• 7 hours ago
Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) mencatat 19 perusahaan masuk dalam pipeline pencatatan saham perdana (IPO) hingga awal Januari 2025. Dari jumlah perusahaan dalam pipeline mayoritas perusahaan merupakan entitas beraset jumbo dengan sektor consumer non-cyclicals di kontributor terbesar di enam perusahaan.


00:00Indonesia's stock market is still in the IDX season closing and then we go to the topic of stock market selection
00:10where the Indonesian stock market recorded 19% entry in the first stock record pipeline
00:15or IPO until early January 2025
00:19From the number of companies in the pipeline, the majority of companies are
00:22the leading asset entities with the non-cyclical consumer sector
00:27being the largest contributor with 6 companies
00:33The Indonesian Stock Exchange recorded 19% entry in the first stock record pipeline
00:38or IPO until early January 2025
00:42The Indonesian Stock Exchange's Stock Market Analysis Directorate, IGD Nyoman Yatna, stated
00:47Currently, there are 19 companies in the IPO pipeline
00:50while until January 13, 2025, as many as 80 companies have successfully landed in the stock market
00:57The 8 METANs are divided into 2 record boards, namely the main board and the development board
01:02The 3 METANs that enter the main board are METANs with BGWG, CBDK, and KSIX codes
01:09While the 5 METANs that enter the development board are METANs with OBAT, AGII, BRC, EACU, and YOII codes
01:18From the number of companies that enter the pipeline, the majority of companies are the leading asset entities
01:25This shows the potential of increasing the participation of large corporations in the Indonesian stock market
01:30There is also a reference to the financial services authority regulations
01:34Companies with assets of more than 250 billion rupiah enter the large asset category
01:39In the IPO pipeline, there are 17 out of 19 companies in the pipeline that have assets of more than 250 billion rupiah
01:47In addition, only 2 companies entered the medium-scale asset category
01:52with assets worth 55.50 billion rupiah
01:56with assets worth 59.50 billion rupiah to 250 billion rupiah
02:01and there are no companies with small-scale assets under 50 billion rupiah
02:07In terms of sectoral companies, these companies come from various industries
02:12The non-cyclical consumer sector is the largest contributor with 6 companies
02:17Followed by the basic materials and health sector, each containing 3 companies
02:21The industrial sector also has 3 companies, while the energy, financial, and property sectors are each represented by 1 company
02:29So far, the investment sector, technology, transportation, and logistics are not in the pipeline
02:37In addition, the Indonesian stock market also recorded that up to now
02:415 emissions of 4 trillion rupiah have been detected
02:47Accordingly, for 2025, the Indonesian stock market will target a new record in the capital market
02:53as many as 407 effects
02:55where the activity of the new record effect through the introduction of public funds is expected to reach 66 records
03:03various sources for IDX News
