks.
06:32So, for example,
06:33there is a client who wants to drink collagen.
06:36We prepare it.
06:37The formula is already there.
06:38We already have R&D team.
06:39We already have a botanist.
06:41Then, there is someone who wants coffee.
06:43Men's stamina coffee.
06:47So, there are a lot of efforts
06:50or macro business
06:52that can be developed further.
06:54That's right.
06:55Moreover, the basics are based on your own research.
06:58what is the position of Persia R1
07:00since it was established until now?
07:05In my opinion,
07:06the movement is very exponential.
07:09As usual.
07:10In 2023, for example,
07:12our assets are only 30 billion, sir.
07:14But it can generate 12 billion laba.
07:19And this year, sir,
07:20our assets are only 50 billion, sir.
07:23But the laba is 30 billion, sir.
07:25So, the efficiency of this industry is very extraordinary.
07:27By only rotating 50 assets, sir.
07:30Even though there are buildings and so on, sir.
07:33But we can generate 30 billion laba.
07:35There is no funding yet, sir.
07:38If all the funding comes in,
07:39we will use it to invest in the market, sir.
07:42Because the utility of our production is still 30 percent.
07:46So, there is still 70 percent that we can give.
07:49Without having to invest again.
07:51So, we use this money for penetration to the market.
07:54That's amazing.
07:55That's amazing.
07:57In the end, it can be believed that the funds produced
08:00or invested by the investors are really used again
08:03for the expansion of the business.
08:05That's right.
08:06For the future.
08:07That's right.
08:08Let's talk about the business climate.
08:09From the field of herbs, cosmetics,
08:11then functional drinks,
08:12and botanicals that have been mentioned earlier.
08:15What is it like?
08:16Is the demand still growing, sir?
08:19Yes, still.
08:20Especially, there is a movement called
08:22we have to be a businessman.
08:24The spirit for people is to become an entrepreneur.
08:27Not just a restaurateur.
08:28He wants to be a brand owner.
08:31We facilitate it like that, sir.
08:33So, the animus is very extraordinary.
08:35Why, sir?
08:36Because the marketing is different from the old days.
08:38In the old days, the doors are closed.
08:40Now it's different, sir.
08:41Digital marketing now.
08:43By using digital marketing, it's really very efficient.
08:46I see it myself.
08:47Young people who are only 20 years old,
08:49their income is hundreds of billions, sir.
08:52By using digital marketing,
08:55we make interesting content and make it viral.
08:58When the ad is popular,
09:01our factory will support the capital
09:04to provide the stock buffer.
09:07So, the money will be used to advertise again.
09:12So, it continues like that.
09:13It's interesting from a business point of view.
09:15It's important to support each other.
09:17That's right.
09:19We will see what it's like
09:20with 59.5 billion from H&O.
09:22We will talk about it in the next segment.
09:25Mr. Mahmud, we will take a short break.
09:26Mr. Mirsa, make sure you are still with us.
09:47Thank you for joining us
09:49in Market Review.
09:50In the next segment,
09:51we will share data related to the new emittance profile
09:54in the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
09:56Brigit, Biopharmaceutical Technology,
09:58TBK, with the drug stock code.
10:00As you can see on your television screen,
10:02the main activity from Preseron is
10:04Herbal Maclone,
10:05functional and botanical cosmetics and drinks.
10:08There are 170 million stocks that were released
10:10or 28.33% of the listed capital.
10:13The IPO result is 59.5 billion rupiah.
10:17Next, let's see what the use of IPO funds is for.
10:21It's interesting.
10:22Let's look at 100% of Preseron's working capital.
10:25It includes purchasing of raw materials,
10:28additional production,
10:29and development of marketing.
10:3159.5 billion rupiah,
10:33all for working capital.
10:35Next, the ownership of stocks from drugs.
10:38There are Mahmud Lutfi Hussein,
10:41Amey Lisa Dita Karina,
10:43Narno Raharjo,
10:45and the community, 28.33%.
10:49Next, let's look at the assets,
10:52liabilities, and equities
10:55of Brigit Biopharmaceutical Technology, TBK,
10:58with the drug stock code.
11:00The assets are 52.08 billion rupiah,
11:03liabilities are 24.61 billion rupiah,
11:06and equities are 27.47 billion rupiah.
11:10Let's continue the discussion
11:11with Mr. Is Herianto,
11:13Chief Director of Brigit Biopharmaceutical Technology, TBK,
11:16and Mr. Mahmud Lutfi Hussein,
11:18Chief Commissioner of Drugs.
