• 2 months ago
Menteri Koperasi (Menkop) Budi Arie memastikan sebanyak 1.332 Koperasi siap menjadi pemasok bahan baku program Makan Bergizi Gratis (MBG) untuk sekolah-sekolah yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.

Sehingga, menurutnya, program tersebut mampu menjadi pemantik ekonomi nasional dengan menyerap bahan baku melalui pemasok lokal seperti Koperasi. Bahkan, program ini diperkirakan mampu berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 0,89 persen per tahun.


00:05We go to other information.
00:06Minister of Cooperation, Budi Ari Setiadi,
00:08make sure the cooperation is ready to be a supplier of raw materials
00:11from the Free Food Supply Program
00:13initiated by President Prabowo.
00:15Minister of Cooperation, make sure there are 1,332 cooperations
00:19operating in the production sector,
00:21ready to supply raw materials.
00:27In order to make the Free Food Supply Program a success,
00:29Minister of Cooperation, Budi Ari Setiadi,
00:31came to Tempe Indonesia,
00:33which is owned by Tempe Tahu Indonesia,
00:35in Bogor, West Java.
00:37The visit of Minister Budi Ari Setiadi was made in order to make sure
00:39the cooperation is integrated in the cooperation
00:41between Tempe Tahu Indonesia,
00:43or Gakob Tindo,
00:45ready to be a supplier of Tempe and Tahu
00:47in the Free Food Supply Program in Indonesia.
00:49Budi Ari Setiadi said
00:51there are already 1,332 cooperations
00:53operating in the production sector
00:55ready to make the Free Food Supply Program a success.
00:57For that, he will continue to coordinate
00:59with the National Government
01:01as the leader of the NBG Program
01:03so that there will be a cooperation agreement
01:05between the government and the cooperation.
01:07Because the cooperation
01:09can support the NBG Program
01:11in the supply of raw materials,
01:13from vegetables,
01:17eggs, chicken,
01:19including Tempe
01:21and Tahu.
01:23Today, I came from Tempe.
01:27we will verify everything.
01:29And in the future,
01:31maybe in three or six months,
01:33we can make it a hub.
01:35For example,
01:37supplier portals.
01:39Not all areas
01:41or all regions
01:43produce everything, right?
01:45Everything needed in the Free Food Program
01:47cannot be produced
01:49by one area.
01:51So there needs to be management,
01:53supply chain management
01:55to connect
01:57the kitchen
01:59of the NBG
02:01with the availability
02:03of raw materials.
02:05Budi insisted that the NBG Program
02:07which facilitates cooperation
02:09is expected to be able to improve the welfare of cooperation members,
02:11especially farmers, farmers and local servants
02:13who become raw materials suppliers.
02:15Thank you for watching IDX for Knowledge.