11:21It's interesting.
11:22Let's dig deeper.
11:24I want to dig into the use of IPO funds.
11:28It can be explained.
11:29It's all for Preseron's working capital.
11:32What will be done?
11:34Okay, Mr. Raz.
11:35We want to expand our company.
11:42So, there are potentials
11:46to develop supplements,
11:49and also tablets,
11:52and maybe other products.
11:55But we will use it for profit.
11:58So, to build a company,
12:00to build an infrastructure company,
12:03SDM, machine, and then construction,
12:05it's purely for profit.
12:07Even the 59.5 billion,
12:09it's purely for business development,
12:12especially from the purchase of new products.
12:14So, all this time,
12:16let me describe.
12:17When there is a C.A. client,
12:19this C.A. client comes to us,
12:21then at the beginning of the month,
12:23they only have 1,000 orders.
12:25When there are only 1,000 orders,
12:27their sales in 3 months to half a year
12:31turned out to be 100,000.
12:34It means that when the capacity increases,
12:36the company also has to prepare the infrastructure,
12:38whether it's SDM, machine, or construction.
12:43This is a drawback.
12:45So, we don't have a reserve for raw materials.
12:49In the end, this IPO fund is what we will use.
12:53So, how has it been so far?
12:55We ask the client to DP.
12:57We ask them to DP.
12:58It means that this also interferes with their business journey.
13:02Because they have to advertise,
13:04then we ask them to DP first.
13:07With the IPO fund,
13:09we tell the client,
13:11just focus on advertising.
13:13For the budget funds for DP,
13:17please use it for advertising.
13:20Because we already have the funds
13:22to buy raw materials.
13:25So, this is really synergistic,
13:27benefiting each other.
13:29These clients can continue to advertise,
13:32we have prepared the raw materials order,
13:35we have prepared the factory business.
13:37So, this can accommodate any client needs.
13:41Whether it's Rp. 10,000, Rp. 100,000,
13:43even Rp. 300,000 up to Rp. 500,000.
13:46That's it.
13:47So, when it comes to utilization,
13:49production capacity,
13:50actually from the factory owned by Obat,
13:53Mr. Mahmud is ready, right?
13:55Yes, ready.
13:56Only 30%, sir.
13:58There are still 70% left.
14:01It's still very wide, sir.
14:03So, it can be developed further.
14:05That's right.
14:06Speaking of challenges,
14:07if we talk about the raw materials business,
14:09which part is it, sir?
14:11For us, it's from the research, sir.
14:14So, of course, people move.
14:17The raw materials are moved to the factory.
14:19But we can't do that.
14:20Because we created the formula.
14:23The research is from us,
14:24and it's proven.
14:26And the permit is attached to the company.
14:29The permit is attached to the company.
14:31And this is what we want to develop, sir.
14:32This is amazing.
14:33We patented it yesterday.
14:35That is the research on spirulina milk.
14:38So, this spirulina milk,
14:39we have tested it, sir.
14:41We compare it with cow's milk.
14:43Where the cow's milk market share in the company is 160 trillion, sir.
14:47It turns out that the spirulina milk that we research,
14:49it turns out, sir,
14:50the content is far more than cow's milk.
14:54We have patented it.
14:56And this fund will also be allocated to us, sir.
14:59Moreover, in the middle of this,
15:01the government is pushing for food.
15:03That's right.
15:04I will ask you later,
15:05what is the challenge?
15:07That's how it is.
15:08That's why education is very necessary.
15:10Market cooperation with this fund.
15:12Well, Mr. Is, what is education like?
15:13If we talk about literacy,
15:14related to the business,
15:15the acquisition itself,
15:16have many people understood it yet, sir?
15:20In the end, many people have started to understand.
15:22Especially in 2023-2024.
15:25With the emergence of cosmetics,
15:27with new brands,
15:28they also want to have a product like that,
15:31but my own brand.
15:33In the end, there are also cosmetics companies,
15:36especially, yes.
15:38Yes, in Central Java, there are many that appear.
15:41But Brigit itself has a strength,
15:44that is one-stop Maclone, sir.
15:47If other companies,
15:48maybe only one type of supply,
15:50or a maximum of two types,
15:52but we can have five types, sir.
15:56We can prepare the Herbal division,
15:58then the functional beverage division,
16:01then cosmetics,
16:02then Quasi,
16:03later there will also be PKRT.
16:06This is what makes us have strength from that side.
16:09So, people come,
16:10whatever product they want to make,
16:12we have,
16:13God willing, we can prepare it.
16:15With a proven formula.
16:19What's more,
16:20the basis we set up this company,
16:22until this big,
16:23it's from research.
16:24Right, right.
16:25Especially from what you said,
16:27research about microalgae spirulina,
16:29which we,
16:30the only one in Indonesia,
16:31have the patent.
16:34Algae spirulina body power patent in fresh water.
16:36Yes, yes.
16:37That's what we hold.
16:39This is interesting.
16:40So, what about the energy target, Mr. Mohd?
16:41For example,
16:42with the current achievements,
16:43this trend,
16:44it looks like it will continue to be positive,
16:46if we look at how,
16:47public education literacy,
16:48has begun to understand,
16:49like this Maclone business,
16:51so there will be more,
16:52later, of course,
16:53clients will come to the market,
16:55especially with,
16:56a stronger foundation,
16:57with the results of IPO.
16:58What do you think,
16:59what are the future targets?
17:00Yes, of course,
17:01from our prospectus,
17:02we plan to increase,
17:04how much?
17:0520 percent.
17:0620 percent.
17:0720 percent.
17:09That's beyond the limit, sir.
17:10Yesterday, 2024,
17:12the target was 24,
17:14but this is 30.
17:1530 billion.
17:17the increase of 20 percent,
17:18in my opinion,
17:19is very easy.
17:21for us,
17:22who don't have this fund,
17:23it's already like that.
17:26with the addition of this IPO fund.
17:27And this is a momentum.
17:29The Maclone industry,
17:30doesn't have an IPO yet.
17:32In their opinion.
17:33This is our momentum,
17:34to immediately,
17:36so as not to be ahead of others.
17:38people who,
17:39looking for quality products,
17:40they will look for,
17:41which one is more trusted,
17:42by the industry.
17:44That's right.
17:45Surely, they will look for,
17:46better than us.
17:47That's it.
17:50there is a lot of competition.
17:52Both sides.
17:53That's right.
17:54This is what strengthens us.
17:55We have a commitment that,
17:57the hope is,
17:58they trust us more,
17:59from the company's side.
18:00What are the competitive advantages,
18:02and future hopes,
18:03compared to,
18:04the boom,
18:05after the IPO,
18:06how is it?
18:07Our hope,
18:09friends who,
18:10want to be brand owners,
18:12we are ready to serve,
18:14from upstream to downstream.
18:16One stop Maclone,
18:17it's like,
18:18if it can be said,
18:21if you have money,
18:22just sit down,
18:23while pedicure,
18:25while combing,
18:26we have prepared the formula,
18:28we have prepared the design,
18:30until we complete the permit,
18:33we can accommodate,
18:34friends who want to be,
18:35brand owners.
18:37Lastly, Mr. Mahmud,
18:38how do you see,
18:39your optimism for the future?
18:41I am very optimistic,
18:42in the middle,
18:44our new products,
18:45all of it,
18:4680% is from local.
18:48So, we,
18:50there is a dollar increase,
18:51there is a problem,
18:52because we,
18:55from our own research,
18:56our own culture,
18:57and secondly,
18:58the resources are from local.
19:00I am very optimistic,
19:01in the middle,
19:02the community is also starting to be aware,
19:03related to,
19:04increasing body fat,
19:07the importance of antioxidants,
19:08and natural,
19:09not just,
19:11synthetic medicine,
19:14but using,
19:15a more natural method,
19:16it is increasing,
19:18the awareness of the people,
19:19who use cosmetics,
19:20it has avoided,
19:21what is called,
19:23it is now,
19:25in our society,
19:27and everything is connected,
19:29we can do,
19:30digital marketing steps,
19:32very massive.
19:33That's right.
19:34That means,
19:38from the digital era,
19:40Mr. Is,
19:41Mr. Mahmud,
19:42thank you very much,
19:43for the information,
19:45that have been given,
19:47have already invested,
19:48their funds,
19:49in the Emittan Obat.
19:50Thank you,
19:51thank you,
19:52thank you,
19:53thank you.
19:56I've been with you for an hour,
19:57in the Market Review,
19:59keep watching,
20:00Market Review,
20:01of course,
20:02with me,
20:04we will finish first,
20:06Mr. Is Haryanto,
20:07Director of PT Brigit Biopharmaka,
20:08TBK Technology,
20:10Mr. Mahmud Lutfi Huzain,
20:11Chief Commissioner,
20:12PT Brigit Biopharmaka,
20:13TBK Technology.
20:14See you.
20:47Thank you,
20:48thank you.